American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 632: Schiller's Leisurely Vacation (Part 2)

, the fastest update of the United States: the opening guide to the latest chapter of Batman!

"Professor Rodriguez, why are you here?" Arthur turned to look at Schiller's figure and asked in surprise.

"I went out for a walk after dinner, and then I heard you say you are going to save people, who are you going to save? Why didn't you call the police?" Schiller asked.

But Arthur suddenly showed a somewhat embarrassed look. He said, "I'm afraid it's useless to call the police, because the person I want to save is far away..."

"how far?"

"More than 4,500 kilometers away."

Schiller looked at Arthur in surprise, and he asked, "The person you want to save is on the west coast??"

That's right, the east-west width of the United States is almost 4,500 kilometers. If you count it in the other direction, the data should not be exactly the width of the country.

"He's stranded on an island near California and seems to have been injured recently, and I have to find a way to help him."

"But how do you know? He called you? If he called you, why didn't he just call the police?"

Although Schiller knew that this must be the information Arthur got by communicating with the fish, he had to let Arthur confess.

"I..." Arthur didn't seem to know how to explain it. He looked back at the group of fish waiting for him, and said, "You may think I'm a lunatic, but I can hear the fish talking. I have this ability since I was a child.”

"The fish told me that someone was trapped on an island near California, and they brought me news of that person one after another. I was trying to save him, but he was injured today."

Before Schiller could say anything, Arthur waved his hand and said, "I know, you may want to call the police to arrest me, or send me to a mental hospital, but someone has already done that, and the police won't do it for a reason. People who say they can hear the fish talk and catch him unless they're crazy too."

Schiller shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry. I'm older than you and have seen a lot of strange people. You're not special. What I'm more curious about is, how are you going to save him?"

"I'm going to sail over there. Actually, I'm very good at swimming, but I'm afraid he can't do it..."

"Don't tell me you plan to go south, take the Panama Canal, or go north, take the Bering Strait, and then go around the west coast? Let's not say whether you can hold it, you are sure your ship can hold it. Can you stand it?" Schiller asked, looking at Arthur.

"But I've only dealt with the ocean. I haven't even taken a train, and I don't know how to get to California." Arthur seemed a little confused. He had only seen such a long journey in movies, and he was still The kind of movie that is devoted to road trips.

The protagonists in this kind of movie are generally free to hitchhike, but Arthur feels that he is not so eloquent, and to hitchhike with this image of himself, it is easy to be regarded as a road robbery.

Schiller sighed and said, "If it's as you said, the person you're trying to save is injured, and it won't last long. It's a matter of human life. I can help."

Arthur looked at Schiller with anticipation in his eyes, Schiller shook his head and said, "The fastest way to get to California is to take a plane, but obviously, there is no airport in Brudhaven, and the closest airport is here. , that's Gotham Airport."

"If we start to drive to Gotham now, it should be night when we arrive in Gotham. You should have heard a lot of legends about Gotham late at night. Do you really dare to go?"

Schiller actually guessed that the unlucky guy Arthur said was trapped on an island near California is likely to be Green Arrow. In the entire DC, the one who was trapped on a desert island became Robinson's script, and also Only Oliver Queen.

"No, I have to go, actually... In fact, I heard the news a few weeks ago, but, I thought he could..." Arthur sighed and said, "If I had known, I should have been earlier. After trying to find a way to get past it, I can't just watch him die there, right?"

"Every night, the fish will bring me the latest news about him. He is a very strong and brave man. He will not give up when he encounters any difficulties. He died..."

Schiele turned and walked towards Arthur's house, and Arthur caught up with him.

Back in the room, before waiting for the anxious Arthur to speak first, Schiller said, "Mr. Curry, we're back."

Old Curry, who was adding wood to the fireplace, glanced at it, and they said, "Oh, it's getting late now, Professor, the guest room for you is upstairs, and you can go up and rest at any time."

"Perhaps, I didn't tell you what I teach. I'm a professor of psychology at Gotham University, and I'm also a psychologist."

"I saw Arthur standing outside looking at the sea, so I chatted with him, and I found that he seemed to be eager for the outside world."

Old Curry was stunned for a moment, and seemed to hear what Schiller meant. He stood up and looked at Arthur. Arthur was no longer as expressionless as before, but looked a little moved. Old Curry sighed. Said: "I told you a long time ago to let you go out and see, but you always say that you like the sea and don't want to leave, but you always have to go out and see the world."

