On the top floor of the Hammer Group Building, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, Hammer has a lollipop in his mouth, looking at the sign of the Stark Building in the distance, glittering in the curtain.

Hammer picked up the materials on the table, which was the blueprint he had obtained from Senator Stern for a generation of Warframe Iron Overlords.

It has been handed over to the company's engineers for a week of research, and the mecha has been produced, but the energy problem has not been solved.

The electric energy is not good, the battery life is too poor, the gasoline is not good, the gasoline engine is small and the power is insufficient, and the big is too bloated.

Solid fuel is also not good, not to mention expensive, it is also easy to explode.

Nuclear energy has also been tried, but it can't do it, and it can't solve the problem of miniaturization.

"It's all a bunch of rubbish." Hammer frantically threw the lollipop from his mouth, unbeknownst to him, these problems had all been encountered by Obitya.

And then he had exactly the same idea as Obbidia at the moment, just wanted to get a miniaturized Ark reactor from Tony.

"Tony's crumb, how the hell did you get the little reactor?" Hammer also had to admire the technology of his nemesis Tony, the Ark reactor and mecha are standard, and it is not good to change them to other energy sources.

At this time, the office door opened, and it was his assistant Jack who entered

, "Sir, the information has been found." Jack placed a stack of materials on the table, which Hammer had asked him to look up about Stark Corporation's history of energy.

In particular, the Ark Project in it was investigated one by one, and it was found that only one of the participants was still alive, named Anton Vanke.

Anton participates in the Ark Project with Tony's father, Howard Ward. Later in the Ark Project, Anton was unfairly treated by Howard and exiled to Siberia.

Then Anton's son, Anton Vanke, was also a nuclear physics scientist.

"Maybe you can bring them over and try it." When Hammer saw this, he already had a plan in his heart.

Hammer picked up his pen and wrote a few words on the paper: "Iron Destiny Plan".

"Tony, your fate is to fall. Don't blame me for being ruthless. Stark Industries will only collapse if you die. The corners of Hammer's mouth curled slightly, and he took out a lollipop again, and began to fantasize in his heart that after the collapse of Stark Industries, Hammer would take over all the orders for weapons and mechs.

As soon as he looked excited, the A4 paper in his left hand turned to ashes.

Hammer calmed down and made a phone call, with a respectful attitude: "Yes, Mr. Stern, everything is planned.

Stern's cold voice rang out from the phone, "Not fast enough, maybe, I can get you a help." "


At this time, Ivan Vanke was building the Ark reactor at home.

The reason is that his father, Anton Vanke, was watching Tony's press conference, and he watched the Ark reactor he developed was actually used for green energy after being perfected by Tony, which

could be used for unlimited weapons, but it was used by Stark Industries to improve people's livelihood and create evil.

Moreover, Stark Industries clearly has half of its own.

Anton Vanke was indignant for a while, and died of cerebral thrombosis in excess of excitement.

Ivan Vanke saw his father die depressed, and after listening to his father tell the reason, he held a grudge against Tony, and

what was the best way to make a person miserable? It's to beat him in what he does best.

So, Ivan dug through his father's relics and found the design of the Ark's arc reactor

, and in the signature of the design, it was written: Howard Stark and Anton Vanke.

Ivan looked at this signature for a long time, and his eyes gradually became cold: "This is an honor that belongs to my father, and I will definitely take it back with my own hands." "

Ivan is also a genius, studied for a while, and he actually came up with a miniaturization solution, when the palladium element is cold nuclear fusion, use the counterenergy to obtain energy through the ion plasma pipeline

, this day he holds a toothpick, is in the final test of the Ark

reactor, open the palladium element filling pipe, the palladium element meanders like a snake into the reactor, turn on the power supply, start the electromagnetic circle, and the power reaches its peak in an instant.

With a "snap", all the smoke and incandescent lamps in the studio exploded, and the studio suddenly became pitch black.

Only the blue glow of the ion stream of the Ark reactor in front of him gradually brightened.

Ivan looked at the Ark reactor in front of him, as if he saw Tony Stark kneeling and begging for mercy.

He opened his mouth wide with joy and laughed.


as he was happy, the door of the studio was blown open from the outside, and the door panel flew out and hit the wall, shattering.

A group of masked black-clothed men, armed with firearms, rushed in, and controlled Ivan without saying a word

, Ivan wanted to resist, but his fists were invincible to his four hands, and he was quickly tied to death.

A hood was put on Ivan's head, and then he felt himself being dragged out of the house, dragged into the car, the car started, and then on the plane.

The plane flew for a long time, and Ivan was kept on a trap, his eyes couldn't see anything, and he could only rely on listening to the sound to discern who the other party was and where he was going to take him.

During this period, he thought a lot, at first he thought that the other party was someone from the Maozi government, but it was wrong to think about it, if the government was looking for him, he would not have to cover his head at all.

Then he thought that it might be Tony's person, and then denied it, first of all, Tony didn't know that he existed, and he didn't know that he was working on the Ark reactor, so there was no reason to deal with him.

The plane flew for a long time, about ten hours in Ivan's feelings

, and finally when he was about to starve to death, he landed

, Ivan was taken off the plane, walked about fifty meters, his hood was finally taken off

, the bright light in front of his eyes, made his eyes stinging for more than ten hours

, Ivan blocked the light with his hand, and it took a while to get used to the environment around him.

It was an aircraft warehouse with a luxurious fighter jet, and not far in front of the plane was a white cloth dining table with flowers and goblets.

At the dining table sat a middle-aged man in a suit and a napkin.

That's when I heard the man say, "Hey, he's coming." The

man stood up, looked at Ivan and said happily, "How happy, welcome." Ivan

didn't know this person, but seeing that his attitude was not bad, he was relieved, at least not shouting and killing as soon as they met.

When Ivan was brought to the table, the man behaved amiably again: "Oh my God, hurry up and unhandcuff my friend, please forgive me, I'm sorry." Ivan

was confused in his heart, he didn't know who this person was, but he thought he was a person with great energy.

The kidnappers were willing to obey his commands.

The man continued: "I am your most loyal friend, and I didn't see that we would meet in such a situation.

When the kidnappers had withdrawn, the man began to introduce himself: "My name is Justin Hammer."

Ivan couldn't figure out what was going on, so he remained silent and reached out to shake Hammer's hand.

Hammer also knew that Ivan was too wary now, and continued, "I want to make a deal with you. Have a seat. "

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