Dr. Gears' words silenced both worlds.

Dr. Clef and Dr. Bright looked at him in astonishment.

Even Lin Lang behind him was stunned.

Ride 682?

Is there a mistake!!

In an instant, the entire live broadcast room exploded.


"Hell, this joke isn't funny at all. "

"682 is a Keter-class containment, is Dr. Kondraki really tired of it?"

"Who knows what's going on in the minds of these crazy people?"

"Oh my God, these people are crazy!"




The smiles of the agents who had been holding back their laughter suddenly disappeared.

In its place was a deep consternation.

What is 682?

It's a Keter-level killer!

Conventional containment procedures are completely incapacitated, and each containment breach kills a large number of Foundation members.

Even 076-2, Abel's attempt to execute it ended in failure.

Ordinary people are already scared when they hear this guy, but what about Dr. Kondraki?

Want to ride it?


Nick Fury stared at the screen with disbelief in his eyes.

If Dr. Gears wasn't joking, wouldn't he have said...

Ever since Dr. Kondraki volunteered to terminate 083, he had this idea in mind?


In the picture,

When Dr. Gears finished speaking, everyone reacted differently.

The biggest reaction was Dr. Clef, who was stunned.

After being silent for a long time, he scolded fiercely: "This madman..."

On the stage, the old man's voice sounded again.

The pit dug earlier was revealed.

"At this point, the command center of Base 19 made the decision to completely isolate the seventh to fifteenth floors of the third sector, completely sealing everything inside from top to bottom. "

The old man's voice was heavy, and everyone seemed to be able to see his distressed expression:

"With SCP-682 out of control, SCP-083 still a threat, and Dr. Kondraki still breathing, we expect the three of them to continue to kill each other. "

Lin Lang: "···"

Live room: "···"

In the end, the old man's mood fluctuated, and he took several deep breaths before he could barely suppress the anger in his heart.

"When the survivors have been significantly weakened in the fight, the containment team is to enter the area for recovery operations. This plan is short-sighted and does not take into account SCP-682, or Dr. Kondraki's extraordinary intelligence. "

At this point, he paused, and said in a voice that almost gritted his teeth: "If such a thing had been considered, perhaps the use of nuclear weapons would be a wise choice." "

As soon as they heard this, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely stunned.

How much does the Foundation grudge against Dr. Kondraki?

Everyone on the screen burst out laughing.

At this moment, all the viewers of the two worlds only want to know one thing -

What did Dr. Kondraki do!

The picture flashed,

Sure enough,

Dr. Kondraki's embarrassed figure appears on the screen.


I heard Dr. Kondraki scream strangely,


682 flicked his claws, bringing up a gust of wind.

The claws were about to tear Dr. Kondraki's body apart.


A flock of butterflies emerges!

Dr. Kondraki's figure suddenly disappeared into the crowd of butterflies.


The claws grabbed the air and landed on a special alloy wall on the side.

The walls were torn apart like papier-mâché.


The loss of the target caused 682 to be stunned for a moment.

Instantly, it turned its attention to the remaining enemies in the field—



The Duke's pale face was bloodless.

At this moment, the former grass and mud horses galloped past the duke's distress.

He wanted to grab Dr. Kondraki and eat his flesh raw!

It's a pity that the Immortal Lizard didn't give him this chance.

For a time, the offensive was reversed.

As a hunter, he has now become a prey!

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room called out for the distressed duke.

This guy is really unlucky.

Not to mention being teased by Dr. Kondraki, and now he is being led to trouble.

But that didn't dampen their enthusiasm for having fun.


682 was the first to attack.

The sheer size of the body does not affect its speed in the slightest, and the knotted muscles seem to contain endless power!

It exploded towards the Duke like a cannonball!


The two collided, and a battle of Keter-level humanoids began.


The roars, the cracking of flesh and skin, the cracking of bones, and the destruction of the terrain are endless!

There is no strange setting,

There is no unreasonable reality distortion.

There is only a battle between two strong men whose physical strength is completely beyond imagination -

Fist to flesh,


This pure, primitive fight scene made every audience in the live broadcast room look bloody.




Although the momentum and ability shown by the duke before were not as good as 682,

doesn't have the terrifying physical strength of 682,

But there are still back and forth with 682!

However, this phenomenon did not last long.

Because the power of the immortal lizard lies in the ability of 'immortality and immortality'!

The duke finally exchanged his injuries for the injuries he caused, and in the blink of an eye, he recovered as before.

Although the Duke also has a good recovery ability, compared to 682, it can only be said that it is a small thing.

"Wait, I don't... ~~ ·"



The Duke tried to communicate with 682 several times, but all he received was a few indeterminate roars from 682.

The Duke approached again, trying to reason with 682.

However, without the slightest warning, 682 burst into a sudden attack with terrifying speed.

The duke didn't have time to react at all, and was captured by 682.


I only heard a tooth-aching tearing sound, and the duke's two arms and one leg were directly torn off by 682!

Then he was slammed against the wall.

"Damn, I, don't !!"

