American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 520: Schiller's daily life in hospital (Part 1)

The rich emerald green swayed in the sound of the fine rain, and the mist rose between the trees, as if it had grown into a towering tree overnight, inserted into the misty clouds and waves, and the raindrops slapped on the glass, like a slightly soluble painting.

"Da da da……"

The metronome at the head of the bed made regular sounds, and the breathing gradually got rid of this rhythm, and the chest began to rise and fall faster and faster. With a "Zeng", Schiller sat up from the hospital bed.

He pressed the bottom of his palm against his drowsy head, turned his body, and sat on the edge of the bed, seeing his face reflected on the white floor tiles.

He exhaled and felt a little dry, so he habitually reached out to ring the call bell beside the bed. After he did this, he was stunned for a moment, as if he had remembered something.

The calling bell on the bedside table rang, but it was Stark in a steel battle suit who walked in. After seeing him, Schiller shook his head, throwing some memories out of his mind.

Fortunately, it wasn't the attending doctor who walked in and told him that he was a delusional patient. All his previous experiences were imaginary. set.

But Schiller still didn't understand why he appeared here. He looked up at the ward and found that this was the senior ward of a hospital.

The floor is clean and the tiles are spotless, the flowers on the bedside don't have any pungent odor, and all the corners of the hospital bed have protective measures. Schiller, who used to work in the Presbyterian Hospital, knows that this should be the best one in the psychiatric hospital. kind of ward.

"Zila-", the mechanical friction of the steel suit came, the suit opened, Stark came out from inside, he walked to Schiller and sat down, then looked at Schiller with his eyes.

That look is basically between "you can talk to me no matter what" and "if you don't talk to me, you won't treat me as a friend".

Schiller felt a bit of a headache. Of course, he knew that Stark and Steve had definitely made up his own mind, but the problem was that when he returned to the hall of thinking, he didn't find any clues. What he saw in the Hall of Thought, he had no idea at all.

At this time, Schiller had already reacted. He was definitely trapped by a certain personality in his own thinking hall, and which one was it, does it even need to be asked?

At the beginning, he also left him an abacus, and he actually avenged his revenge.

Now, there is a gap of information between Schiller and Stark. Stark learned something in Schiller's hall of thinking, but because of some careful person, Schiller himself didn't know Stark and Steve. What did you learn in the Hall of Thought?

This is like, the police arrest a prisoner for a case, the police know the details of the case, but the prisoner does not know.

At this time, the police asked the prisoner to confess, but this prisoner was not an ordinary prisoner. He was a serial murderer who committed a lot of cases. He didn't know which case the police asked him to confess. Open the mouth, it is easy to bald and go out more.

Schiller is in this state now. He knows that Stark must have made up his mind, but he doesn't know what Stark has made up for. If he tells all the possible pits in his temple of thinking , I may have to talk about it until next year, and after that, I will never have to be discharged from the hospital.

Schiller reasoned based on the details he knew now, and it was known that his biggest change this time was actually releasing a personality that had never surfaced since he came into this world. That is Moonlight Schiller, who is also a teenager. Le.

At the same time, Kong Su chose this personality as his power carrier. When Schiller took this personality out to deal with the Egyptian gods, Kong Su should still be in the mental ward of the madhouse.

Although Schiller only used Kong Su as a tool person, he also gave him certain permissions, allowing him to move freely in the 10th floor.

In the place below the 10th floor of the Hall of Thought, there were no people. After Stark and Steve entered the Hall of Thought, they did not take the elevator and went up from the first floor. The first existence they encountered might be Kong Su. .

If Stark and Steve were tracking Schiller's trail, after they expressed their intention to Kong Su, Kong Su might have taken them to the ward where the young Schiller once lived.

With Stark's ingenuity, he should find some clues there, so as to speculate on the experience of attending Le's boyhood.

In this case, Schiller thought, then what he exposed to Stark might be some memory fragments from his youth.

From Schiller's point of view, there is no problem with this speculation. After all, it is impossible for him to think that DC Schiller colluded with the id to play a play for Stark and Steve.

The so-called id is actually the most instinctive side of human beings, that is, the true self. This part is actually very difficult to do in a planned way. The id will cooperate with this matter, and even the DC who is in charge of the game. Schiller was surprised, and it was even more impossible for Marvel Schiller to imagine it.

After repeated deliberation on this speculation, Schiller felt that there was no problem with the logic.

