As Tony sighed and had a sense of epiphany

, a blue figure shuttled in, and the figure was passed through by a high-speed plasma stream, unhindered, and the figure in front of him was like an illusion.

Tony's pupils shrank, his blue body, the standard of an atom on his head, Tony knew who it was, it was the Manhattan doctor he had told Clark before.

Tony looked at Dr. Manhattan in surprise, and just wanted to raise his hand to say hello to him.

But he was frightened by the sudden mechanical sound in his head: [Unknown system host has been discovered, and the host can be destroyed to take away its system.] The system's

reminder made Tony completely confused.

He felt frightened, his whole body instantly tensed, adrenaline hormones secreted wildly, and his hands trembled.

The blue Dr

. Manhattan in front of him is actually the owner of the system, and Tony's mind comes up with Dr. Manhattan's life, no wonder he is so awesome, almost omnipotent, with the power comparable to God, and will live and destroy the multiverse.

No wonder, only the system can explain all this, otherwise his ability is too unreasonable,

then his system must be awesome.

This little Karami system still wants to annex the other party? It's a little taken for granted, it's good not to be annexed by the other party.

Eliminate Dr. Manhattan? The system really dares to think

, now its own ability, it is estimated that it can only block two moves

of Dr. Manhattan, thank God if he is not killed by Dr. Manhattan.

system, I advise you not to be delusional.

Tony didn't dare to move there.

He was afraid that Dr. Manhattan would eat him in turn, and it would really be a matter of waving his hand, and Dr. Manhattan could easily solve him with any ability.

Like dominating particles, decomposing and reorganizing, and controlling time, Tony just thinks about it, and cold sweat comes out.

Just now he heard the voice of the system, thinking that Dr. Manhattan was in the same situation, the system would devour each other and then upgrade something

, it seems that this should not be the case, his own mechanical domination system, upgrades all rely on some special items in this universe.

Devouring other systems is just one way to upgrade, not the only one.

What really surprised him was that there were other systems in this universe, and he wasn't the only one.

It seems that the universe is much more complicated.

"Hello, Tony Stark." Dr. Manhattan's voice sounded in his head, and his tone was flat, like two people greeting each other when they met by chance on the streets of the earth.

Dr. Manhattan has known everything about Tony through time observation, including wetting the bed when he was a child, rolling the sheets for the first time, being kidnapped for the first time

, and being injured, and then Dr. Manhattan can't see Tony's timeline clearly, as if Tony's experience after being kidnapped and injured has turned into a fog, and Dr. Manhattan seems to see another person.

Like a person who is destined to die, and suddenly there is a string of hazy future that looks like another person, a little abrupt, the

corners of Dr. Manhattan's mouth are slightly upturned

, "Interesting, I've never seen such an interesting person." Tony Stark, you look nervous. Dr. Manhattan stood there quietly, carefully observing Tony in the spatial defense, and the absolute reflection of the spatial defense could not stop his gaze.

Tony now has a feeling of being naked and being seen by Dr.

Manhattan, although Dr. Manhattan is also naked, but two big men are naked opposite each other on the sun, which is too embarrassing and weird.

Tony was nervous, he didn't know if Dr. Manhattan also had the task of absorbing other people's systems.

If it were, he'd have to find a way to escape.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the identity of the traverser is known by the other party, can Dr. Manhattan still avenge the original Iron Man? This is obviously impossible.

"It was a little surprise to meet you on the distant sun. Dr. Manhattan. Tony stumbled a little nervously and spoke upside down.

Dr. Manhattan could see at a glance that Tony was lying, but now that he was becoming less and less mortal, he didn't care much about these things, and he was now interested in Tony's later timeline, which he couldn't see

clearly, but it also aroused a strong desire for knowledge.

In his eyes, this is a very interesting phenomenon, which he has never encountered before.

As for Tony's new engine, he already knows the principle and essence through quantum analysis. And it didn't go beyond his realization.

He just thought the new engine was interesting, but not surprised, and

Dr. Manhattan's eyes glowed blue, constantly shining at Tony.

As impolite as this was, Dr. Manhattan didn't feel that there was anything impolite about his fading humanity.

Tony was a little restless, and although he was surrounded by tens of thousands of degrees of the sun's surface, he felt a little cold in his heart, which made people shiver.

"Your timeline is very interesting, can you tell me about the kidnapping of the Ten Rings Gang, what happened to you after you were injured?" Dr. Manhattan is interested, too lazy to be polite, and asks questions straightforwardly.

Tony secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it didn't just kill him directly, it didn't seem to be as sinister as he thought.

"It's a long story, I experienced a kidnapping that day, and a bomb exploded next to me... Tony speaks.

In my own near-death experience, in the dark, I heard a certain voice.

And then came back to life.

Dr. Manhattan nodded: "Sure enough, our experience is the same, the difference is that I only heard the voice of the kingdom of God after I died, and my mind entered another realm.

"Your body is still there, but I can only reassemble it."

"Probably, you're luckier than me."

"In the communication with the kingdom of God one by one, the things that the kingdom of God has given are completed, and the kingdom of God gives new abilities. This is what I am today.

"You have been communicating with the kingdom of God for a short time, and your ability is not strong, but in time, you will definitely be able to match the gods."

Dr. Manhattan's voice was calm, and he couldn't hear any ups and downs, and the human feelings in him faded away.

It's like saying that some ant has fallen and that's a bland thing.

Tony has some realization, the reason why Dr. Manhattan is becoming more and more like a god and less human is because he has done too many tasks and has begun to be gradually assimilated by the system.

Tony wanted to say that everyone's system was different, and the words came to his mouth and swallowed again.

Dr. Manhattan's system is clearly a task system, and his own system feels like a support.

Not to mention the newbie pack, the mission has never been sent, it can't be that something went wrong when binding, right?

Is it an immature system?

Tony chuckled in his heart, thinking that this was very possible.

Tony began to cautiously talk to Dr. Manhattan about his kingdom.

"Yes, my kingdom of God is in my head, and I can only hear his voice, but I can't see him. Dr. Manhattan, what is your kingdom like? PS

: In the second chapter, Dr. Manhattan rolls naked and splatters for collections, gifts, and chapter reviews.

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