American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 655: Chihai Turbulence (8)

Oliver's expression finally changed. He slowly widened his eyes and looked at Schiller with a shocked expression. Schiller let out a long breath, smiled at him, and said, "Are you surprised? I see. It doesn't look like it, does it?"

"But... you're not... aren't you of German descent?" Oliver held back for a long time, and finally only came out with this sentence. Suddenly, he was stunned again. He looked at Schiller and asked, "You wouldn't be born in Berlin, would you? ? East Berlin??? or West Berlin closer to the east???"

"You are very smart, Oliver, but it has nothing to do with this. My experience should be very similar to yours. You should also be exposed to Marxism in college, right?"

"I'm not...I..." Oliver tilted his head and said, "I just read some books, the most famous ones, and it's been a long time..."

"Then have you forgotten?"

Oliver pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, then he said, "You should know that as long as you read those theories in depth, you will never forget them."

Schiller smiled again and said, "Of course I know, that's why I dare to tell you, but even if you are not a Marxist, the state you show in the face of these things is not at all like a descendant of a capitalist, You should have enjoyed it all for granted."

"Nothing should have been!" Oliver was a little angry, he felt humiliated, he said: "I can't decide where I was born! If I could, I would rather be born in the slums than spend the blood-stained money! "

Schiller showed an unsurprising expression. The reason why he dared to tell Oliver this was because he knew that in the comics, Green Arrow was a left-wing hero. When it is time to give the book "Das Kapital" to other heroes.

Moreover, his and Green Lantern Hal's Brigade Heroes comic series is the most famous and far-reaching left-wing comic in history. Although many of the issues discussed in it do not touch the origin, it seems relatively conservative, but it is still a A cartoon that is representative of caring and sympathetic to the people at the bottom. Before this, there has never been a cartoon that discussed such a realistic issue.

The Green Arrow in the comics was determined to become a hero after witnessing the misery of many people at the bottom of the island. Although there is no specific description of this transformation in the comics, the ideological pillar cannot be two days a day. Built within days.

Therefore, Schiller speculates that Oliver, the Green Arrow, could not have come into contact with Marxism after his return from the island. He should have read relevant works before, at least, his thinking is left.

Although it sounds like a very miraculous thing, the descendants of big capitalists are actually Marxists, but in this era, it is normal, no matter whether it is the old aristocracy or the petty bourgeoisie, there are never a lot of people who bring their own dry food , Philby is a prime example.

But obviously, Oliver is still in a confused stage. The Marxist works he has read can answer his theoretical questions, but they cannot provide him with more favorable ideological weapons. He is still in the stage of thinking out of thin air. So the more you think, the more confused you become. …

"I know that you have learned a lot of knowledge from those works, and those theories will answer many questions for you, but there are always more questions than answers in this world. For example, how did Mexico develop into a country? Like this? How to solve this situation?"

"Perhaps, you have already thought of certain methods, but you are not sure whether they are too violent, whether they are feasible, or if they are, how can they really be implemented?"

Oliver stared at Schiller with his eyes, he felt his heart echoing constantly, he pursed his lips, but did not speak, and Schiller said:

"You feel very guilty about it, you feel like you've benefited from the pain and death of others, but guilt doesn't drive you down that path, and if you can't really have some kind of determination, then There's no point in blaming yourself."

Oliver Mosuo held the palms of his hands, and after a long time, he asked, "What do you think I should do? Do I have to read those books again? Can I find the answer in it?"

"It depends on whether you are willing to pay the price."

Oliver raised his eyes and stared straight at Schiller, he could hear something else in Schiller's tone, Oliver understood the hint, so he began to feel his throat dry.

He took a deep breath, poured himself a large glass of water with his trembling arms, drank it all, and slammed the glass on the countertop of the coffee table, his facial muscles trembling a little.

"You want... let me join? I think, I..." Oliver began to swallow frantically. He knew that he was making a dangerous decision. This may be the last step to fall into the abyss, but it may also be the dawn of dawn. At the last second, he only felt that he didn't know anything, and he didn't want to know anything.

"No, I'm just introducing you to a discipline, a theory, a method, I'm not asking you to do anything, you can just pretend that none of this conversation happened today."

Judging from Oliver's eyes, Schiller knew that he must have misunderstood something. Schiller really wanted to make trouble, but he didn't want to develop Oliver into an offline. After all, he himself was no longer a KGB.

As for the identity of the espionage personnel of the 16th Bureau of the Soviet National Security Agency, it was just a nonsense from Schiller. He didn't know which bureau he was in. He just picked a number that was easy to say. After all, he didn't know the original seat. Which KGB game did Le join in?

