magician are all crispy chicken, it's common sense.

The wonderful group of Odin's family is purely Asgard's innate physical quality. Even if he learns magic, he still has a strong melee ability.

Just like herself, even though she is a witch, her fighting power should not be underestimated if she really wants to fight with people.

But the always weak earthlings, those magicians are different...

Even the Kamar-Taj magician group that I had vaguely heard about at the beginning, their physical fitness was still at the level of ordinary people, and they could fall to their death by jumping off a building if they were unlucky.

The kind of long-range artillery that would only stand in a long-range "biubiubiu" and lay on the ground to play dead dogs once the enemy got close, was quite disgusting in the famous Asgard, which was a matter of ideology.

But the Wang Mang in front of him is really...

"Well, this... Wang Mang magician, I admit that you are indeed different."

Lorelei recognized the situation and made a compromise for the time being.

"It's just that I'm a prisoner of Asgard. If you take me like this, I'm afraid..."

Wang Mang interrupted her: "Don't worry, His Majesty Odin has already announced his pardon for your crimes and will not hunt you down again."


"You can ask. Odin has issued an order. However, I don't know if it will be taken back."

Wang Mang said seemingly indifferently, but he was actually telling her that the pardon order could be withdrawn at any time if she was not obedient.

A look of relief flashed across Lorelai's face.

God knows how terrified she is of that cold and dark prison cell, and the feeling that she can't make any sound, it has become her nightmare for hundreds of years.

Finally, free!

Lorelai took a deep breath and looked at Wang Mang.

Eh... that doesn't seem like freedom.


"Master, is this Kamar-Taj here?"

On the square of Kamar-Taj, Lorelai changed into a green robe, and hugged Wang Mang's arms with both hands, his lips almost touching his ears.

"You... be serious with me!"

Wang Mang pulled out his hand in embarrassment and gave her a vicious look.

Hell, this woman is too scary!

The "Sage Mode" skill did not trigger, indicating that this girl did not use her super ability, and did all this with her original charm.

Obviously my concentration is not that bad. Could it be that I haven't eaten meat for so long, and my heart has become an LSP, right?

"Giggle, what's the matter, people are the master's people..."

Lorelai didn't realize it, and hugged Wang Mang's arm again, and squeezed hard.

Hehe, even if you don't need super Ability, I can still conquer you!


Many people in the square saw the pair appear.

Just kidding, one is the champion of the last magician competition, the disciple of Master Ancient One, and the other is a beautiful woman who even looked at Du Shigeng, this is too dazzling.

But no one went up to disturb the two. After all, the big bully Wang is famous for being fierce in Kamar-Taj, and the scene of Snoopy being beaten into a sieve by Gatling is vivid in my mind...

Fortunately, some people are not afraid.


"Senior brother, you're finally back, humming..."

"Senior brother, let me tell you, I... Who is she?!"

Little junior sister Kli rushed over with open arms. Just when Wang Mang thought a hungry tiger was coming, she suddenly stopped, and her eyes fixed on Lorelei beside her, especially the one who was holding Wang Mang's arm. Posture...

Confirmed eyes, this is the enemy of life and death!

Lorelai just glanced slightly, then looked away.

The little girl's movie, the slag of the combat power 5, the turkey and the dog are not worth mentioning!

Lorelai decided to fight, she turned to face Wang Mang, and asked in a tone she had never seen before, "Master, who is she?"

Wang Mang: “d(?д??)”

Wang Mang endured Kerry's eyes that were about to get angry, and the whole person was not well. I originally thought that the little sister was here to relieve the siege, but now...

How can there be a sense of sight in the Asura field?


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