American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 553: Bad Stories (Part 1)

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Schiller came to the Stark Building, and when he was in front of the laboratory, he heard a quarrel between Strange and Stark.

"I'll say it again, Tony Stark! I'm a doctor, not God! Why do you come to me every time with this impossible trouble?!"

"Because you know magic!" Stark said confidently.

Strange took a deep breath, clenched his fists and said, "Let the robot learn magic? How on earth did you come up with this? Do you listen to this nonsense yourself?!"

Just as Stark was about to speak, Strange held out a hand to stop him and said, "There are billions of people on earth, but every generation can learn magic and join Kama Taj's , less than 200 people."

"This is a subject that cannot be learned without talent, and there is a high probability that it cannot be learned with talent. In short, it is a miracle of probability."

"However, the opponent Jarvis wants to deal with Ultron does not know magic, so if Jarvis can, won't he win?" Stark's thinking is very clear, he continued:

"Although I think that the scientist who will make intelligent life out of control is not professional enough, if the guy named Ultron really inherits Pym's IQ and thinking, then he may be difficult to deal with."

"It's not just Jarvis, even if anyone in the Avengers wants to deal with such an opponent, there must be a way to ensure that he has an absolute advantage when facing Ultron."

"But it's difficult, because an intelligent life with infinite learning ability has evolved for so long, and no one knows how far he has evolved."

"So, I think, Ultron can't magic, and Jarvis can, so Jarvis can gain an absolute advantage."

"Then have you ever wondered why the powerful Ultron can't do magic?"

"Because no one taught him, that's why I asked you to come over and let you teach Jarvis magic!"

At this moment, Schiller walked in. He was stunned as soon as he walked in, because at this time, there was a huge robot in the center of Stark's laboratory.

The robot is about two meters high. At this time, it is being fixed by two brackets up and down, and it is also more than one meter away from the ground.

The various complicated pipelines and wiring arrangements around are dazzling, and this robot alone takes up more than half of Stark's spacious laboratory.

Schiller stepped forward and looked up at the robot. To be honest, it was a humanoid machine rather than a robot, because at first glance, the lines of his limbs were very human-like, or very similar. Perfect human.

Surprisingly, the metal armor appearance of the limbs can see the traces of every muscle of human beings. If you ignore the lines that are faintly visible from the joints, it looks like the kind of classic full of classics that would appear in the hands of the Renaissance masters. Beautiful plastic, but the material is metal.

Another detail that is different from humans is the head. The head has a more mechanical style and has no specific facial features. It is just a streamlined human head model split into four pieces, which are connected by complex structures. Near the sphenoid bone, there are two metal pieces in the shape of water droplets suspended, which reduces the stiffness of the mechanical style and makes it more flexible.

Schiller folded his arms and looked at the robot carefully. He found many traces of familiar technology inside.

Even if he really can only twist the light bulb, he can also see that the structure on the head should be from Stark, which is a bit similar to his battle suit, but it is bolder and more complicated.

The muscle lines and bionic parts look more like Connors' handwriting, perhaps incorporating some of Osborn's biotechnology.

Even, Schiller still saw a little shadow of Kerry technology in the leg structure and power system.

Seeing Schiller observing the robot, Stark raised his head, snorted, and pressed the button on his arm armor.

Suddenly, the four brackets holding the robot retracted into the ceiling and floor, but the robot did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air.

"Anti-gravity system?" Schiller asked, narrowing his eyes. "It seems that the Kree spaceship has helped you a lot."

Stark pouted and pressed his arm armor again. Suddenly, the ceiling opened. With the familiar buzzing of machinery, a pair of huge wings descended. Fixed to the back of the robot.

Schiller looked up and found that in the hollow of the ceiling, there were not only the accessories of the wings, but also something very similar to the tentacles of Doctor Octopus, and the power parts that looked like a rocket engine next to it.

Suddenly, the floor opened again. Among the tool table raised above, there were different types of hand weapon parts. Schiller saw a part that was very similar to the cryo gun, and he didn't know the rest.

A super rich man with the most money and genius brain in the world, when he wants to play with models, the genius creativity and production capacity that can burst out are endless.

Before, although Stark also played with models, he just played with the battle suit that he wore on his body. The most basic starting point of the battle suit was to be able to wear it on him, and the human body was very fragile.

This is actually a big hindrance. The safety protection function takes up a large part of the body. First of all, it needs to be resistant to pressure and impact. Otherwise, Stark will become a patty. It needs a braking function and a constant internal space system, otherwise it will sprint at high speed. Stark will be squashed at the time, and there must be a superheat cooling system, otherwise the Stark will be roasted.

It can be said that to make a battle suit to wear on an ordinary human is to dance with shackles.

However, once there is no such shackle, everything is designed for the machine itself, and the freed part can be used to improve the function, and the resulting change will be a qualitative change.

In addition, the whole body is made of molten steel and vibrating gold. The upper limit of these two materials is terribly high, and the limitations of materials science no longer exist. For any scientist, this is a free play of their genius. creative territory.

