Tony goes back to the villa and looks at the obtrusive supercar in the basement, the car he used to love so much, but now it feels so bad.

There are Transformers, who still plays with such a LOW toy.

Suddenly, Tony's expression moved, and he thought of a good idea, he came to the front of a Ford convertible classic car, his fingers flicked

, and in a click, the car turned into a tall robot, and then Tony flicked another Shelby Daytona Cooper two-seater, and in the click, the car also turned into a

fierce robot.

In less than five minutes, all the cars that Tony had spent a lot of time collecting before had been turned into robots.

The newborn robot feels the breath of Tony's Tinder Source, and it is very kind.

Under Tony's orders, they all left the underground studio and played with the Bo faction.

Tony looked at the suddenly empty studio, his mind flashed, it seemed that he had thought badly before

, the original Cybertron seemed to be important, but it didn't seem to be important, he had the ability to transform robots, and he could generate an army of robots by himself.

The important thing is that the technology in the brains of the original Cybertrons, as well as their experience, is the most important and priceless.

"Jarvis, how many new engines have been produced?" Tony came up with a new engine and wanted to see if he could merge with the robot.

"Sir, the time is too short, and none of them have been produced." Jarvis has a smooth voice.

"Speed up."

While Tony was researching how to maximize the optimization of robots, a slight spatial fluctuation occurred in outer space, and a pentagonal prismatic sphere the size of a blue ball appeared in the orbit of the Earth's satellite, and

then the unidentified object fell towards the Earth in a free-fall manner.

Arkham Asylum in Gotham City, Batman Bruce Wayne worked hard to finally end the riots brought by the Joker, and the super criminals were all re-sent to prison, and

the criminals injected with the Titan potion returned to normal with the help of the antidote

, Batman thought that all this had settled and drove the batmachine back to the city, where he was going to deal with the robbery of the two-faces.

However, a brilliant brilliance flashed in mid-air, a meteor that was slowed down to below the speed of sound by air resistance, and became inconspicuous

, this meteor, which was the previous Tony test flickering, attracted the attention of the giant ugly spacecraft, and the probe it that it launched, he followed Tony's flickering

trajectory and tracked it to Earth.

The detector fell from the sky, smashed through the roof of the cell with a thud, fell to the ground, rolled down a few times, and came to rest at the feet of the sturdy clown tied up in the middle of the cell.

The Joker was staring blankly ahead with his eyes open, his head thinking about why he had failed again this time, he felt angry and frustrated

, and every time he almost felt successful, but he always made Batman win at the crucial point.

Time and time again, months of hard planning felt like a waste.

The clown felt tired, he didn't notice the unknown object at his feet, and crawled out a strange creature like

a black octopus, the black octopus crept up to the clown's ankle, and the outstretched tentacles turned into sharp thorns, and the brush pierced into the clown's skin.

The sharp pain in his feet brought the clown to his senses, he cried out in pain, his body struggled violently

, the pain spread from his ankles upwards, over his knees, over his thighs, straight into his chest, and then into his neck, into his brain

, fixing the clown's shelf, which was shaken by him with a creaky sound, as if the next moment, the shelf was about to be shaken apart by the clown.

Finally, the pain was extreme, and the whole body suddenly felt relaxed, and a feeling of transparency from head to toe with open pores filled the whole body.

The Joker hears an ethereal voice in his head: "Do you want to defeat Batman?" Want him to crawl at your feet and let you play with it? The

clown is a spirit, he feels it, this is the voice of the devil, it can arouse people's deepest thoughts, but this is really the thing he desires most in his heart

, how can he refuse, the clown replied without hesitation: "Yes." The

devil's voice continued to sound, full of temptation: "Give my body to me, and I will help you make it happen." Soon, you'll see that damn Batman is on his knees at your feet, humiliating you as you want. The

Joker immediately saw Batman being beaten and his face was swollen, but the tears in his eyes refused to fall, biting his lip, looking at himself with stubborn eyes, and the aggrieved appearance made the Joker happy and happy.

"Hahahaha..." The clown shuddered and laughed, and in the midst of the maniac laughter, the clown's eyes turned blood-red and swallowed his heart.

Soon, the Joker calms down, and the Parasitic Sentinel has taken full control of the Joker's body, and it begins to check the Joker's memories and

share them with the infinitely distant green-skinned master: Brainiac. The favorite thing to do as a city collector is to collect all kinds of beautiful cities and make them into small bottles.

"Interesting, interesting, not this small planet, Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger, this robot is interesting."

"Oh, what a surprise, Krypton's fish that slipped through the net was actually found here. Superman? Hehe"

"Could it be that he was the one who walked through the wormhole that day?"

The upper shackles of the clown's body began to click and open automatically, and his figure slowly flew towards the big hole above his head as if he had no gravity, gradually flying higher, and he looked at the brightly lit Gotham City in the distance, and smiled slightly.

"It looks like this planet is good, and you should be able to find a city or two worth collecting." The voice was cold and unforgiving.

"It seems that these people below are the first wave of his subordinates." The clown slowly descends back into his cell, and with a stroke of his mind,

all surveillance is breached.

There was a click, a neat sound of unlocking, and all the cell doors were opened,

"Toot toot." Suddenly, the alarm bell rang loudly

, and the villains and villains inside rushed out of the cell with howls, and

when they saw the clown flying in the air, their eyes were blood-red, and they all quieted down, and they knew that it was the clown who saved them again.

They were waiting for the clown to speak.

"Go and turn the world into a kingdom of terror."

"Divide Gotham and be happy together."

"Aim big and do bad things."

"Charge, charge."

In the voice of the clown's seductive voice, the perverted lunatics of Arkham Asylum quickly killed the few guards in the courtyard, rushed out of the courtyard gate, and ran towards the city.

As soon as Batman walked on the front foot, they were free on the back foot, and there was nothing more cool than that.

They imagined how ugly Batman's face would be, and they would be happy about anything that could embarrass Batman.

The clown hovers in the air, watching the flow of people running wildly under his feet, and has a plan in his heart.

These people are not enough, he also needs more energetic men.

"Let's start with you, Batman Bruce, hehehehe."

"Step by step, step by step, and development, the philosophy from the East is really quite good."

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