131Last moment

Sirte calmly counted his breaths after hearing this, and perceived the rhythm of Jiang Chen's heartbeat. At this moment, Moddod laughed angrily and slammed his palms on the ground.

"Haha, this is your last moment!"

Thick fog surged in like a beast, surrounding Jiang Chen Sirte. Jiang Chen secretly thought something was wrong and shouted: "Be careful and clear the way!"

The two immediately joined forces and released various spiral palm powers with their internal energy, but they were still inseparable from this thick fog.

"I think he's right ahead!" Sirte suddenly became alert.

"Move quickly!" Jiang Chen made a sharp decision.

The two men leaped past, only to see a giant hammer strike accurately. The hammer head was huge, and the impact would kill anyone.

"Very good, it seems you are not afraid of death!" Mod Dodd was extremely vicious.

"You can't escape my 'hell cage'!"

Jiang Chen looked at it coldly, already having an idea in his mind. He whispered Sirte, and the two of them cooperated tacitly. At the same time, their palms "reversed the world" and powerful energy burst out, and the smoke disappeared immediately.

I saw Mod Dodd's eyes were startled, with disbelief on his face!

Everyone is facing each other, and the moment of life and death battle seems to have arrived again!

Mod Dodd looked at Jiang Chen and Sirte, his expressions changing. Sometimes he was surprised, sometimes he was furious.

"You, how do you..." "..." he asked stammering, his voice rising to a higher pitch unconsciously.

Jiang Chen said in a deep voice: "Our internal strength cannot be underestimated. You are really arrogant to think that the black mist can trap us!"

"How dare you offend Master Morde Dodd!" Morde Dodd's veins popped out, he clenched his fists and smashed at the two of them like the sky and the earth.

Sirte avoided it lightly and whispered: "His rage is out of control. This is our opportunity."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and avoided the attack. The two gradually got closer to Mod Dodd during the fight.

Mod Dodd was furious and used his maximum strength to attack crazily. Jiang Chen saw the right moment and struck the joint on the back of his hand with his palm.

A crisp sound of "click"․ Mod Dodd screamed in pain. Sirte also waited for the opportunity to make a move and left in an overwhelming manner.

Jiang Chen ordered in a deep voice: "Seal all the acupoints all over his body!" The two of them joined forces to seal all the acupoints of Mod Duode at extremely fast speeds.

Mod Dodd screamed repeatedly, his facial features were ferocious, and he was captured without any help...

Mod Dodd's hole was blocked and he couldn't move. He could only lie on the ground and complain. Jiang Chen looked at him coldly and said calmly: "Tell me, how to reach the decedent state of Nepal?"

"The realm of decedent? Do you think so?" Mordado was extremely surprised, but soon the ferocious look in his eyes replaced him, "||Haha, even if I tell you, you may not be able to come back alive!"

Sirte responded: "You just need to answer his questions and don't try to change the topic."

Jiang Chen said calmly: "I came here to avenge my companions, not to hurt myself. You'd better tell the truth honestly to save yourself unnecessary trouble.

Mod Dodd sneered twice and said: "The realm of decedent can only be entered through the secret door in front of the Bridge of Life and Death. But that door has been sealed by me for a long time, you must be too exhausted to open it (Qian De Zhao)! Dog"

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry and asked again: "What conditions are needed to open the entrance?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen was unwavering, Mo Deduo was extremely angry and cursed: "Just wait for me to die!" Unfortunately, the sealed hole prevented his action.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, nodded and said to Sirte: "I understand, we can leave." The two of them turned around and left, leaving Mod Dodd who was struggling to pull him behind. They finally know how to get to the underground world, which is bound to be full of dangers...

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