The Duke was completely changed, and before he could recover from the severe pain, he saw a gaping mouth of blood.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched like this, and the Duke was swallowed by 682 in one bite!

That's right

It's just a mouthful!

682 then stopped moving until it made an exaggerated, upright motion on its hind legs.

See here,

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned one by one, unable to say anything shocked.

It took a few seconds before the live broadcast room exploded.

"Hell, what the hell, are you kidding?"

"Swallowed, swallowed?

"Oh my God, it's cruel. The same Keter, the Duke is no match for 682 at all!"

"But, it's not going to be killed in seconds, is it?


Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and took a long breath: "The Duke was actually executed by 682?"

"So, Dr. Kondraki's execution mission was successful?" Natasha subconsciously said.

"Success?" Nick Fury glared at her, and said angrily, "Wouldn't it be more troublesome to have a duke and a 682 to die?"

Although the duke also kills,

However, he was able to remain calm most of the time and was happy to communicate with the Foundation.

But what about 682?

This guy is a predator with nothing but killing in his head!

Reason with it?


Thinking of this, Nick Fury suddenly realized a problem.

Where did Dr. Kondraki go?

Also, what does the strange poss of 682 mean?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stare at the screen carefully.

And then

In his eyes,

Instantly I was filled with terror.


In the light curtain –

On the body of 682, a figure,

Slowly surfaced.

It's none other than Dr. Kondraki!

It's just that at this time, he,

In an eerie pose, he was straddled on 682's back.

I saw him tugging at both ends of the high-voltage cable he had obtained earlier.

The rest of the cable is made into a makeshift bridle sleeve!

While Dr. Kondraki "riding" SCP-682,

While waving the wire, as if waving the reins, he shouted:

"Driving !!"

The other free hand waved his hat excitedly.

For a moment, the picture seemed to freeze at this moment.

An indescribable shock swept the entire Marvel world in an instant!

Dr. Kondraki,

It's true,

On the Ride - the Immortal Lizard!!

The moment they saw this picture, everyone seemed to be petrified and directly lost the ability to think.

There's only one thought in their heads—

Lose your marbles!

Dr. Kondraki is crazy!


Dr. Kondraki is not the only one who is crazy,

SCP-682 is mad, too!

It instantly entered a state of rage.

Roaring, he frantically slammed into the entrance.

Seems to want to kill Dr. Kondraki on his back to the north.

With a thrust of it,


A large hole suddenly appeared in the thick alloy wall.

Enraged, 682 simply plows the obstacle created by SCP-083,

Then passed through the sealed wall.

A ride in the dust···

Seeing a man and a beast running wildly in the site like this, the live broadcast room suddenly fell into an eerie silence!

One second···

Two seconds···

Three seconds!

The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly surged up like a volcanic eruption!

"̈. wtf?wtf!! what's that?"

"Oh my God, Dr. Kondraki is actually riding 682?"

"I always thought Dr. Gears was joking, but I didn't expect this to happen?"

"I thought Dr. Kondraki spilling cat urine on the Duke was outrageous enough, but I didn't expect it to be even more outrageous!"

"The Foundation's PhDs are fucking lunatics!"


Shocked, stunned, frightened, crazy...

The audience vented all kinds of emotions in the live broadcast room.


Kama Taj.

Gu Yi looked at the picture on the screen in a daze, and the corners of his eyes trembled.

It can be said that right now, the impact in her heart is even greater than that of looking at 682 with the eyes of Agomoto before!

This is the son of the Scarlet King!

682's body is flowing with the blood of the Crimson King, and as a result...

was actually given by a mortal...


The Ancient One felt that his worldview had been subverted again...


The deepest part of the universe.

Observer dimension.

Yuatu looked at the scene in the light curtain, and for a moment thought that he was hallucinating.

Especially when he saw Dr. Kondraki riding 682 and galloping freely, he even wondered if Dr. Kondraki was a human being...



Nick Fury only had one feeling in his mind at this time-



When he saw what was next,

I suddenly realized that I was still too young.


in the picture.

Dr. Kondraki has been standing on SCP-682's back,

SCP-682 frantically tries to shake him off as it runs.


Dr. Kondraki was like Reagan on the soles of his feet, standing on 682's back, completely undisturbed!

He even leaned to the back of 682's head and asked mockingly, "You're very reluctant now, aren't you?"

682 was directly angry and spat out: "You are so far... Of your 'kind' I've met... One of the most annoying. Kill you, and I'll do your people a great favor. "

The shattered walls along the way left 682 with dense scars, but it quickly recovered.

It seems to be starting to adapt to the current situation.

Bony needles began to shoot out of his back, intent on injuring or killing Dr. Kondraki.



Sharp bone spurs shot through like bullets.

Hard walls are easily pierced.


Dr. Kondraki suffered several injuries to his thigh, but dodged most of the attacks.

"It's time to turn, big man!"

He tugged on the reins and tried to make a sharp turn.

Surprisingly, he actually succeeded.


After repeated attempts, he finally learned how to manipulate SCP-682 to change direction.

"Hahaha, hurry up!!!"

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