American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 525: Schiller's Origin Story (Part 2)

Steve pressed the projector on the table, a list was projected on the wall, and everyone could see the information of cryogenic scientists who met a certain filter.

There are not many scholars on the entire earth who can be called cryogenic scientists. Even if the deceased are counted, the number is only three digits.


Among these people, there are probably only a few dozen well-known scholars who can develop such a genius cryogenic technology, and about 30 of them have spouses.

However, neurodegenerative disease is a relatively rare case, and none of the 30 cryologists had wives with this rare disease.

Even among the 30 cryogenic scientists, except for two widowed and eight divorced, the rest can be called a happy family and a happy life, and there is no tragic story of life and death.

At this time, Strange said again: "I said before, I am the best neurosurgeon in the world, and if anyone suffers from this relatively rare case, then I should at least have seen or heard of it. Yes, but I really don't."

"Moreover, when he gave me the information, he emphasized to me that the patient cannot come to face-to-face consultation, but if it is true as he said, it is the story of his friend, then even if the patient cannot come due to physical reasons, As her husband, why didn't Le's friend come forward in person?"

Stark's voice came from the battle suit, and he said, "If there is such a person in this world, then I will never find it."

No one will think that he is talking big, because in addition to being Iron Man, Stark is also the leader of the Stark Group, the richest man in the world with the largest capital in the world.

Coupled with Jarvis' artificial intelligence and Stark's unparalleled information collection technology, such a person, if he is determined to find someone, is absolutely impossible to find.

But Stark did not find a cryogenic scientist who matched Schiller's description. Whether it is still alive or dead, as long as there is such a person in human civilization, Stark will definitely be able to find his traces, But the truth is, there are no clues.

"So, is this just a rhetoric he made to cover up his story?" Steve frowned, and he said, "There's also something suspicious about Schiller calling his nursing home Arkham. nursing home."

"Where did the surname Arkham come from? And the nursing home has already moved once, and he is still reluctant to give up the name."

"Tony, can the surname Arkham be found?"

"I'm investigating." Stark replied, and after a while, he said with some doubts: "No, no, I have screened all the information on people related to the name Arkham in human history. , but did not match.”

"Maybe it's not a last name, but a middle name." Matt suggested again, and he continued: "And, don't forget, if Schiller wants to cover a person's tracks, you may not be able to find it."

Everyone knows that if the story of that cryogenic friend's friend is true, it doesn't make sense that nothing can be found.

Because Schiller has absolutely no need to cover up the identity of his friend, although it is a little shocking to freeze his wife for treatment, but at this stage, it is not important what others think, instead, he announces his situation. Come out to get more help.

It would be a little more convincing to replace this situation with Schiller himself.

"As far as I know, in the medical profession, many people's spouses are their colleagues." Strange began again.

So, Steve started to connect the story together.

"Schiller was sent to a mental hospital because of his aphasia when he witnessed his parents being killed as a child, perhaps because he was stimulated."

"During his treatment in a mental hospital, he didn't get enough attention and developed a sociopathic personality."

"He spent his teenage years in a mental hospital. Perhaps, he met his former love during this period. She cured him, and Schiller gradually transformed into a normal person."

"After that, he embarked on an academic path to seek the secrets of human psychology and spirituality, and achieved extremely high achievements."

"But then, his wife developed a neurodegenerative disease that cannot be cured by current medical treatments, and he had to freeze it using a cryo-technique pending the development of human medical technology."

"Perhaps, the lack of progress in this area is one of the reasons why he has mental problems again now." Steve sighed.

"Then, the key is still on his wife." Stark emphasized, he asked: "Does anyone know where Schiller goes every time he goes on vacation?"

Everyone shook their heads, Peter hesitated, and then said, "I just know that every time Dr. Schiller leaves, he doesn't bring anything, it doesn't look like a vacation..."

"That means that he may have another home that he can live in directly. Perhaps, that is where he and his wife once lived..."

"But there's no way Schiller can tell us where his wife is." Steve sat down in a chair and said, "Obviously, he doesn't trust anyone about this."

"We'll have to find it ourselves," Stark suggested, saying, "Maybe for emotional reasons, Schiller came to the conclusion that no one was needed, or he thought it was more necessary to hide it."

"But it's not the case, we all understand him and are willing to help him, it's not a big deal, if magic doesn't work, we'll ask Asgard, if Asgard doesn't work, we'll ask other universes Demon..."

