Facing the future, Gu Yi chose to let nature take its course.

As for Li Qingyun, what he would choose is to directly transform according to his own wishes.

Gu Yi couldn't tell whether Li Qingyun's idea was right or wrong.

With all these thoughts she went straight back to Karma Taj.

Although Li Qingyun had agreed to visit Kama Taj, his priority was still on scientific research.

Scientists and young geniuses, except for a small number of people who don't want to come, are all in place.

The science and technology industrial park built by Li Qingyun will take some time to complete.

But the mobile building brought by Dr. Pym can be used as their temporary accommodation.

At the same time, Li Qingyun also directly opened the space portal, allowing these young geniuses and scientists to go to the Dark Star and the Dark Elf family's mothership.

If you want these people to become people who may inspire you or develop new technologies in the future, you must first let them grow up.

Providing them with various resources so that they can access and learn more knowledge and understand more is the first step.

Therefore, Li Qingyun asked them to go to the Dark Elf Mothership and the Dark Star spacecraft.

At the same time, Li Qingyun also asked Da Zhong to compile a complete teaching plan.

Instead of finding someone to teach them, we directly handed them the teaching materials and learning plans and asked them to study on their own.

When knowledge has been accumulated to a certain level, there is not much that can be learned through the guidance of others.

True geniuses will choose the direction that best suits them based on their own needs, learn by themselves, and figure out how to go further.

As for some things they don’t understand and need guidance, they can ask questions directly through the Internet.

With the processing power of a big clock, it is not a problem to deal with all the problems of these hundreds of talented teenagers at the same time.

In addition, Li Qingyun will often come among these young geniuses and discuss related topics with them.

Dr. Banner, Tony Stark, Dr. Pym, Wang Haiming, Chen Li, Zhao Hailun, etc. They are all top scientists in their respective fields, and they will also become seniors for young geniuses to seek advice from.

Being able to find these young geniuses and scientists, and having the ability to bring them all together, and giving them an excellent environment and sufficient resources, is basically enough.

"According to this situation, within a few years, they will bring a major technological change to the world!"

Banner sighed.

Banner has already benefited a lot from staying with these talented teenagers and equally outstanding scientists, even if it was only for a month.

In the past, he had studied some problems for a long time but had no answer. In this kind of brainstorming and mutual exchanges, it was easy to find inspiration for solutions.

"Your guess is still too conservative."

"What I have experienced in the past month is that within a year, I am afraid that it will be enough to increase the speed of technological development on earth by several times. Some technologies that may not appear for more than ten years can be directly researched. ”

Stark was also shocked. He originally disdained to stay here. He believed in his own abilities and was superior to most people.

But now, with these talented teenagers, he soon discovered that his past ideas were wrong.

In this short month, from these talented teenagers, he has discovered at least three shortcomings in his armor, and four functions that can be optimized.

Their overall knowledge reserve may not be as good as Iron Man's. If they are left to research alone, it may be difficult for them to create an iron suit.

But when these people come together and have some knowledge of key technologies, they can immediately come up with more improvement plans.

Three cobblers are like Zhuge Liang.

This is a folk proverb.

It doesn't mean that there are really three stooges who can be smarter than Zhuge Liang, but when a group of people come together, they can definitely do much more than one person.

But now, what they have gathered together is not a group of ordinary people, but a group of top geniuses.

The reason why Li Qingyun gathered so many geniuses was because he saw this from the beginning.

Brainstorm, group thinking.

The big clock accurately grasps everyone's situation.

Every whimsical idea can be caught by the big clock at the first time, and then analyzed whether it is feasible and possible to succeed, and then understood by Li Qingyun.

When the Kamigawa civilization was researching super warriors, Dinghei would not have been able to complete the research on the divine body without Kieran's flash of idea.

"Li Qingyun is so smart that he can come up with such a method!"

Helen Zhao sighed.

"It's not that he's smart. It's not that others wouldn't think of this method, but that no one can do it."

Anyone with some brains understands the importance of talent.

But no matter whether it is SHIELD in the past or the various countries and mysterious forces in the world today, no one can do it.


Helen Zhao nodded.

"Just finding all these people, no one can do it."

"When recruiting them, it is even more difficult to accurately impress each genius and get them to come voluntarily."

"In the end, it was the obstruction of various countries and forces around the world. If Li Qingyun hadn't directly used the Shenhe mecha to intimidate them, or even killed one to warn the rest, they would never have allowed these geniuses to come!"

Stark understood the situation of this planet too well.

Although on the surface, it seems that there is peace between countries, and there are only a few local wars.

But in fact, every country is fighting openly and secretly.

Who would be willing to let others take away top resources such as scientists and young geniuses?

"It's meaningless to discuss how to do it now."

Dr. Selvig said.

"It's not completely meaningless."

Zhao Hailun's face became solemn.

"All these scientists and genius teenagers are gathered together, and there will inevitably be a technological explosion in the future, but these newly born technologies are in the hands of one person."

Stark said, and his words made everyone present suddenly quiet down.

Even Dr. Pym, who originally didn't intend to participate, had a gloomy face at this time.

Gathering the world's top scientists and genius teenagers can indeed make the earth's technology develop rapidly.

But all these technologies are in the hands of Li Qingyun. If Li Qingyun decides to rule the earth or do other things that are harmful to the earth, who can stop him?

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