Old Curry sighed, sat down on the sofa, and said, "Your mother died in a shipwreck, I was busy with my duty as a lighthouse keeper, and I was negligent about your teaching. You don't want to travel and go to school. Just want to stay here, Arthur, it's not good..."

Arthur's lips moved, and he said, "I don't know why, but I just have an attachment to the sea, and the thought of going to a place without the sea makes me feel a little scared."

"It's just because you're unfamiliar with places like that. Maybe you'll have a different feeling when you go to see it?" Schiller said, looking at Arthur, he paused, and then said, "Just so, I have a In an academic conference, in order to repay you for inviting me to drink fish soup, I can take you around."

Hearing the academic conference, old Curry's eyes lit up. He has lived in this city all his life, and the word academic has never been associated with him.

In other words, everyone in this city has nothing to do with this word. It’s just an inconspicuous east coast town. Most people inherit their father’s business, and very few even go to prestigious schools. , not to mention someone getting into academia.

"You can think about your favorite major, and if you are really talented in this area, I can ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation, maybe you can go to Metropolitan University, or another east coast university. "When Schiller finished saying this, old Curry's eyes had already started to glow.

This simple and gentle lighthouse keeper has a pure and simple mind. He hopes that his children can go to a good school, have a good job, and live a happy life, instead of being trapped in this city for a lifetime. Take a fishing boat and do the hard and dangerous work of a fisherman.

Schiller did not treat Arthur particularly favorably, but only considering Arthur's future identity, in the future, he will be the Lord of the Seven Seas, the owner of Atlantis, and can be said to be the leader of all marine creatures.

If he can be closer to normal life in the human world, then he will become like Clark, very close to humans, which is good for both parties.

And it would be good to go to college with Clark, who is close to humans. The two of them should be able to chat relatively well, at least not like Clark and Bruce, who quarrel every day when they are together.

Arthur seemed a little flattered. He never thought that he would be praised by a university professor. When he was in high school, if he could get a recommendation letter from a famous university professor, all the teachers in high school would call him a genius. .

"Of course, of course you can, Arthur, hurry... hurry up and thank the professor!"

Before Arthur could speak, Schiller looked down at his watch and said, "I'm afraid we have to go now, this is an impromptu meeting, in order to discuss a major research result that has just been discovered, I have to drive to Gotham now. Airport, then catch the plane, and if you're coming, pack your bags."

Arthur didn't wait to make a statement, and old Curry immediately rushed him upstairs and said, "Of course you have to go, and I don't know what the weather in California is like. Will it be hotter than here? Then the few I bought for you. A T-shirt will come in handy, and by the way, bring antiperspirant..."

Soon, Arthur's luggage was packed. He didn't bring too many things, only a change of clothes and some daily necessities. Schiller and him walked to the place where he parked before, and the two got into the car. Afterwards, Arthur asked, "Can I still buy plane tickets now?"

Schiller glanced down at his watch. It was past 9 o'clock in the evening. In the 21st century, booking tickets at night would not be a hassle, but now it is different. It is 1989. Airlines still use on-site ticket purchase or Book by phone.

That is to say, if you want to book the nearest plane ticket now, you have to go to the counter or make a phone call, but after 9:00 pm, both the counter and the telephone customer service have been closed. With the privilege of rich people, it is very difficult to get votes.

"It doesn't matter," Schiller replied. "I happen to know a pilot friend who is on call 24/7."

"Pilot? But where are we going to find the plane?" Arthur asked again.

Half an hour later, on the square of Wayne Manor, Arthur looked at the Bat Fighter, which could hardly be called an airplane, and opened his mouth in shock.

"This is an outdated model, otherwise I wouldn't lend it to you." After changing his clothes, Batman, who was just about to go out for justice, looked at Schiller and said, "Because you found an unreliable pilot. "

After speaking, he turned his head to Hal, who was standing beside him. Hal was still drowsy. He was dragged from the bed by Schiller, and he was still on the verge of being half asleep.

Schiller jabbed him hard with his umbrella and said, "Sober up, you're flying a plane."

Hal jerked, woke up, sighed and said, "What do you think? Suddenly, in the middle of the night, you are going to fly across the United States and fly to California?"

"Of course it's because my annual leave is still a long time away, and I'm planning to change the place to see the scenery."

What Schiller said is true. Originally, his annual leave was only 18 days, and more than half of it was taken up, so his travel could only be arranged in nearby cities, but now, he has nearly a month of annual leave, then Why not just walk away? He hasn't traveled in America yet.

Finally, the black bat fighter slowly lifted off, and then "swish", like a shooting star, and disappeared into the night.

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