"That's not right!"

Nick Fury's brow furrowed into a Sichuan character.

He found a problem -

If SCP-3125 had materialized and descended into reality...

Then the world ceases to exist!

How could there be such a scene now?

MK-class apocalyptic scenario,

There is a total loss of human consciousness.

Thinking of this, he stared at the screen and waited for Lin Lang's explanation.


In the picture,

A similar question was asked.

"If SCP-3125 were to fully invade reality and trigger an MK-Class Apocalyptic Scenario, all of our self-help efforts would be ineffective, not even SCP-2000!"


After two such mentions,

Information about SCP-2000 once again came to the minds of the crowd.

SCP-2000 was built to restart the world in an inevitable apocalyptic scenario!

If reality no longer exists,

Even if humanity restarts,

It's just another reincarnation.

So, the crux of the matter is,

SCP-3125 must be neutralized!

Faced with the second question, Lin Lang did not answer directly, but extended the line he drew again.


Er frowned: "What happened this year?"

Lin Lang looked at him, his gaze seemed to penetrate Er's body, and he saw the past hidden behind the truth.

"Living hell. "


Lin Lang looked at the two and said word by word: "The world has become a living hell!"

"SCP-3125 has infected the entire world!" Buildings made of flesh walls, eight-ton balls of flesh made of flowing moldy potatoes and fat maggots, fingered behemoths that reproduce indefinitely..."

Lin Lang said calmly.

Every time a word was spoken, the faces of the audience in the live broadcast room turned white.

At the end of the day,

Some people with poor psychological tolerance vomited directly on the spot.

Then, the live broadcast room blew up.

"WTF?SCP-3125 has arrived, and the whole world is coming to an end?"

"Hell, I threw up, it's horrible!"

"So this is the living hell..."

"Oh my God, that is, a few years ago, there was an apocalyptic scenario in the Foundation world?"

"No, the question is, why don't you know? And it's back to normal now? What's going on?"

What happened!

It's not just the audience in Marvel 653 that wants to know, but also the four overseers on the screen.

Second, I wanted to refute it at the first time.

But suddenly realized,

SCP-3125 is unlike any other containment object known to them.

It has no substance,

Rather, it's an extradimensional memetic complex.

The Foundation doesn't even have an antimemetics department, so how can it contain it?

Ten looked at Lin Lang and asked in a deep voice, "And then?"

"Adam Wheeler, Mary Wheeler's husband, Adam, recovered from SCP-3125's effects and began searching for Hughes. "


The Overseers were surprised to hear the name again.

Ten frowned and asked, "You mean, Adam learned of Wheeler's plan?"

Lin Lang shook his head: "Not only that, but he even found Site-41."

When they heard this, everyone exclaimed.

Only the one who had been silent for a long time suddenly asked a key question-

"What about Dr. Wheeler?"

Everyone was stunned.

That's right!

The antimemetic bomb was detonated, and the antimemetic department disappeared.

And what about Dr. Wheeler?



He's dead?

And how did Adam learn that Hughes was the key?

Lin Lang was silent for a long time and said calmly:

"It was Wheeler who told him. "

As soon as he heard this, Er immediately became excited: "Wheeler is not dead?"

Unfortunately, there was a long silence that answered him.

Then I saw Lin Lang take out another videotape,

It's just that Lin Lang didn't put it in like before, but said seriously:

"There's something in it... I can't tell if there's a memetic infection. "

Ten trembled slightly, she looked at Lin Lang, and said in disbelief: "You mean, this is in..."

"That's right!" Lin Lang said calmly: "The content in the tape comes from 17 years, that is, the era of living hell!"

Upon hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Living the Hell Age?

That is, after SCP-3125 materialized and descended into the world?

As soon as I think of this,

They suddenly remembered Lin Lang's description of living hell before,

One by one, their faces suddenly turned pale.




Natasha stared at the videotape held by Lin Lang on the screen, and lost her voice:

"In other words, it really happened in that era?"

She looked at Nick Fury as if asking for help, but saw the same solemn and puzzled face.

At this moment, after the overseers on the screen nodded, Lin Lang put the videotape into the instrument.

For a moment, the audience of the entire Marvel world held their breath.


As soon as the tape plays, a series of harsh and eerie sounds can be heard from the screen.

And the picture is like a mosaic crowded with clumps of mosaics, and it is not clear at all.

"A lot of content is broken..."

Lin Lang's voice sounded, which could be regarded as an explanation for the current situation.

After more than a minute, the picture became clear.

Da Da Da ~ The first thing that caught my eye was a middle-aged man.

He regained consciousness on the hard, smooth floor, in a wide, cold hallway.

It's like the hallway of a school building.

He was leaning against the wall of the hallway, swinging like a doll.

His back was against the wall, his right arm outstretched, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles ached.

He let go of his fist and gasped.



He rolled and put his other hand on the ground, and then his face suddenly turned white, and he screamed:


He gripped the broken stake, which turned out to be two fingers, and screamed and cried out in despair echoing through the building.

No one responded to him.

See here,

Only then did the people realize that

The embarrassed middle-aged man on the screen is none other than the Adam who appeared before.

In addition to this, he has another identity -

Husband of Mario Wheeler.

