"I saw in you the power of space, the power of thunder, and a strange power of creation, the last power I can't understand. Wow, Tony, you're such a peculiar person. Guess what, you want to give me energy? Ancient One's voice was slightly mischievous, she stared at Tony up and down

, very happy, and the smile on her lips widened.

"Then guess what kind of energy I send you?" Tony also made a joke.

"I've spent many years peeking into the future, but for you, everything is a blur and I can't see clearly. It seems that anything is possible, and it is as if nothing is possible. Strange, strange. Gu Yi's face had begun to have a hint of shock, she could only know some general things in Tony, but she couldn't see the specific details.

She'd only seen this kind of thing happen to her in Manhattan.

A man who jumped out of the cage.

It may be possible to change the entire timeline, but the Old One looks to the main timeline.

But nothing was found, no branches, no obscurities, as if it were supposed to be.

It's weird and weird.

If it weren't for Tony's unsuitability to learn spells, Tony would be the most suitable successor.

Tony's current abilities are all with the help of external objects.

Koshii looked at Tony, his eyes full of sighs. It's a pity, it's a pity.

Then he turned his head and thought about it, he was in a position, not only mages can protect the earth, look at the increasingly huge forces around

Tony, luck is also a kind of ability, Tony is a person with great luck.

Maybe he has his own way of guarding, and he just needs to make sure if he is willing to do it.

Gu Yiyi, who had figured it out, became more and more kind to Tony, and the young man in front of him felt more kind than his own grandson.

"I can't guess, can you show me? Why do you want to give me a gift? The Ancient One stopped peeking into the timeline and looked at Tony with a smile, his gaze pure and clean.

"Ugh. Not yet, I'll have to make sure it's right for you. Tony scratched his head in embarrassment,

"I wonder what other energy you can accept besides Dormammu's dark energy." I gave you a gift to get rid of Dormammu.

"Maybe we can find other ways to live forever, like Superhuman Serum?" Tony looked at the ancient one, talking eloquently, with a calm expression.

Gu Yi looked at Tony carefully, she felt Tony's sincerity, he was a good boy who was reassuring.

"I've thought about those methods before, but using serum, it will pollute the soul, and even if you are immortal, you will lose your magical power. Pay for one's whistle.

"Death gives meaning to life, in fact, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of the safety of the earth after I am gone." Gu Yi's voice was soothing and calm, giving people a sense of reassurance, as if he was not talking about his own life and death, but an ordinary trivial matter.

"But now that I've got you, I've let go of most of my heart. You will guard the Earth. Tony. Gu Yi stared at Tony tightly, and there was a trace of nervousness.

"Of course, no matter what universe I am in, the earth is my homeland." Tony's voice was categorical

, and the ancient one breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face was even more.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Tony won't tell, and she won't ask.

All you need to know is that Tony is willing to protect the planet.

"So, what is the gift?" The Ancient One looked at Tony curiously.

Tony was not verbose, and when he reached out, a palm-sized orange sun essence appeared in his hand.

Suddenly the air was filled with the smell of the sun.

It dilates the pores and makes the whole body feel full.

Gu Yi frowned, this was a bit unexpected for her.

She felt the smell coming from the sun's core, then looked up overhead, and she could still feel the sun's energy despite the sunlight blocked by the ceiling.

"Inside our sun?" Gu Yi took the essence of the sun and quietly felt the energy inside, as well as the conflict between the energy and the dark mana after the energy entered the body.

Then the ancient one nodded slightly, looked at Tony, opened his mouth to say something, and swallowed the words back.

She thought it must have been a painstaking effort for Tony to find out of the sun.

Although he knew that Tony was capable, she didn't expect her to easily enter the sun.

This was her first exposure to the Sun Essence, and it was indeed useful, if she had absorbed the solar energy of the Primal Yang in the first place, she would not have traded with the Dark Monarch Mum.

Now, the Sun Essence clashes with the dark energy in the body, canceling each other out.

Unless there is a lot of solar energy.

First offset the dark energy in her body, and then fill her body

, now this little solar energy in her hand is not a drop in the bucket

, if it is the energy of the whole sun, it can be considered.

But, how could it be.

The Ancient One didn't want Tony to venture into the sun again, and the blue-skinned guy could, but unfortunately he couldn't move.

Think about it, it's better to forget it,

not to say.

Gu Yi tried his best to control the dark power in his body that began to disturb, not letting the dark power melt the sun essence, looking at the orange sun essence, he was silent for a long time, and his face rarely appeared with various expressions, doubts, relief, and happiness.

"This gift is good, thank you." Gu Yi looked at Tony and smiled, and there were some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes on his seven-hundred-year-old face.

Gu Yi put the sunspot aside, she was afraid that she would not be able to control her gradually irritable mana, and then she couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Providence makes people.

When Tony saw Gu Yi's expression, he knew that this Sun Essence was useful, and immediately said

, "Ancient One Mage, I think so, we have a lot of such Sun Essence in our Sun, although we can't mine all of them."

"But we can put the sun essence on other suns, like planting rice, let the sun essence grow on other suns, so that we can harvest a lot."

Tony wasn't sure if this would work, so he told the Ancient One with the attitude of giving it a try.

Gu Yi's eyes flashed, she thought of something, but she was not sure, she looked down at the eyes of Agomoto on her chest

, "Good idea, but we don't have the time and energy to stay there every day, right?" While it is possible to use the Eye of Agomoto to speed up stellar time, that would be too mana-intensive. "

What if I could pack the stars into a small container?" Tony stretched out his hand, the power of space permeated his hand, and the surrounding palm was like a broken mirror image, densely refracting the light around him, dazzling.

Gu Yi's whole body was shocked, a terrifying light flashed in his eyes, the mana around his body floated, and layers of complex magic arrays appeared in the body, and the dangerous aura made people's hearts palpitate.

Tony looked at Gu Yi's gaffe, and a hint of smugness flashed in his eyes.

It is really a very rewarding thing to make the Supreme Mage lose his temper.

Gu Yi calmed down a little

, but what she had just thought of made her excited

, she grabbed Tony's outstretched hand, not caring about the spatial energy above

, but in the next moment,

her body stiffened.

A mechanical voice appeared in Tony's head:

[Found a Heavenly Father-level mage, did you absorb it?] The system can be upgraded after absorption. 】

ps: Three chapters are completed, let's talk about it, do you want to absorb it?

ps: It's the weekend, the old man is a little stronger, the data has dropped, and I'm panicking.

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