Now that the matter has come to this, it is better to plan the plan, Schiller said:

"Do you want to judge me?"

Schiller turned his head, looked into Zhang Stark's eyes, and said, "Without the consent of others, I spy into his inner world, find some evidence that others are abnormal, and then use despicable means to put him in a mental hospital... "

"Tony Stark, do you still want to say, this is for my own good?"

Stark was stunned. He didn't expect Schiller, who had just woken up, to be so aggressive. He spread out his hand and explained, "That's not the case. In fact, we just..."

"Then why am I here?"

Schiller stood up, looked down at the hospital gown on his body, turned around, looked at Stark who was still sitting on the hospital bed, and asked:

"Do you support Kongsu or Amit?"

"...What?" Stark was puzzled.

"Do you know why the two of them fought?"


"Kongsu believes that he has the power to judge and adjudicate only after the crime has been committed."

"What's the problem?" Stark asked.

"And Amit believes that the crime that has happened is irreversible, so the criminal should be killed before the crime is committed."

"Ridiculous," commented Stark, who said, "Everyone in this world is a sinner on this theory."

"Then what are you doing?" Schiller asked Stark.

"You dug out some old things in my thinking hall, so you concluded that I should be put in a mental hospital, so I appeared here."

"But have I hurt others because of my mental anomaly? Have I committed a crime because of this? Don't those anomalies only exist in my mind?"

"Essentially, you're doing the same thing as Amit." Schiller stared into Stark's eyes and said, "Even though he just killed me."

"Sun and Moon"

Stark took a deep breath and said, "We're not trying to judge you, and we're not locking you up here..."

"Well, now I'm going to leave here..." After that, Schiller turned and left, a dark shadow passed by him, Stark walked in front of him, stopped him, Schiller stopped, shrugged He shook his shoulder and said:

"If you'll let me out of here, you won't be wearing a suit today."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the battle suit parked in the center of the ward, and showed a somewhat mocking smile. He said, "The cigarette I handed you back then has become your weapon against me now."

"Did you feel very righteous when you used it to kill Amit? Do you feel the same way when you use it to stop me now?"

"Even though I didn't do anything, you monitor me as a criminal because of my possible danger and uncontrollable power, and even coerce me by force when necessary..."

Schiller walked across to Stark, looked him in the eye and said, "One day, you'll pay for this kind of thinking of yours."

Just when Stark thought that Schiller would leave the ward directly, Schiller turned around and returned to the hospital bed, lay down with his back to Stark, and stopped making a sound.

For a split second before Schiller turned his head, Stark was sure he saw deep disappointment in his eyes, and Stark began to shake.

Schiller didn't accuse him, but just repeated the inner logic of his behavior, and when this logic was brought to the table and analyzed clearly, it sounded as ridiculous as Amit's concept.

This made Stark begin to wonder if he really did something wrong. After all, as Schiller said, Schiller did not actually do anything harmful to society because of his mental On the contrary, he is now very normal in terms of behavior and speech, and even before, he used his wisdom to benefit human civilization.

If a person is born with a bomb and no one knows if it will explode and injure others, should he be imprisoned forever and not be able to do anything?

Between individual freedom and public safety, which one should I choose?

Before, Stark had always preferred the latter, but now, he began to think about the nature of the problem, is it the fault of this person who was born with a bomb? If not, then why did he pay the price of being imprisoned for it?

Even Schiller, after being treated like this, will still feel deeply disappointed, so how many people in this world have noble ideas and are willing to sacrifice themselves to maintain public safety?

"You know what? The moment he questioned me, I was really thinking, did we really want to treat him by putting him in the hospital, or was he afraid that he would get out of control and threaten us?"

"Do I really have the right to do this? To look at him with the eyes of a potential criminal when he's not doing anything?"

In the Avengers base, Stark was sitting at one end of the table, and Steve was sitting at the other end. Steve heard his question and said with some doubts: "Why do you wear a battle suit to visit a doctor? ?"

"How am I going to get there without a suit? Drive? Do you know how congested New York's morning rush hour is?!" Stark asked rhetorically.

"Then why didn't you explain it to him?"


Steve covered his forehead and said, "Wouldn't you be taken into the ditch by him again?"

Stark sighed and said, "I'd rather he was deliberately provoking me like he used to be, rather than being really sad and disappointed by it."

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