However, as soon as he appeared, countless doubts suddenly appeared in everyone's minds.

How is the world now?

What happened to him?

Why are you on the run?

Who cut off two of his fingers?

Unfortunately, no one was able to answer.

He wanted to straighten out with his remaining fingers.

His hands are disobedient.

He used ... His good hand wiped his eyes.

And then

A black slug fell from his tear duct,

With a click, he fell straight to the ground.

Adam cursed, then turned his attention back to his twisted hand as if nothing had happened.


After seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly froze in place.

The writhing black slugs on the ground,

Like a thorn in cotton,

When everyone relaxes their vigilance against the world,

Deeply rooted in everyone's psychological defense!

In an instant, the entire live broadcast room exploded.

"What the hell is this, this, this?"

"Slug, coming out of his body? Hell, is he still human?"

"It turns out that... This is the living hell, and people don't look like people at all... Isn't this a living hell?"

"So, wouldn't it be those things that Lin Lang depicted that would also appear?"

"Hell, I don't dare to look at it..."




When the agents saw this scene, they all felt a chill.

Only Nick Fury's face was gloomy and about to drip water.

The black slugs that emerged from the lacrimal glands did not frighten him,

What really scares him is that

Adam's reaction to this –

It's as calm as wiping away a tear.

That's the most important thing!

This means that the world has been completely distorted.

People are concerned about such a horrific scene,

There is no idea that it should not be, that it is not normal!

Then he looked at the wound on Abel's severed finger,

Nick Fury's face turned pale.

He didn't dare to wonder what caused the wound.


in the picture.

Adam's shirt was gone, and his arms and chest were gray with filth.

With some discomfort, he examined his bad hand.

The broken stumps of the fingers are rough and uneven, and they do not heal well.

A large pile of scar tissue and scabs, no stitches in sight.

The finger was amputated with great inaccuracy.

Hacked off.

Or bitten off?

What bothered him was that he couldn't remember.

His memory has always been sharp and clear.

He felt like he was thinking clearly, but when he focused on trying to retrace that lost time, there was always something in the void that forced him back.

A ferocious red heat.

At this time, people inside and outside the screen are all curious about one thing -

What's going on?

Adam struggled down the corridor,

Away from the classroom, there was an office door.

hasn't walked yet,

Jingle bell~

Jingle bell~

In the middle of the office, a phone began to ring.

Adam stood in the doorway and hesitated, but finally mustered up the courage to walk in.

The office was cramped and dim, with tall piles of paperwork.

Two small tables, tattered office chairs.

He spotted the ringing phone and picked it up.


A figure sounded in the words, and the voice was synthetic, female:


Abel was stunned, and subconsciously nodded: "Yes, who is it?"

With a thoughtful tone, the machine voice replied:

"Mr. Wheeler, you've been sick for a long time. I'll be happy to answer all your questions, soon, but not now. There is a woman in room W16. She's dying. "

I don't know why, when the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, a person subconsciously appeared in their minds-

Mary Wheeler?

"I—I'm not a doctor. Abel subconsciously shook his head.

"I know. You can't do anything to save her. However, you have to go to her. Right now. "

"I feel like I... I'm not the best fit. I'm not in good shape today. Abel's face turned pale, and he was clearly not lying.

"It has to be you. There is no one else. "

Abel finally couldn't help but ask, "... Who is she?"

There was a silence in his answer.

It was as if the entity on the other end of the phone had a hard time phrasing: "... She's important. Go now, please. She didn't have much time left. "

Adam fell silent.

With a tangled face visible to the naked eye,

Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind,

Putting the phone down, he returned to the quiet hallway.

He found the house number W16,

Looking out of the safety glass into the orange-red classroom,

Peek into the sunlight pouring in from the distant windows.

He still didn't know if it was dusk or early morning.

He couldn't see anyone in the classroom.


He pushed the door open.

There are complex and colorful ecological posters and classroom displays.

The table is messed up, books and felt pens are scattered, and the bright-colored school bag...

He took a step or two out into the middle aisle, and didn't see what he thought he should see.

Then he turned around.


He jumped up in fear!

On the blackboard is a huge chalk sketch of a hyper-realistic depiction of a woman's head and shoulders.

"I swear! The blackboard was empty when I walked in the door!"

Then Adam saw the painting move...

It's as if it's being painted and erased and then painted again, five to ten times per second.

The woman looked about his age.

Her face is framed by her hair, but the negative effect of white chalk on the blackboard makes it difficult to distinguish the color of her hair.

The only hint of color is the thick, bright blue of her frames.

The moment the painting appeared, the audience who were originally holding their breath in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the screen,

Looking at the figure on the blackboard,

An incredible idea came to mind –

Mary Wheeler?

For a while, the live broadcast room blew up.

"WTF, isn't this Dr. Wheeler?"

"Hell, how could Dr. Wheeler be here, and... Is it in this form?"

"God, what the hell is going on?"

"Dr. Wheeler, turned into a blackboard painting?"




When you see the painting on the blackboard,

Nick Fury only felt like he had been beaten by electricity,

The whole person suddenly froze in place.

He thought about Dr. Wheeler's situation countless times, but he didn't think of this...

He looked at the screen with trembling eyes,

There is only one question in my mind -

What the hell is going on?.

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