"I've been looking for a way to solve all these problems completely, and I know Arthur and Hal think I'm dreaming, but I can't help but think, can't help but want to find an answer."

"When I was in college, I had this idea. My classmates thought I was a freak, and because of this, I came into contact with Marxism, hoping it could give me an answer. At that time, I did get the answer. Eucalyptus, I think I have found the only solution..."

"However, as more and more things happened, especially the tragedies that I saw in Mexico, I started to doubt this answer because, in these theories, I didn't see a solution to this kind of tragedy. Possibility, I want to find another answer, but I don't know where to look..."...

"Have you ever thought that it might be the answer, but it's only half the answer." Schiller looked into Oliver's eyes, and Oliver also looked at him. Schiller didn't say anything, just put the books in front of him. Pushed forward a bit, then said:

"I think if you look at people who have actually practiced this theory and summed up the answers, there may be a lot of inspiration."

Oliver swallowed and looked at the books, his fingertips trembled, he was worried that it was not the correct answer, but at the same time, he was also worried that it was the correct answer.

Because he knew that if he really found all the answers, then he might devote his life to his excess morality and conscience, devoting himself to a cause that could not be accomplished by himself, which made him feel both To unparalleled excitement, and a hint of fear.

When he opened the first page of the first book, when he saw the first sentence, he knew that when he fell in the endless dark abyss, he saw the first light of dawn.

"The most important difference between social groups is that the classes determined by the economic base, the bourgeoisie and the working class, are always antagonistic and irreconcilable."

Looking further down, Oliver felt his heart skip a beat, and the lines read:

"For the working class to overthrow the bourgeois regime, violence is the only means."

On the other hand, Kayla and Lila have found the current head of the Quinn Group, a Quinn Group shareholder named Williams, who is in charge of the Quinn Group's shipping industry.

When the CIA and the DEA came to the door, Williams didn't resist and told the whole story.

The reason is that before the 1984 anti-drug war, Congress had invested the capital, no matter what group shareholder you are, as long as you get involved in this kind of business, there is a way to make you disappear without a trace.

Although it has reached the end of the Cold War, the lighthouse at this time is still bright. Although it is not as good as a few years ago, it is still much better than after that. From decision-making to implementation, it is in place. Therefore, the previous anti-drug war gave these coastal cities. Some of them were lucky enough to be impressed, and Williams was no exception.

"My brother died in a shipwreck, but I know it wasn't a shipwreck, I know it was you guys, the DEA... just because he wanted to cooperate fully with Guadalajara, you let him disappear It's..." Williams said with a little trembling.

"But you have to know that too many people benefit from it, and I can't do anything about it. If I were to shut down all this kind of business, I would be killed the next day and they would replace someone with a better use. , I can only do this..." Williams said with tears.

"who are they?"

"There are too many people, I can't help..."

"Say their names one by one." Leila took out the tape recorder and said, "We will protect tainted witnesses, provided you provide enough information."

Williams sniffed, his fat body trembled and looked a bit funny, he hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "You have to promise to protect me and my family, and my children, I The child was born not long ago..."

"That's why we're looking for you." Kayla knocked on the table and said, "You're not like those outlaws who can do anything for money, Williams, we all know that, so you Have the opportunity."

Williams swallowed and said, "Okay, old Toth is one of them. He pressed me the most... Paul, and Paul, the Italian, who got through customs..."

Williams said several more names, Kayla and Lila looked at each other, and Lila asked, "What about the Quinn family?"

"They?" Williams hesitated, then said, "The old Quinn and his wife are dead, and the little Quinn who took over the Quinn family is The business is messed up, I It's not to excuse him, but with his level of business, I'm afraid he can't figure out this kind of business."

"As far as I know, old Toth seems to have arranged a shipwreck because he didn't want Little Quinn to get involved in this kind of business, and he was afraid that he would stop them from making money. He wanted him to be buried in the sea."

"But I didn't expect that little Quinn survived the disaster. I heard that he was going to come back. I guess they must be trying to kill him again..."

Seeing Lila and Kayla staring at him together, Williams wiped the sweat from his forehead, he thought hard, and then suddenly exclaimed, "Oh! That's right! Although he doesn't deal drugs, but... But he has other problems..."

Williams wiped his sweat again and said tremblingly, "My men, outside the cabin, heard old Toth say that he has the handle of Little Quinn..."

"What's the handle?" Leila asked.

Williams glanced at Kayla and said, "It's probably up to the CIA, that's..."

"Oliver Queen...he's all."

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