A flash of light flashed, and the mecha changed dramatically.

The previous shells made of stainless steel have been turned into titanium alloys.

The original silver-white shell has turned into red and yellow, like a battle armor covered in gold, which is quite atmospheric.

The exterior lines are smoother, and the nail slits are tighter, making it appear strong and precise.

The screw holes on the mecha have all disappeared,

and the biggest change is the chest, which was originally divided into several plates, but now it is tightly linked, as if it is a whole piece

, and the conspicuous armor on both shoulders is also close to the mecha, smooth and flat.

The caliber of the chest cluster gun has also become much smaller, but it certainly will not be less powerful.

The shells of the miniature missile launchers, which were originally raised on the arms, are now only smooth and slightly raised, and if you don't look closely, you will think that they do not exist.

The same is true for the legs, where the original blocky lines are now supple and natural.

The entire mecha is as if it was carved out of a single piece of metal, rather than the original one.

The whole mecha display is very sharp, giving people a sense of high mobility and alertness, a perfect combination of technology and strength.

The more beautiful the machine, the more advanced it is.

Tony knows this very well.

"Jarvis, rescan the mech." Tony wanted to figure out what was different about the mech after it was upgraded.

"The scan is complete, the work is extremely perfect, sir, I don't understand, the mecha is very different from my previous scan data."

"An unknown event has just happened, and the mecha seems to have been upgraded, and all the data has been greatly improved."

Jarvis' CPU is burning out.

Tony flipped the projection, extremely satisfied, it was time to fly out and try it.

"Jarvis, deploy the mech, check the weather and air traffic control, and listen to ground control."

Tony looked at the flight map in front of him, as well as the topographical map, and was as excited as the groom who entered the cave room.

"Ready? Three, two, one. "

Boom", the pulse injector started, and

Jarvis's voice sounded: "Take off, the output power has been adjusted to 2.51 percent." The flight path has been planned.

Tony looked at the data on the panel and the flight trajectory prompt, and had to sigh that after the mecha was upgraded by the system, it was really too much smart.

At least it won't be like in the original play, relying on yourself to test the power parameters used during takeoff, and being bruised and swollen.

Now it's brainwave control, you can fly as you want, and you can fly freely.

"Power upgrade, 5%, 8%, 12%, 17%, 23%..."

The outside world is vast, no longer limited by the venue, and the speed of the mecha has soared.

Tony felt what was fluid, what was free, and what was uninhibited.

Feeling a thrill that was even more refreshing than a speeding car, Tony felt his adrenaline rush secreting, his heart raced, and he had trouble breathing.

"I can fly, hahaha." Tony was laughing and rolling wildly.

At this time, he is a fish in the sea and a bird in the air.

He seemed to be free from the shackles of the human body, and his soul soared freely in the sky.

Fly as much as you want, soar into the sky, tumble and dive, accelerate to the limit, make sharp turns, and cobra maneuver.

When Tony was accelerating at the limit, he even felt the sonic boom, and the moment the sonic boom was generated, he felt a force tearing the mecha left and right.

Sharp turns, the greater the speed, the greater the overload, and now the maximum overload of the pilot is 10G, which is ten gravity.

When fighters fight in the air, some actions are not that the fighter can't do it, but that the person who drives the plane can't do it, and the overload can't exceed 10G all the time.

Tony had just made a sharp turn and definitely crossed the 10G, but he didn't have any negative reaction at all except for a little dizziness.

The mecha after the system upgrade is so awesome.

Tony swept across the sea, stirring up thousands of waves that

pierced through the clouds and formed a large hole.

Flying is the desire of human genes.

When I was a child, everyone fantasized that they could fly

, and it was definitely not the kind of sitting in an airplane, which only made people feel itchy in their boots and take a bullet train flying in the sky.

Instead, like a bird, he flew from one end

of the mountain to the other side of the mountain, or from the window to the window of the opposite building, and flew to the other side of the girl's room that had been secretly thinking for a long time.

This is what man really desires.

Being able to fly, you can achieve a lot of things that you didn't dare to think of before.

Will fly, will reduce the difficulty of many things.

Wherever the eye can see, it is instantaneous.

That satisfaction that comes from the depths of the soul.

It's fascinating.

Finally, Tony stopped, hovering at an altitude of 10,000 meters, looking at the ground under his feet, like a spider's web, the lights were intertwined.

He had seen the night scene at high altitude in a plane before, but it was completely devoid of the free and pleasing beauty of the present.

At this moment, Tony felt like a god.

Tony had never felt so stirred as he was today.

It took a moment for Tony to feel his heart beat like a drum, and his whole body was soaking wet.

Stopping there, Tony began to retract his increasingly wild heart, afraid that he would go crazy and forget about business.

Enough playing, it's time to plan the next step, Tony can't wait, Obidia's existence is like a fish in the throat, and for those who have plotted against him, he must fight back.

"Jarvis, check the progress of the mech development on Obitya's side."

"They're done, and Mr. Obidia is testing."

"Exactly. Give him a call. "

The phone is being connected."

"Hi Tony, I wish you could come and see my prototype, definitely not as conservative as you." In the 16th district of the Stark Building, Obidia's voice was full of excitement, or ambition.

"I feel like I can pull the world back on track." Obviously, he felt that he had mastered the world again and could do something.

"Obi, I found something interesting on the ghost drive of your computer." Tony's tone was calm.

"What did you find?" Obidia's voice calmed down, and he hoped that the worst thing would not happen.

"A kidnapping video." Tony's tone was still calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter that didn't matter.

There's no need to say anything, just let him think for himself, and he'll make up for the outcome of the matter himself.

But in Obidia's ears, it was like a thunderclap.

He knew that what he had done was exposed.

This is a video taken by the kidnappers of the kidnappers about the kidnappers repenting of the price increase.

Tony knows all the things he used to do.

For example, he found the Shijie Gang to kidnap him and wanted to kill him

, the things about smuggling weapons in private, and

some things about setting up Tony and trying to control the company by himself,

all of which he knew.

Ever since Tony came back, he knew there would be such a day, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Obidia was silent, a little flustered and nervous at this moment.

I'm thinking about how to reply.

He thought, after so many years of diligent efforts,

he thought, after so many years of conscientious reclamation

, if it weren't for himself, Stark Industries would have closed down a long time ago.

Now this lazy playboy is flipping through his privacy.

After so many years of hard work, it's like feeding a dog.

Dogs know who is good to them, and it will wag its tail, how

does Tony repay himself? I'm actually peeking at my privacy.

Thirty years of nurturing kindness, but there is not even a basic trust.

So Obidia's panic and shame turned into anger, an anger that was exposed.

Obidia's voice was hoarse: "Tony, you broke my heart. "

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