American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 586: Cat City Gotham Adventures (middle)

On the other side, the rescue team consisting of Batman, Constantine, Superman and Victor came to Schiller's manor. They came here not to investigate any clues, but to borrow something.

The housekeeper Merkel received them. After learning about Schiller's condition, Merkel allowed them to enter the manor, and Constantine's goal was the bottle of wine that Schiller put on the bookshelf in the reception room.

This bottle of wine has thrown a lot of people down. Both Constantine and Merkel were planted on this bottle of wine and were once pulled into the dreamland, but at this time, it has become a shortcut for several people to enter the dreamland.

If they just fell asleep and dreamed, they would not be able to meet in the space of consciousness. After all, there is no character like Professor X in Gotham, who can directly connect the brainwaves of several people together, allowing them to meet in a dream.

If he just sleeps on his own, Batman can enter the dreamland through the hole at the bottom of his consciousness, but several other people do not have such a channel, and it is not a good idea to merge in the dreamland, because there may be danger. , are broken one by one.

Therefore, they plan to use crazy wine to dream together, and after entering the same dream space, they will go down and enter the dream kingdom, which will be safer.

The effect of crazy wine need not be mentioned. The moment Constantine opened the cork, everyone entered a dream, and Merkel in the real world carried them to the sofa in the reception room.

In the dream, they should have appeared in the same reception room as the real world. It was a room in the Schiller Hall of Thought. However, the moment they fell into the dream, they began to fall, and then fell to the ground like dumplings. .

A few people got up, still a little dizzy, and then when they looked up, they saw a huge ship parked beside them, on the edge of the deck, a row of Schiller looked out to look at them.

"Oh! God, we found Professor Schiller!" Clark stood up first, waving at the boat and saying, "Hey, Professor, what are you doing here? Why don't you go back to the real world? We're worried about you!"

Batman stood up from the ground, rubbed his head, and also looked up at the row of Schiller, until he saw a green-haired figure there, and Jack the Clown jumped off the boat with a "pop" and then fell. in front of Batman.

He ran up to Batman and started laughing, laughing and saying, "Batman! Have you ever heard such a funny joke? Someone lost their house and can't go back. The real world! I have to count on Batman to save him, hahahahahaha!


Batman bypassed the Joker and climbed up the ship along the ladder next to the ship, and then found one among the many Schiller wearing a doctor's uniform. At this time, Marvel Schiller was sitting on the edge of the deck, looking at the endless white space, thinking about where your home is going.

dc Schiller didn't tell all Schiller what he was going to do before implementing this plan, and all Schiller on the boat just wanted to go out and breathe, so they didn't know why their home was gone, I don't even know where my home is going.

"Don't look at me, I don't know anything," Marvel Schiller shook his head. At this time, he was still in a state of confusion, he said, "As soon as I got back from the boat, I saw the whole tower was gone. ."

"Gone? Why?" Constantine stepped forward and asked.

"Submerged by... a group of cats." When Marvel Schiller said this, he felt a little weird, he couldn't even describe the details, he could only repeat: "It was suddenly submerged by a group of cats. "

Batman narrowed his eyes, obviously not believing it, and his expression was obviously saying "you make up nonsense and make up a little bit more", but Constantine suddenly said: "The dream of a thousand cats should be a thousand cats. dream."

Then, Constantine told several other people an ancient legend: "It is said that the earth was ruled by cats in ancient times. At that time, the human race was not prosperous, but the cats had developed tribes and built They have become the masters of human beings, and they have allowed humans to create various landscapes for themselves.”

"However, in order to get rid of enslavement, human beings united and made a dream of a thousand people, and covered reality with a dream, in which humans became the masters of the earth, and cats became servants."

"However, this dream does not completely cover all reality, so it leaves certain traces. For example, Egypt's culture of advocating cats is one of the left proofs of this legend."

"However, the cat family has never given up to reverse this situation. When a thousand cats share a dream, they can return to that glorious era, and what represents a cat's dream is the dream of a thousand cats."

"Dream God is the representative of dreams, so he can naturally control the dream of thousands of cats. I guess it should be when Morpheus went to visit the Schiller Hall of Thought, something happened, which caused him to release the dream of thousands of cats. Out of control."

"The dream of a thousand cats represents the cat's dream, and Schiller's hall of thinking is likely to be pulled into the cat's dream."

"So, now we're going to find Schiller in the cat's dreamland..." Batman said.

Constantine nodded, then he thought for a moment, and said, "We have to go to the dreamland first, find the place where the dream gods store dreams, and then find a cat's dream from there, and then use the cat's dream to enter the world of thousands of cats. Dream."

It sounded that this plan was quite reliable, so a few people set off immediately. Although Schiller's tower of thinking was gone, the hole in the ground was still there, so they went down the hole and came to Dreamland of the Dream God.

From the perspective of the environment, it seems that the place is full of birds and flowers, and it is not as dangerous as Constantine said, but soon, they realized why Constantine was so cautious.

A dream is a place where nothing will be strange, because the dreams of any creature are bizarre and weird, so it means that there are many creatures that are beyond ordinary people's cognition, and they are all dangerous.

As soon as the few people landed, they encountered a colorful tentacle monster that looked like paint was spilled out. The tentacle monster first attacked Batman, and Batman rolled directly to avoid the constantly changing shape and color. The tentacle, the magic light in Constantine's hand lit up, he waved hard, and the tentacle was directly cut off by the light blade.

Clark flew, the heat ray plowed all the way, and the monsters in the path ran away in a panic.

Constantine put away his posture, patted Batman on the shoulder, and said, "I just said, with him, we will be much safer."

Batman didn't say anything, just walked along the road that Clark opened, during which they also encountered hordes of strange ostriches with sharp beaks, frisbees with a dozen legs, and walking coconuts. Trees, and all sorts of strange creatures like that.

