Tony left the dejected Clark on the sofa on the first floor, and as for what would happen to Clarke, Tony had no choice but to let him get out of the Virgin's cage by himself.

Otherwise, no one can save him, and the demons can only be solved by themselves.

"Sir, your phone has been blown up." Jarvis's voice rang out just in time.

Tony looked at the call alert and had a headache.

Because there are people on Earth who use high-definition telescopes all the time to broadcast the situation of alien spacecraft.

So as soon as he appeared next to the spaceship, he was inserted directly, and netizens around the world knew it for the first time.

Later, he activated the spaceship, and the space frenzy launched the light of destruction, which was clearly broadcast to the world.

This kind of feat must have caused a global uproar, although netizens don't know what caused it, but netizens can determine who appeared next to the alien spaceship, after all, his nano mecha is too recognizable, People with a little ability point in the world will contact Tony as the initiator as soon as possible.

If it weren't for Jarvis filtering, Tony's phone would have been ringing 24 hours a day

, "filtering out calls you don't know, filtering out useless calls." Tony instructed Jarvis.

In the end, Tony saw a few calls on the screen, so he replied one by one

, the first was Pepper Pepp, the phone was connected almost instantly, and Pepper's excited voice came from the headphones: "Hey, Tony, was that you just now?" This is the biggest reality show of the century, and the main character in it is you, my dear, can you tell me how you defeated the alien spaceship?

Tony, of course, didn't have time, so he shirked a few times, and finally hung up the phone in Pepper Peper's coquettish voice, and Tony knew for the first time that Pepper still had such a side.

Then there was Director Black Boiled Egg Fury, the phone was also connected in an instant, and Black Boiled Egg's calm voice sounded: "Tony, what happened above just now, can you tell me, how do I feel that the crisis has been lifted." I'm in dire need of information.

Tony explained the situation to the black braised egg three or two, but the other end of the phone was silent, I don't know if he was scared silly, or forgot to breathe and fainted, and after waiting for a while, there was no reply at all except for the sound of rapid breathing, Tony hung up the phone.

At this time, Director Fury, who was in the Hexagonal Department of Defense, trembled all over, his eyes were full of shock and loss of control

, he never thought that Tony, the self-proclaimed mechanical master, could benefit to such an extent

, you must know that it is a spaceship that can jump galaxies, and it is not known how many grades higher than the earth civilization.

It's as simple as that, and it's solved by Tony's move?

Could this alien spaceship be a tease sent by monkeys?

Director Fury touched the BB machine on his waist: I don't know which of the two is stronger or weaker compared to that one.

Chuan Jianguo on the side also came to his senses after hearing the hang-up sound of the call, he was also excited and his whole body trembled, his golden hair fluttered with the shaking of his body, and he roared happily: "Did you hear it, did you hear it, no one knows aliens better than me, they are all scum who bluff people." And

everyone else in the hall of the Ministry of Defense began to cheer, after all, in their opinion, this is a crisis of annihilation, which was solved by their own heroes in a snap of their fingers, and they were protected, which is a thing to be happy about.

The news spread through the government, and the online media began to ferment.

"Superheroes are here! Save the world from dire straits! "

As soon as the machine master strikes, the alien threat can be destroyed at your fingertips!"

"Tony Stark, solve the epic threat!"

"How did Tony solve the alien spaceship, he will lead the wave of future machines!"

Netizens have no brainless fans.

"Tony Stark is better than anyone else, unmatched!"

"Tony Stark is always the best, everyone else is trash!"

"Only Tony deserves my love and support!"

"Tony Starr is my faith, my savior."


, "keep an eye on Tony Star, send someone over and visit to see if there's an opportunity to cooperate."

"Apply with the mold country, let our people go in and investigate, the alien spaceship is the common wealth of the earthlings,

" "Tony Starr is a member of our stick country."

Gu Yi looked into space, when Tony activated the alien spacecraft into a

robot, she also felt amazing, she didn't understand what the ability of this transformation robot was, but it was certainly not magic

, she suddenly felt that she had seen the wrong person, Tony, this son, has unlimited potential, definitely not a person who does nothing

, maybe, as he said, to maintain the peace of the earth, he can also contribute, it seems that his burden can be easier, I am not alone.

Gotham, the clown possessed by Brainiac, looked up at the sky and trembled with excitement, his eyes emitted an obvious red light, he felt so surprised

, he never thought that someone could transform a spaceship into a robot

, "There are such interesting creatures in the world, it's worth it, it's really worth it."

Although he couldn't figure out how Tony did it, it didn't prevent him from making up his mind to collect Tony

, he felt that this time he had gained too much from coming to Earth, and it was the first time he had met such a strange person after so many years of crisscrossing the universe.

"Perhaps, the setup in Gotham is a bit petty. Now the preparation feels a notch lower. The clown stood there quietly, giving the impression that he was mysterious.

"The few people who just escaped should be added to the plan." The clown's eyes flickered red, apparently perfecting his plan.

The robots on the ground were excited, and they looked around Tony, their master.

Waiting for Tony to tell them about the above scene

, they all felt it on the ground, the huge spaceship, activated by Tony into a robot, and it was also Cyber Kong

, this is a big event in Cybertron, every Cyber King is born, and the family carnival will be celebrated on Cybertron.

But I didn't know the brainwave signal, I couldn't contact it, and I was so anxious that the robots scratched their ears and cheeks, so they flew up to salute.

Tony looked at the excited robot and thought about it, he had been using the Tinder Source to communicate with the space frenzy before, and he didn't know if there was a distance limit.

"Space frenzy, call back." Tony is calling for a space frenzy through the Tinder Source

, "Space Frenzy receive, please rule over." Tony quickly responded

, Tony was excited, it turned out that there was really no distance limit

to the communication of this tinder source, Tony put his hand on Optimus Prime, the energy of the tinder source engine increased, and the tinder could extend along Tony's right hand to Optimus Prime, groping, resonating his brain waves with Optimus Prime

, and after a while, successfully pulled Optimus Prime into the group chat, Tony

felt a burst of secret joy in his heart, and succeeded.

Then the other members pulled in one by one, and

all of a sudden, Tony's mind was like a vegetable market, chattering non-stop, and he knew for the first time that these robot brothers were all chattering.

"I can't stand it", Tony regretted pulling them in, but he didn't know how to shield them

, he finally realized the scene that Xing Ye said, these guys are okay and talk at length about their mother-in-law and mother-in-law, it's like a fly all day long, buzz... Sorry, not one, it's a bunch of flies surrounding you, buzz... Airplanes... Airplanes... Airplanes... Fly into your ears and help!

Tony couldn't help but yell: "Quiet", the

world is finally quiet and comfortable.

The robots looked at Tony inexplicably, they usually communicate like this, there's nothing wrong with it, it seems that the juggernaut has been stimulated by something.

"In the future, unless there is something urgent, it is forbidden to communicate with the fire source." Tony gave them a ban

, "If you want to talk to the space frenzy, go up and talk to him yourself, flashing everything, less than a second." Just like a child, are you still waiting for me to take it? "

Get out."

A group of machines are scattered.

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