After a while, Locke looked at the new trading interface that had turned gray and was gradually disappearing, and shook his head slightly.

"Heroes will eventually be hung on the wall."

As for the people of that world, after killing the captain of that ship, the brilliance of humanity will be extremely dim. They don't want to lose population, rights, or technology, but in the end, they will lose everything.

After removing the last ripples of that world, Locke chose to search for the next trading world.

"For the next world, don't choose those ordinary worlds."

Suddenly, Locke raised his head and looked into the distance.

A stream of light descended from the sky, accompanied by colorful brilliance, and fell to the earth.

At the same time, a profound, vast and familiar will of the God King appeared in front of Locke.

Locke smiled slightly:"God Odin, is he preparing to discipline his silly son?"

The God King Odin showed a shadow and nodded tiredly:"I have become weaker and weaker, and Thor, he is not ready to become king yet."

"It's not a big problem. You guys play a trick and let Ragnarok come. That fool will be forced to mature."

The god king Odin's eyelids jumped:"If possible, I don't want him to mature under such circumstances."

How painful it would be to grow up under the pressure of the destruction of the country and the family. Odin has not experienced it, but he can imagine it.

"So, are you still planning to let Thor inherit the throne?"

God King Odin fell silent. He knew what Locke meant.

Now that Locke was standing behind him, Locke was different from the successive God Kings of Asgard.

The successive inheritors of Asgard used special methods to exchange their lifespans for power.

As a price, the successive God Kings could only live for about five thousand years at most, which was far lower than the normal lifespan of the Heavenly Father level.

However, the gains were also great.

Successive successors could continue to become stronger with the passage of time, ensuring that each generation of them would not lack Heavenly Father-level powerhouses.

Locke was different. He himself didn't know how long Locke could live.

With such an existence standing behind him, the best choice was naturally for Hela, who was the hub, to ascend the throne.

But the problem was...

God King Odin suddenly looked at Locke dimly:"Hela is not stupid. She just cared too much about the war and ignored other things. Now she has understood what she would pay if she sat on the throne, so……"

Locke's mouth twitched. What did he mean by"what would you pay to sit on the throne?""What would you pay for your chastity?""

That little girl, no, the big girl, was so resistant to him?"

Locke suddenly became interested. He would go to Helm to talk to the big girl.

Seeing the evil look on Locke's face, the God King Odin had a strange expression. His face twitched, but he couldn't say much.

"Back to the topic, Odin, have you ever really considered Loki?"

"Loki?" Odin frowned. He knew that Locke's words would not be without reason, and he would not be unaware of Loki's problem.

Suddenly, his old eyes lit up:"What did you see?"

Locke did not respond to this question directly:"Odin, you, or your entire Asgard, actually underestimated Loki.〃‖〃‖"

Thor has awakened Thor, Rune King Thor, old Thor and other forms, so is Loki gone? King Loki, story god Loki, old Loki, may not be as powerful as Thor, but they are not much worse.

"The most important point is that Loki has wisdom that other heirs do not have. Of course, in your opinion, it is just cleverness, which cannot be denied, but cleverness is also cleverness."

In fact, this is also something Locke can't understand. Thor is a careless and reckless guy, and he doesn't care about giving the throne to Loki, or he may be happier. Loki is the king and he is the general, responsible for fighting and killing all day long. It's a perfect configuration.

And Loki has been recognized. His bad personality may still be a little bad, but it is not without its highlights. The scene of dying for Thor shows that he actually has deep feelings for Thor. The sense of responsibility interwoven with touching and gratitude is not necessarily bad.

After all, no matter how bad it is, it can be worse than Thor taking a group of Asgardians to Earth as refugees?

The God King Odin pondered for a moment:"I will give him a chance."

Locke shook his head:"It's better to be a real opportunity. In addition, Odin, you have never taught him how to be a king."

The God King Odin suddenly looked at Locke with a strange look, and this look made Locke raise his eyebrows

"Odin, why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, I just feel like you seem to admire Rocky"

"Admiration, not really. In my opinion, he is just a poor guy who is not recognized."

In order to get Odin's recognition, he resolutely stabbed his own father when he found out that he might have a connection with the ice giant. He is really a hard-core ruthless person. If he gets some guidance, he might be really good.

King Odin disappeared and turned into a colorful torrent.

Locke's face twitched. He felt that this old ghost seemed to have some strange idea.


Asgard, in the Queen of Gods Hall, Odin and Frigga were talking.

Frigga was silent for a moment, then grabbed Odin's hand and said,"Odin, you finally let go of your worries. I'm very happy."

"Loki, he is also our real child!"

How can it be possible to say that I am not partial!

