Chapter 6 He came from hell!

Just a glance.

Cold sweat dripped down Quicksilver's forehead.

It's not because the weather is too hot.

But the sense of oppression brought to him by those red eyes was too strong!

His Ability allows him to think at high speeds.

But it also made him feel the terror of these eyes more than ordinary people.



Killing intent!

None of them are good!

What's more, these qualities are concentrated in one person.

Like the legendary...Death God.

Quicksilver couldn't help but want to escape from here.

But his legs didn't work at all.

Like filling with cement.

Firmly held in place.

Because his subconscious told himself.

As long as he dares to move.

Then wait for yourself.

It is very likely to be a violent storm of destruction!

at the same time.

George stared at the white steam rising in front of him, his expression a little ugly.

Sudden changes.

The hand holding the gun became a little stiff.

Based on intelligence.

The man in front of him is an ordinary person.

Squeezing him to death is no more difficult than squeezing an ant to death.

But don't know why.

George always felt uneasy.

His instincts from years of fighting on the battlefield told him.

These bullets alone are far from enough to kill the opponent!

"Damn it!"

"All members! Be alert! Feel free to fire if you find anything unusual!!"

Accidents are what all soldiers hate the most.

In order to avoid failure of this mission.

George raised his hand.

Instruct everyone to stay where they are and fire freely!

Also open the contact channel on your tactical helmet.

"Report to base! I am George from the A-level team. There is an abnormality at the target location. Please apply for remote support."

"Repeat, apply for remote support!"

George as an old man who has been on many missions.

Be very cautious when facing situations beyond your control.

This is also the reason why he can survive until now.

Without hesitation, he requested air support from headquarters.

In his heart.

There's nothing a flight of air support can't solve.

If so.

Then do it again!

However, just when George contacted the base.

The figure in the white steam slowly opened its eyes.

An extremely violent and destructive aura appeared.

Even battle-hardened soldiers.

I can’t help but feel embarrassed at this moment!

And this scene.

It also happened to be seen by the alert A-class team members.

" what that is!"

The team members lost their voices.

He had killed countless people, and his voice was trembling at this moment.

And when the other team members saw those cold-blooded and cruel eyes.

They couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

They were a pair of emotionless red eyes that were filled with murderous intent.

And the owner of these eyes was staring at them.

It's like a red-eyed hunter staring at his prey.

Any team member who meets these eyes.

My heart suddenly stopped for a second.

A terrifying chill rushed from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai.

Cold sweat soaked my back!

"Is this... the devil!?"

This idea came to everyone's mind at the moment.

A strong sense of fear came from the bottom of my heart.

So much so that one team member subconsciously pulled the safety catch directly.

Load the bullet.

And this behavior spreads like a plague.

A series of bumpers were pulled apart.

George also loaded the bullet and raised the gun.

Start shooting crazily at the owner of those eyes!


“Da da da da da da!!!!!”

The cross flames on the muzzle of the fully automatic rifle are like proof that they want to eliminate fear.

One magazine was empty.

The hand did not stop.

Immediately replace the magazine with another round.

"Go to hell, die, die!"

Everyone was chanting.

Wanting to hide the fear in my heart.

Until everyone runs out of bullets.

The gunfire finally stopped.

At the moment around.

Except for the A-class team members, there is no one else here.

George was also holding a gun and breathing heavily.

He didn't believe that with so many bullets, he couldn't kill the opponent!

But before he could take a breath for too long, his breathing began to become rapid again.

Because of those red eyes that frightened him!

He was still staring at him!

George collapsed.

Can't even be killed by bullets?

What kind of monster is this! ! !


"Aerial strikes are in place. Members of the A-class team should take precautions."

Suddenly, an electronic voice came from George's helmet.

The next second.

An infrared missile mixed with orange smoke.

It's coming at an extremely fast speed.

"Lie down!"

Hearing the support, George came back to his senses.

Then he grabbed a member with a lunge and lay down backwards.

Boom! !

A violent explosion came from behind George.

Shockwave set off by missile explosion.

George and his team members, who were already lying down, were thrown three or four meters away.

The power produced.

Even the house left by Vivian's parents was completely razed to the ground!

But before the team members could react.

A more ferocious explosion came from behind.

The air wave generated this time lifted George and his teammates again more than ten meters away!


A black figure.

Take to the sky.

The speed of this black shadow was so fast that a sonic boom sounded in the surrounding air.

It didn't take long to catch up with the fighter jet that had just launched the missile.

In the fearful eyes of the flight crew.

The black shadow's eyes gathered countless energy, and gradually burst into the ultimate red light!


The next second.

Two hot sights that could melt rocks shot out from the black shadow's eyes!

The terrifying hot red ray penetrates the fighter jet without any hindrance.

Everything in contact with its heat vision is instantly oxidized!


Under these two red lasers.

The fighter jet instantly cut into two pieces in the air and exploded into a ball. Firework!

"Thermal sight."

This is the first skill Jiang Chen learned after binding the Homelander template.

Facing the most advanced fighter planes of the Lighthouse Country.

The first time it was used, it easily destroyed the opponent.

The A-class team members on the ground saw that their most advanced fighter plane was destroyed by the opponent in one turn.

Except for George, who could still maintain a little rationality, everyone else collapsed.

"Is that human being...."

"Devil! This is the devil!"

" me..."

The team members shouted the names of their favorite people.

While moving his limbs, he crawled out.

Fear causes their brains to forget how to walk.

Only George suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted loudly.

"Stand up! Pick up the weapon for me!!"

But before he finished speaking, there was only a bang!

A black figure.

Landing directly behind him.

That man.

With cold murderous intent.

Back from hell!

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