After a while, the yacht slowly left the harbor.

Several people moved all the supplies in the car to the yacht.

After a while, the yacht slowly sailed away from the harbor.

At night.

In a bedroom of the yacht, Xu Mo was searching on the computer.

There are not many types of things needed to make auxiliary magic arrays.

The main thing is mithril.

This thing is simple, but it is made of silver through a special secret method.

But if you want to carve a magic array that can cover the entire city, the amount required is very large, and hundreds of tons of silver are required.

If it is a small amount, it is easy to say.

But such a large amount of silver must be looted from several large silver storage warehouses to be collected.


There is no way to find the exact address of these warehouses on the Internet.

I must find an expert in this area.

At this time, there was a knock on the door from outside.

Then Alyssa came in from outside, closed the door and locked it directly.

"Dear, do you need special service?"

"How special?"

Xu Mo put away the note in his hand and looked at the other person's dress.

She didn't know where she found an angel cosplay costume of Lao Ma's ex-girlfriend. After coming in, she turned around in front of Xu Mo.

"Angel's free upgrade service can help you, the great wizard, strengthen the magic wand and upgrade it directly to purple equipment!"


Early the next morning.

Xu Mo woke up with a knock on the door.

He opened his eyes and looked at Alyssa who was still sleeping. He got up and walked to the door and opened it.

Outside the door.

Of course, it was Harry with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

"Just now I received a broadcast on the radio. The other party reported a location, claiming that it was the location of the official fleet, and called on various ships nearby to join the fleet."

"What do you mean?"

Xu Mo looked at the other party and asked.

"I don't count the past!"

Xu Mo nodded.

The other party's idea coincided with his.

Relying on the supplies on the ship alone, they can at least last for more than a month.

Moreover, if he wanted, Xu Mo could fill the entire ship with supplies.

There is no need to join the other party's fleet.

In such a doomsday environment, it is still unknown who controls these fleets. If you go up rashly, you may put yourself in danger.

Although Xu Mo is not afraid of the other party in terms of his ability, there is no need to cause trouble.

But Xu Mo himself plans to go to the ship to explore.

Judging from yesterday's situation, the zombie virus should have just broken out. If we talk about the current situation in various countries and cities in the world, these official institutions are naturally the most clear.

There may still be cities that have not been completely occupied by zombies.

If there is such a city, you only need to follow the clues from the silver shop to find the location of the silver vault.

However, if there is really no other way, he can only choose the dumbest way.

Collect slowly from silver shops one by one.

After saying hello to Harry, Xu Mo returned to the cabin, opened a space door and walked in.

On an ocean 200 nautical miles away from New York.

There is a huge fleet floating, or it is more appropriate to call it a fleet.

In the center of the fleet is an aircraft carrier.

There are several cruisers and destroyers around, and the rest are some civilian ships and yachts.

Inside the aircraft carrier.

In the fleet commander's room, a white man with short hair in his forties is enjoying his breakfast.

Although the end of the world has come.

But Kevin, who controls an aircraft carrier fleet, has not reduced his quality of life.

Put a piece of medium-rare top steak into his mouth.

He closed his eyes and felt the sauce exploding in his taste buds.

When he opened his eyes, a short-haired Chinese man was standing in front of him.

Kevin's expression changed.

"Who are you and how did you get in?"

He opened his mouth to call the soldiers.


Xu Mo put his index finger to his mouth, signaling the other party to be quiet.

At the same time, a black light flashed in Kevin's eyes, and his face instantly became a little dull.


A small spell recorded in the Dark God Book.

The effect is similar to hypnosis. After it is cast, no matter what is asked, the other party will answer truthfully.

Xu Mo sat down calmly.

"What is the situation in each country now?"


Where did it come from, how did it spread!"


After a while, Xu Mo let out a long breath and then stood up.

From the other party's mouth.

At present, the military does not know where the virus came from, nor does it understand how it spreads. Since yesterday afternoon, nearly half of the cities in all countries in the world, including Boston where Xu Mo is, have all fallen.

And this morning, zombies also appeared in those cities that have not fallen.

According to this situation.

By noon today, almost all cities will become a paradise for zombies.

After receiving this news, Xu Mo did not hesitate. He stepped directly into the space gate.

New York.

On a remote street, Xu Mo stepped out of the space gate.

At the end of the street is the famous Fifth Avenue.

Before coming here, Xu Mo checked on the Internet and it is said that this street has the largest silver jewelry store in New York.

Just walked out of the space gate, Xu Mo heard screams coming from Fifth Avenue.

Hearing this, Xu Mo walked to the intersection.

The street was already crowded with vehicles.

On the road, countless zombies chased and bit the driver who got off the car.

He did not hesitate and turned to the right.

The silver jewelry store was about 100 meters to the right.

After running a few steps, he was spotted by several zombies on the side. These zombies roared and rushed towards him.

Xu Mo saw this and waved his right hand gently.

Countless steel nails appeared around him, shuttling around him at a high speed.

Before these zombies could get close, they were pierced through the brain by steel nails and slowly fell to the ground.

Not far away, a family of four who were running saw the steel nails flying around Xu Mo, and their faces showed surprise.

After realizing that Xu Mo was very safe, the man ran towards Xu Mo with his wife and children.

"Save us! ”

“My daughter has asthma. I’m willing to give everything as long as she can take us away!”

Xu Mo had no intention of paying attention to them, but after glancing at their faces, he was stunned for a moment.

These people looked familiar, especially the man with medium-length hair, whose face was 90% similar to Brad Pitt.

Instantly, a flash of lightning flashed through Xu Mo’s mind.

“Zombies, aircraft carriers, Pitt, a daughter with asthma…”

The name of a movie appeared in his mind.

“World War Z!!”

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