Thor holds the hammer of Thor, the top artifact of Asgard. In the eyes of all Asgardians, it is also the inherited artifact of Asgard. The owner of the artifact will be the destined heir to the throne.

What does Loki have? A knife? That thing was used by the Queen of Gods Frigga. Let him succeed the Queen of Gods?

The mentality of the King of Gods Odin is not incomprehensible. His eldest daughter is alive and well. She is not weak in martial arts and domineering. She is definitely a qualified military king!

The second son Thor, well, is a little naive and a little stupid, but he is also very much like Odin when he was young. The phrase"this child is like me" is better than anything else.

In this case, unless he is pinched on the forehead, he will want to train Loki, who was born as an ice giant, and let an ice giant be the king of Asgard. The ice giant king Laufey will laugh to death.

"Since you think so, give him a chance."The God King Odin said lightly.

It's not that he has completely let go of all his grudges, but he can't ignore Loki's thoughts. As a king, his own thoughts are never the most important. He needs to weigh everything.

Not long after, Loki came to the God Queen's Hall with a worried look on his face.

Is he going to scold him again? He hasn't done anything destructive during this period? Is it because of the incident of cutting Sif's hair before?


Facing the majestic gaze of the God King Odin, Loki couldn't help but tremble all over.


"Loki, do you want to be the king of Asgard?"

Loki was shocked. Why would you ask that? Is it a test?

"Loki, don't try those little tricks. As a king, you must be decisive and have the courage to face everything!"

"Now, tell me, do you want to be a king!"

One second, two seconds, Loki suddenly raised his head and shouted:"I want to! I dream of it! I want to be the king of Asgard!"

After roaring, he lowered his head again, feeling a little bit unhappy, not knowing what kind of reprimand he would get next.

But the king of gods Odin did not reprimand him, but said:"In this case, I will give you a chance."

"Go, go to the atrium, your brother-in-law is there, he is an extremely powerful being. If you can get his recognition, you will be the next king of Asgard!"

"Brother-in-law? ?"Loki was confused. No, wait, where did he get his brother-in-law? Besides, a brother-in-law also needs a sister, right? Why hasn't he heard of a sister??

Unfortunately, no one answered him. A rainbow of light hit him and instantly teleported him to Earth.

Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Egghead looked at the detection channel speechlessly:"¨「¨「What the hell? Why did two foreign forces appear inexplicably today?"

Egghead had experienced aliens before, so he naturally had some guesses about the current situation, that is, why did they appear twice? Are the two waves of aliens playing a game of hunting?

No, we must send more people. If it is really a game of hunting, there will be problems.

At this time, in the wilderness of Mexico, Thor, the former God of Thunder, was drinking in confusion. He was scolded by the King of Gods Odin and his divine power was taken away. He had never been so confused in his life for thousands of years. He was as confused as a fat man weighing hundreds of pounds.

Suddenly, colorful rainbow light fell from the sky, and a figure directly hit Thor's side.

""Rainbow Bridge!" Thor was stunned for a moment. When he saw Loki being smashed to the ground by the Rainbow Bridge, his confused eyes suddenly brightened and he rushed forward excitedly:"Loki!"

Loki, who was dizzy, just heard a familiar voice, and the next moment, a fist came towards him, directly to his stomach.


"Damn it! Such force! This familiar position, it's Thor, that idiot!"

However, before he could curse, a big hug tightly held him in his arms.

"Loki, I thought my father had completely abandoned me, but you, and only you, came down to accompany me, my best brother!"


What should I do? (Wang Zhao's) (Wang Zhao's) This feeling is sincere, and I feel a little embarrassed to stab the knife on Thor's waist again.

However, I feel angry if I don't stab him!

Locke didn't know how Thor and Loki were so passionate, and he didn't care about it now. He just looked at the shadow of the God King in front of him with a twitching mouth.

"Odin, I have no interest in raising children!"

Your own son, why are you throwing him to me? Do you think I have nothing to do? Don't you need time to drink tea and bask in the sun all day long?

"Well, I understand. You are very busy. Very busy." He said it in a perfunctory tone, barely giving you some face.

Ice crystal gauntlets appeared on his hands, and Locke pinched them.

The face of the God King Odin twitched wildly for a while, and his expression suddenly became sincere:"As a king, of course I understand your hard work."

"But, Locke, have mercy on my old bones, I don't have enough time"

"Not interested in"

"I'll add money!"


Such a familiar tone

"Asgard Runes"

"Not very interested"

"Ten tons of Uru metal!"

"Odin, you're throwing money at me again?"

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. This is just a small amount of training money paid by an old father for his useless son."

"Then I……"

"Asgard Godhead Condensation Method"

"Deal!" Damn, this old guy gave too much!.

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