Tony glanced at the direction in which Thor left

, looked at the surrendered Destroyer armor in front of him, and was also surprised, happy and scared, happy that there was another general under his hand, and if it was used well, the Destroyer armor

was even more powerful than the solar frenzy.

Surprisingly, the Destroyer's armor didn't transform.

This is the first time Tony has encountered this phenomenon.

I'm afraid that it takes life force to manipulate the Destroyer's armor.

Whoever wears the Destroyer armor will have their lifespan reduced all the time.

He didn't dare to put on the Destroyer armor now.

Unless one day Tony solves the problem of immortality, he will not dare to put on the Destroyer armor.

Or in the future, if you absorb the soul gem, you can control your own life, and you will be able to wear the Destroyer armor without damage.

"Will the Spear of Eternity be able to control you in the future?" Tony stared at the Destroyer and asked one of the most important questions.

"The Eternal Spear Brand has been destroyed, confirmed, and uncontrollable." The Destroyer replied respectfully.

Tony was overjoyed to hear this, which meant that the Destroyer would not suddenly rebel.

As long as you don't meet Odin, there is basically no problem, because Tony is not sure if Odin has any means to take back the destroyer, it is better to be careful.

Tony has already arranged a position for the Destroyer, and the Destroyer will be the exclusive meat shield in the future.

Compared to output, the indestructible destroyer is indeed the best candidate for a meat shield.

"Bang." With a bang, Thor pulled the hammer and flew back again, the four-member team of Tiangong who was still following him, watching Tony and the Destroyer cautiously.

They had just been frightened by the Destroyer, and they didn't dare to trust that the powerful enemy had been subdued.

As they watched the Destroyer standing quietly beside Tony, they finally let down their guard and relaxed.

Thor circled around the Destroyer several times before greeting Tony, "Hello, Tony, my name is Thor.

Thor learned human etiquette and stretched out his right hand.

Tony shook his hand, his tone playful, "Hello, Thor, Thor, I've heard of a great name for a long time.

Thor was stunned, this kind of self-familiarity feels a little different, it's the first time I've come to Earth, is it so famous before?

"Man, you're awesome, how did you do it, do you have the Eternal Spear?" Thor looked at Tony excitedly, the artifact of the Destroyer was actually subdued by the earthling in front of him, except for the Eternal Spear, he didn't know what other artifact could control the Destroyer.

"Small means, not worth mentioning." Tony haha, this kind of information must not be said casually.

"Uh, awesome. Tony, we're ready to go back, just thank you for your help. Thor also realized the problem, and asked recklessly, he was now thinking about going back to the shrine, there were a bunch of things waiting for him to deal with, and he had no intention of talking to Tony.

Tony helped him out of danger just now, and he had to come over to say hello before leaving, he wanted to get the Destroyer back, but he couldn't control it, he couldn't carry it back, so he had to talk about it next time.

"Okay, goodbye." Tony wanted to tell Thor that his brother Loki was actually the Frost Giant. Then turn your mind together, if there is a fork, the follow-up plot changes, Loki does

not come to the earth, then the spirit scepter will not come to the earth, how to get the mind gem at that time?

Tony opened his mouth and swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Thor looked at Tony who was about to speak a little strangely, nodded, stretched out his hand, and a colorful light path fell from the sky, teleporting several people away, and the light path dispersed, and several people were gone.

Tony looked at it curiously, this is the Rainbow Bridge.

Sure enough

, Tony looked around, and there was nothing to deal with around the broken roots and remnants, so leave it to the local police.

So he took the Destroyer back to the seaside villa in Malibu, California, and went back to sleep.

In the Royal Palace of Latvia, Dr. Doom, wearing a cold metal mask on his face, sits on a large throne and looks at the monitor in his hand, which is the figure of Tony and the Destroyer.

Doctor Doom couldn't see an expression on his face, he stared at Tony's disappearing figure on the monitor, a little stunned, this young man who didn't look up to it before, he couldn't understand it now.

Not to mention the magical robot, there is also a magical space shuttle technique.

Better than his magic.

This time, because he checked the abnormal fluctuations on the earth, he passed through the drone and saw the destroyer armor, which made his heart beat

endlessly, and he liked it more and more, this style, this is simply the armor tailored for him, and it is a perfect match for himself.

When he just wanted to make a move, he was cut off by Tony.

Watch as The Destroyer is taken away by Tony.

Doctor Doom is not angry, as long as the Destroyer armor is still on Earth, he is not in a hurry, and sooner or later he can get his hands on it.

It's just a matter of sitting in someone else's hands for a while.

However, Tony also impressed him, and his strength increased greatly in a short period of time.

This is a person who is able to communicate on an equal footing.

Dr. Doom thought for a moment and dialed a phone call, which was Tony's.

Tony, on his side, was about to go back to sleep, but received a reminder from Jarvis.

"Sir, maybe you can't sleep yet, you have an encrypted phone, you can't refuse."

"Why can't you refuse?" Tony is strange, there are still calls that can't be refused, it's really a long time to see.

"Because he said that if he refused, he would detonate the mold country's native nuclear bomb." Jarvis's voice was flat, but what he said was hair-piercing.

"Sss Tony doesn't doubt that the other party can do it, he is definitely a ruthless person.

"Tony Stark. Hello. A low, majestic voice sounded in my ears.

"Who are you?" Tony didn't hear who the voice was, he had never heard it before, and it was certainly not someone he was familiar with.

"You can call me Doom, or call me Dr. Doom. I've been following you for a long time. "Doctor Doom's voice was inaudible, but it was completely different from Dr. Manhattan's indifference, and Dr. Doom was more like a pretend.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and the information of Doctor Doom came to his mind

, Victor von Doom, also known as Dr. Doom, a supervillain, and the monarch of Latvia, a small country in Eastern Europe.

Genius scientist, master of witchcraft.

And extremely vindictive and ambitious.

It has the ability to manufacture advanced scientific and technological equipment, and has powerful superpowers, including super power, energy projection, and the ability to control electromagnetic forces.

A madman trying to unify the world.

Hiss. Tony gasped

, "Hello, Dr. Doom."

"We don't seem to have much in common, but of course we're scientists. Do you want to talk about science?

Tony replied cautiously, such a big guy, it's better to be careful, and try not to offend as much as possible.

Although I'm not afraid of him, being worried about the bad guys every day is enough to make people collapse.

"I want to make a deal with you." Doctor Doom's expression was flat, but the words he said didn't feel good.

ps: On the first day of today's debut, the brothers rushed me. Whether you can survive or not depends on today's data.

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