Tony began to get into combat mode: "Scan. A

blue light flashed in front of the mech, revealing the terrain inside and outside the cave and the number and location of the enemies.

More than a dozen kidnappers outside the cave were running towards this side

, and Tony sneered: "Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you." After

two months of abuse, Tony's heart is full of hatred.

With a whoosh, the mecha had already left the cave and rushed outside, the speed was definitely at the level of sound, and there was a faint sonic boom.

As soon as he got out of the hole, he saw enemies in all directions, and Tony rushed towards them as soon as he bent down, and before the enemy could react

, he rushed as fast as he could, "What kind of monster is that?"

"Shoot, shoot."

"Don't let him rush over and stop him."

The bandits fired wildly, their guns spewing out countless bullets.

They were so frightened that they didn't dare to let go of the trigger with their fingers.

For a while, the mecha was full of fire

, clanging, and the sound of bullets hitting the mecha kept ringing.

After a while, one of the bandits' clips of bullets was fired, but the smoke cleared, and the mech was unscathed.

"Now it's my turn." Tony began to run, charged

, and rushed directly into the pile of bandits

, with a left punch, a kidnapper was hammered with a gun, spitting blood in mid-air

, and with a right punch, a kidnapper was swept to the ground, his bones were shattered, and he couldn't see

that he was alive, Tony was like entering a no-man's land, and

the bandits had no one to fight.

"Oh my God, it's so fast, the bullet can't hit him."

"No, the bullet hit, but it was blocked. We can't beat him. "

Drop the grenade."

"Where are the anti-tank rockets? Grab it and give him a shot. "

Missile, aim at him. Find an opportunity to him. The

kidnappers finally reacted, and the firepower instantly upgraded to a notch,

however, it was useless.

The mecha is rampaging in this base of the Ten Rings Gang, invincible, and everywhere it goes, people are turning on their backs.

It was really a punch for a child, the child sometimes flew into the sky, sometimes fled to the ground, was beaten to the point that he was missing an arm and a broken leg, and he was unable to form an army.

Tony had a lot of fun, and yes, he's playing.

But for the kidnappers, it's hell.

"Boom, boom" Tony felt that the explosions were everywhere, but they didn't affect him.

As soon as Tony raised his hand, he grabbed a flying rocket, the rocket had not exploded, and a large amount of flames were sprayed from the tail, and several Mach rings could be seen.

He grabbed the rocket and sprinted into a crowd.

The "boom" rocket exploded, and the bandits, who had just been huddled in a heap, were instantly shattered.

And the mecha is intact.

Inspired by this, Tony rushed to the side of a bunch of rockets, picked up a rocket and threw it at a crowded place

, the rocket parabola flew far away, and when he landed ten meters above the enemy's head, Tony aimed at the rocket, activated the chest cluster gun, and fired.

Within 10 meters of the "boom" rocket, no one survived.

It's not much faster than whack-a-mole by one.


Concocted in accordance with the law. "Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom".

The Ten Rings have already frightened their hearts.

No matter who it is, the monster on the other side that can't be moved, can't be delayed, and is infinitely powerful is this desperate mentality.


"Run, he's the devil."

The kidnappers began to retreat, some dropping their guns and running, others shooting as they retreated.

The kidnapper's mentality has collapsed, what else can he do, it is important to escape.

It's okay for this kind of rabble to fight a tailwind war, once the battle is scorching, they are the first to run away and retreat.

Tony didn't want to let them go.

I almost died at their hands before, but now I finally want to take revenge, and if I don't die completely, I will be sick in my heart.

Cut the grass to remove the roots.

Tony's speed is like a blast of the wind, and it's lightning fast.

Not only is he fast on the ground, but he is also fast in the air.

I saw him soar into the air, and after catching up with the fleeing people one by one, he punched and solved them one by one.

Gradually, the base fell silent, and sporadic gunshots rang out, the sound of Tony settling the last remnants of the army.

Tony landed at the mouth of the cave and looked back at the ruined base, full of severed limbs and flesh against the wall, and the tragic state was unbearable to look at.

There was broken wood burning, and the air was filled with the smell of burning.

The weapons and ammunition that had been piled up in the base had all been destroyed and detonated.

Finally, the enemies were all wiped out, and the surroundings were completely silent.

Tony glanced at the map and frowned, there was an enemy.

The map shows three other people, one is himself, one is Dr. Ethan in the cave, and the other is supposed to be the leader of the kidnappers.

I saw that the three standards representing people were all stationary.

It seems that the leader is hiding.

Tony entered the cave and saw Dr. Ethan hiding in a corner with the big gun, and poked his head out after hearing the mech's characteristic footsteps.

"Tony, how's it going?" Dr. Ethan's tone was a little excited, a little expectant.

As soon as Tony went out, he heard gunshots outside, and the explosions continued like firecrackers.

The roaring outside gradually subsided, and by now, it was quiet outside, and no sound could be heard anymore.

I guess Tony got rid of all the kidnappers.

"We succeeded?"

"That's right, we succeeded, Lao Yi, we can go home." Tony lifted his face armor with tears in his eyes and smiled at Lao Yi.

"Go home." Dr. Ethan also became excited, jumped out and hugged the mech, slapped Tony's chest with both hands, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

He was caught by the kidnappers before Tony, and he was scared here day and night, and he had had enough of it.

It's so happy to be able to escape the cage today, and I want to go home every day, and I finally get what I want.

Dr. Ethan was so excited that he covered his face with his hands and crouched on the ground and whimpered. The most painful ordeal of life is finally coming to an end.

Tony was wearing a mech, and he couldn't comfort him, so he had to wait for Dr. Ethan to calm down.

Tony's heart was full of relief at the moment, remembering Dr. Ethan's enlightenment to him during this time.

This middle-aged man who pulled him out of the abyss at the lowest point in his life is very important to himself.

The regret of the original drama is finally gone this time.


Dr. Ethan eventually calmed down, and now he was in danger, not the time to feel sorry.

And one last enemy.

Tony and Dr. Ethan find the enemy's hiding place, which turns out to be a dry well.

At first glance, he is a smart person, and he knows that if he drives away, he will definitely not be able to escape in the vast plains outside, and a car is too eye-catching.

If Tony doesn't have a mech, it's better to say, the mecha can fly, how far can the car go in ten minutes?

It's much more hidden to find a dry well in the base and hide it, the base is so big, you can't search everywhere, right?

He never expected that the mecha would have a scanning function.

He still hasn't figured out how the other party's mecha came from.

Tony lifted a scrapped car next to him and pressed it against the wellhead.

If this bandit leader can come out, it means that he has a big life, and if he can't come out, then his life should be like this, and he will not live for more than three days.

Tony and Dr. Ethan looked at each other and smiled.

"It's time to go home."

It has been nearly three months since I came out to inspect and was kidnapped.

The experience of these three months touched Tony's heart tremendously.

In his previous life, he lived in a peaceful country, and in this life, he also lived in a peaceful country, and he had never seen any war.

This kidnapping made him realize.

No matter how rich you are, you will still be knocked out with one shot.

When you are alone, others can bully you as much as they want.

If it weren't for the armor on his body, would he have escaped today? I'm afraid that I was not directly shot by these bandits.

They don't care if you're a tyrant or a genius.

Therefore, only its own strength is truly powerful.

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