Most of them like to run after people. After being attacked, they will run away in all directions. Of course, it is also possible that Superman's attack is huge, and no matter where the creatures are, they have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. .

After solving these troubles, they finally came to the place where the dream was stored. Here is a starry sky, with countless bubbles floating in the space, like stars one after another.

Constantine identified the content of these dreams in a mysterious way that few people could not understand, and suddenly, his eyes stopped on one of the bubbles.

Others didn't see any difference in the bubble, but Constantine reached out and touched it lightly. In an instant, several people were sucked in by the bubble.

They came to a beautiful grassland. If you ignore the huge mouse and the fish flying in the sky, the place is quite peaceful. Clark looked at the space and said, "It seems that this should be a A cat's dream, with mice, fish, and a vast prairie."

"Theoretically, every cat's dream should be connected to the dream of a thousand cats, that is to say, we should now be in the same dream space with Schiller, but it may be a little troublesome to find his specific location. , where will he be now?"

Constantine turned his head and looked around, as if thinking about how to find Schiller in this space.

At this time, Batman instinctively walked in one direction. Several other people walked over with some doubts and wanted to stop him, but Batman said, "I can feel that this is Gotham's direction."

"What's the basis for this?" Clark asked suspiciously, "How could Gotham happen to happen in the dream world? Besides, this is still a cat's dream."

Victor grabbed Clark, who was about to stop Batman, and said to him: "I often hear Schiller say that those who don't belong to Gotham will always leave, but some people belong to Gotham, and they must Going to Gotham, wherever."

Seeing the back of Batman walking in front, Victor sighed, shook his head, and followed his pace. Clark felt a little inexplicable, but Constantine, who came up, patted him on the shoulder. Following up, Clark couldn't, and could only follow them forward.

I don't know how long I walked, I finally crossed this prairie, then passed through a few small towns, came to the opposite side of a river, and then crossed the sea.

In the dream, the distance is not an obstacle, and it will not make you feel tired, or even feel the passage of time. Several people walked and walked like this, and finally came to a coastline.

On the opposite side of the coastline is a huge city, dark and terrifying in the moonlight, no one needs to call it by its name, everyone remembers that word in their hearts, as if all such cities should be called Gotham .

Batman stood on a rock by the sea, his cape fluttering in the wind, and before he could speak the deep lines he had prepared, Clark fell from the air and said, "What's going on? What's going on in the city? cat?"

The deep atmosphere around Batman disappeared in an instant, he looked at Clark, Clark rolled his eyes and said, "I can't see it wrong, my eyesight is very good, the city in front is full of cats. "

"Indeed, the dream world where cats rule cats should indeed be cats. The problem is that in the dream world of a thousand cats, humans may still be slaves. If we go in like this, I'm afraid..."

"Can't we still beat a few cats?" Victor asked. "Even if all the residents of Gotham are cats now, it's just cats. Can't he still deal with it?"

Victor pointed at Clark, who knows, Clark said with a serious face: "No, how can I hurt a kitten? I have a cat at home, I like it very much, my parents have taught me since I was a child, Never tug at the cat's tail, and if there are stray cats on the street in trouble, we must help as much as possible, and we must have love..."

Victor opened his mouth, and there was really nothing to say, and Constantine agreed: "I'm afraid, the cats here are not the same as you imagined, if the legend of the dream of a thousand cats is true, then in the cat In the dream world, cats occupy the earth like humans, and after developing for so many years, I am afraid they already have technology or magic that is not weaker than humans."

"We just broke in like this, and we may not only face the siege of thousands of cats, but also some weapons that we can't imagine. After all, these little guys with sharp teeth and claws, but everything What can be done, when they have weapons, it's not just as simple as pushing the bottle off the table..."

Batman looked at the city he was familiar with and narrowed his eyes, but he was the first to say: "We turned into cats and mixed in."

"But we're humans, how do we become cats?" Clark asked.

"Don't forget, this is in the dream world, an unchanging law of the dream world, 'believe it is true', as long as you think you are a cat, you can become a cat, like this... "

As soon as Constantine finished speaking, with a "bang", he turned into a golden gradation, and the color of his coat was a bit similar to his hair color, and it could be seen from the look of his eyes that he was Constantine.

The second one to become a cat is Batman, and his willpower should not be underestimated. The blue-eyed black cat has a strong figure, and even the slender tail seems to be born for fighting.

Victor thought about it, it wasn't that he couldn't do it, but he was hesitating what kind of cat he wanted to become. After thinking about it, he became a Russian blue cat, bluer than the usual blue cat. At one point, he said, "I like blue, not bad?"

In the end, only Clark froze in place. He asked, "What do you mean by thinking you are a cat, you can become a cat? But I'm not a cat?"

Batman's cat had a helpless look on his face. Constantine stepped forward and patted Clark's trouser leg with his paw. Clark squatted down and picked him up, grabbed his front paws and shook it, smiling. Said, "It's quite similar, my cat is orange."

Constantine also sighed, and in Clark's hand, he waved his The magic flashed, Clark was turned into a striped orange cat, and when the two cats were at the same time When he landed, Constantine licked his paws and said, "If your imagination is not enough, then magic will come together."

Clark looked at his paws in amazement. Suddenly, he flew from the ground, and the other three cats looked at him.

Batman turned his head to look at Constantine, Constantine hesitated, and said: "His superpower seems to transcend the boundary between reality and dream, no matter which world he is in, it will not be weakened, even if he becomes a cat... …”

"Then our safety will be more guaranteed." Victor said, finding that his superpower was still there, Clark breathed a sigh of relief, he fell to the ground, walked in front of a few cats, stretched out his claws, and pointed The city, says:

"Come on, the cat team is going to save the world."


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