Seeing this, Strange was a little speechless. He walked over to Schiller and said, "Look at his expression, he must have been waiting for a long time."

Schiller bumped Strange with his shoulder and said, "He's already done this, can't magic show his hand?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but I really can't." Strange gave Schiller a wink.

He started pacing the room, and then explained to Stark: "If you want him to be like you, with a different core, you can use magic energy as energy, which is fine, but if you want him to really To learn magic, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"Tony, the stronger you are in technology, the farther away you are from magic. You may think that magic energy is just an energy source, and it is no different from technology, but in fact, the real depth of magic lies in the unknown."

"This is not a subject that can be done with experiments and analysis. It is more about people's imagination. Many times there is no goal, and inspiration is fleeting."

"Maybe, what you have come to realize from somewhere doesn't make any sense, but it can be used. Maybe, the conclusion you have analyzed carefully is useless. All this is uncertain, who can understand it and who can use it. It, and the changes it brings about, are unknown to us, but it has long been determined by fate..."

Stark had a headache listening to Strange's messed up speeches, as he said, the most difficult words for researchers to hear, he said: "Then you should at least try it, how do you know that artificial intelligence does not work? exist in destiny?"

Strange shook his head and said, "That's why I rejected you. Obviously, you want results right away, but the cycle of learning magic starts with ten years."

Stark stared at Strange, and Strange said with wide eyes, "Why are you looking at me? ... Well, I'm just getting started, I'm an apprentice, okay?"

"I think you shouldn't be obsessed with letting him learn magic. You must let Jarvis learn magic. That kind of weird metaphysical concept might even damage his logic."

At this time, Strange was like a teacher at the school, trying to persuade Stark, a parent like Jackie Chan, who wanted to enroll their children in too many cram schools, while Schiller was like another parent, also persuading Stark Ke, let him not be too anxious.

Stark turned around suddenly, walked to the experimental bench, turned his back to the two, covered his face with his hands, wiped his face, and took a few deep breaths.

Schiller stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I know, you are very anxious. Before this child was born, there was a powerful opponent waiting for him."

"You want to ensure his safety from all aspects and angles, thinking that if he has any damage, it is your dereliction of duty, and you are extremely anxious about it, even without his consent, you want to decide his future path, But are you sure, you would like such parents?"

Stark sighed slowly and said, "I'm a little anxious, but it's because I don't want to use it as a tool to deal with the enemy, that's why I do this."

"If I really just need a robot to deal with Ultron, then I can kill him with the number, and I don't feel bad about how many machines I scrap, but Jarvis is different..."

"I hope he can gain as much advantage as possible, not only in the face of Ultron, but also in the face of everything in the future."

"I know that he will evolve on his own, and maybe, one day, he will make a better body and no longer need this one I made for him, but..."

Schiller rarely hears Stark say that someone can do something better than him, but obviously, Jarvis is different.

The name of this smart housekeeper comes from the old housekeeper who raised Stark. In those days when Howard was drinking and Obadiah was busy with business, the old housekeeper took care of him.

The relationship between Stark and the old housekeeper Jarvis is like Bruce and Alfred, but the difference is that in this level, Stark is more unfortunate than Bruce, when he became Iron Man, Those who once loved him and cared for him have all left him.

It is precisely because of this artificial intelligence that Stark's thoughts about the old housekeeper are entrusted, so when building a body for him, Stark has a feeling of crow feeding back, hoping to create a perfect body.

Schiller persuaded again: "Since you know that he has the ability to self-evolve, then you should understand that the starting point you gave him is high enough, and you can't never let go."

At this time, Iron Man has not lost everything like in the movie. On the contrary, he now has more friends, comrades, juniors, more wealth, and stronger abilities. Therefore, he has more security. sense and a stronger psychological defense.

So, he was silent for a while, turned to look at the robot that he had magically changed to an infinitely close to a perfect body, and said, "...Okay, let's go here, I'll go and debug Jarvis' software for the last time. system……"

As he said that, he walked out the door, and just as he was about to go out, he turned his head, looked at Schiller and Strange who were not moving, and asked with some doubts, "Why are you still here? "

"I'll look at the lighting system," said Schiller, looking up at the ceiling.

"I appreciate your work," Strange said, staring down at the floor.

Stark held the door frame with a puzzled face, took two steps out, and suddenly looked back, and found that the two were getting closer, but did not notice their other movements.

Stark was puzzled for a long time, and finally left.

The moment he left, Schiller took a step to the left, Strange took a step to the right, and the two instantly came together and stared at the robot.

"Can't you use magic?" Schiller asked.

"The wand is still in the making, so learning it from scratch will definitely not work," Strange replied.

"Looks like we have to think of something else," Schiller said, rubbing his chin.

"You didn't plan to let Jarvis deal with Ultron? Then you lied to Stark..."

"Not once or twice anyway."

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