"In general, the diseases that humans suffer from may not be a difficult problem to solve in the eyes of these inhuman beings, and if we can solve this problem, we may be able to fundamentally solve Schiller's mental problems.

"The key is, where do we start looking?" Peter said with a headache. "I stayed with Dr. Schiller for a long time, but I didn't find any clues worth noting."

"As long as something has its roots, it will inevitably leave traces." Steve said with great certainty: "As long as this person has existed, it is impossible to leave no clues."

"We still have to start with Schiller." Matt suggested: "Maybe we can find some traces of his life with his wife from the environment in which he lived."

Steve clapped the table and began to assign tasks, he said:

"Peter, you go to the Hell's Kitchen clinic where you and Schiller lived before to investigate. I remember that Schiller should have left a lot of things there."

"Stephen went to the Arkham Sanatorium on Wall Street before. It should have not been renovated, and there may be some traces there."

"As for me, I'll go to the new sanatorium, and maybe I'll find some of Schiller's habits there..."

After Steve made arrangements, Stark looked at him, he looked at Stark, and Steve shrugged and said, "I think with Schiller's current state of mind, he probably won't like you. Rush into his nursing home."

Stark snorted softly, then said, "How are you going to get into his new nursing home? Over the wall?"

"Then how are you going to get in?"

Half an hour later, Stark got out of the sports car, Steve came out from the other side, closed the door, and Stark swaggered into the gate of the nursing home, and was stopped by the nurse as soon as he walked in.

Before the nurse could speak, Stark first moved the sunglasses down on his face, then looked at the nurse from above the sunglasses, and said, "Don't you know who I am?"

"Oh, you are Stark, the richest man in the world, Stark!" The nurse over there was shocked, but then took two steps back silently, apparently hearing about Stark's reputation.

Steve stepped forward and patted Stark on the shoulder, and said, "It seems that brushing your face doesn't work much?"

"Who said I was going to brush my face?" Stark snorted coldly, stopped the nurse and said, "I want to go to the dean's office, how should I go?"

"This is an appointment-based nursing home, there needs to be..."

"How much is a lifetime membership at the highest level?"

The nurse's eyes lit up, and she immediately led Stark to the front desk with a smile. Stark pressed the device on his wrist twice. With the sound of a jingle, the sound of money arriving, the nurse immediately said:

"Now, you can use all the facilities here for free, and we have multiple benefits guaranteed..."

"I just want to go to the dean's room."

"Uh, but the dean himself is not here, this..."

"Do you think he would reject a senior life member who spent so much money? If one is not enough, I can charge another one. I believe you should know something about your dean..."

Hearing this, the nurse thought for a while, and seemed to think that Stark was right. If Schiller was here, Stark was willing to spend so much money, and Schiller must have invited him into the dean's room with a smile. .

Thinking of this, the nurse pointed to the stairs and said, "The second room on the left on the 4th floor, but I'm not sure if the door is locked or if there is a key, if you can't get ~Then there is no way."

Stark shook his head and motioned Steve to follow. Steve shook his head helplessly. No one is better than Stark in terms of the ability to use money.

Coming to the door of the dean's room on the 4th floor, Stark found that the door was not locked, he walked in directly, and then began to rummage in this room with Steve.

These dean's offices are very spacious, with bright floor-to-ceiling windows and new, modern decor, including a huge desk on the east side of the room, which is densely packed with documents.

It took the two of them a long time to dig through these things, but apart from some messy medical records, they couldn't find anything.

There are bookshelves on the top of this desk, and a row of drawers on the bottom side. All the drawers can be opened at will, and paper documents are stacked inside. Only the bottom drawer is locked.

Steve Stark noticed this, and they squatted down next to the desk and began to study the drawer.

The strange thing is that the drawer has no handle and no keyhole on it. Compared with the drawer, it is more like a solid box, and it seems that it cannot be opened at all.

Stark hesitated and gave up the plan of violent disassembly. He stood up and replaced his mecha with a core.

As the magic radiance flickered, a light spot appeared on Stark's gauntlet, and then he pressed his finger on the cabinet door, the magic energy was conducted along the cabinet door, and then found a very special inside the cabinet door. Lock.

With a click, the lock was opened, and Stark reached out and opened the cabinet door. What appeared in his field of vision was an old-fashioned folder.

Above the folder, a badge with a sickle, a hammer and a red flag was shining.

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