American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 268: Numbers are meaningless in the face of strength

"The entrance to the wormhole has been opened!"

"Qilin and Wei Ying, please launch sniper attacks first to disrupt the enemy's defense layout!"

"Team Liu Chuang, please enter wormhole No. 1."

"Data analysis shows that the opponent has two mecha warriors, please be careful when dealing with them!"

When Lianfeng's voice fell, Liu Chuang and Rui Mengmeng rushed directly into the wormhole.

The other side of the wormhole is inside the Raven.

The appearance of Liu Chuang and Rui Mengmeng immediately attracted the attention of the Taotie soldiers in the Dark Crow. They quickly formed a defensive team and surrounded and attacked the area where the two were located.

They formed a formation similar to the one used by Taotie in Xiongbing Company to stop Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin from invading the flagship, using shields to form a defense to block the entry of Liu Chuang and Rui Mengmeng.

However, the person commanding now is not the stupid young man named Ge Xiaolun.

Although only Liu Chuang and Rui Mengmeng entered, behind them were the Mangdangshan and the Red Star series.

"Wei Ying, use the God-killing crossbow to clear the way!"

As Lianfeng spoke, a miniature wormhole appeared above the heads of the gluttons.

Wei Ying raised the crossbow in her hand, and a silver arrow flew out immediately, aiming directly at the row of soldiers raising their shields.

Puff, pew, pew...

A silver arrow, and five Taotie soldiers fell down at the same time.

Liu Chuang rushed forward without any hesitation.

The battle ax in his hand showed a red light, and the power of the Noxing God of War was stimulated, and its overall destructive power increased rapidly at this moment.

Before the Taotie behind him could quickly catch up, Liu Chuang slashed him to the ground with the axe.

Rui Mengmeng's movements were not slow at all. She swung her sword and followed directly, knocking down some gluttons that Liu Chuang had no time to attack.

As long as the opponent does not form an effective defense lineup, and as long as it is not limited by the terrain, the combat power that the super soldiers can exert is definitely much more powerful than soldiers like Taotie.

Therefore, not only Liu Chuang quickly broke through the opponent's blockade, but also the three teams of Thornton, Cheng Yaowen, and Zhao Xin did the same.

Two super soldiers who are good at close combat charge into battle, while two snipers, Qilin and Wei Ying, are ready to provide fire support in the Mangdangshan.

The attack power of the God-killing sniper rifle and God-killing crossbow, with the adjustment of the wormhole, can bring great effects to every shot.

"The Carnivorous King and the Dark Crow have been destroyed!"

"The Flying Ball, Longyi, and Qianlong were also severely damaged, and the command system has been completely paralyzed!"

"The angels have also joined the battle. Together with the power of the galaxy and the Rose of Time and Space, they have built a defensive position directly outside the Mangdang Mountain. Our people have no way of getting through."

"Even if occasionally some of them are able to enter the void barrier, they will be shot immediately by the soldiers wearing black armor on the opponent's deck."

"If this continues, I'm afraid our 100,000-strong army will all be consumed before long!"

Panmao urgently reported that now their Taotie Army had an absolute advantage in numbers, but the problem was that the gap between them in strength was too big.

The Earth side only needs to send out two super soldiers to directly suppress one of their spaceships.

Moreover, it can directly kill everyone in the spacecraft at an extremely fast speed, then destroy the spacecraft and then move to the next one.

If this continues, it won't take long for all fifty spaceships to be destroyed under the attack of the Xiongbing Company.

"If the other party wants to send people into our spacecraft to attack, they must use a wormhole, and the control of the wormhole is controlled by the Mangdangshan behind the scenes."

Xie Zhu also understands that numbers are meaningless in the face of absolute strength.

When their gluttonous army invaded planets with pre-nuclear civilizations in the past, they often used hundreds of thousands of troops to destroy the opponent's army of tens of millions and completely destroy a planet with a population of several billion.

It can be seen that for a civilization with highly developed science and technology and highly concentrated resources, the so-called huge army of the lower civilized class does not pose any threat at all.

"All the Death Task Force is assembled. You and I will launch a direct attack on the Mangdangshan!"

Shizuo said, and the so-called Death Task Force in his mouth was actually a group of Taotie Mecha troops transformed into machines by the Death God Karl.

In the Taotie Legion, there are only a few mecha warriors like this, but this minority is still a large number compared to the Earth's heroic company.

At least, there are two to three hundred of their one hundred thousand troops.

In the eyes of Eater, ordinary Taotie soldiers are unable to fight against super soldiers, but these Taotie mechas modified by the God of Death, Carl, are ten times more powerful than ordinary Taotie warriors.

So at least in terms of hard power, the Taotie Mecha should be able to compete with the Super Soldier.

In addition, he directly mobilized all the Taotie mechas to act with him this time, and the combined combat effectiveness will definitely be much stronger than usual.

Nowadays, even if angels are included, the total number of people on earth is only about twenty.

If they collectively attack the Mangdangshan, they will definitely be able to directly cross the defense line they established and enter the interior of the Mangdangshan.

At that time, as long as the Mangdangshan is destroyed and all the opponent's combat arrangements are disrupted, their 100,000-strong army may be able to exert their true numerical advantage.

Soon, two hundred Taotie mechas had gathered together.

Shishi appeared in the team in person, and flew directly towards the Mangdangshan with these Taotie mechas.

The dozen firepower ships of the Taotie Corps on the left and right sides almost at the same time fired lasers in the direction of the Mangdangshan.

Their goal was not to attack the Mangdangshan, they were opening the way for Shishi and the so-called Death God Task Force.

Facing these dozen lasers, Ge Xiaolun, Du Qiangwei and the angels did not dare to directly resist.

They could only retreat one after another.

Then, Shishi led these Taotie mechas and took advantage of this short gap to directly cross a distance of dozens of kilometers and approach the periphery of the Mangdangshan.

The lasers quickly dissipated, and Du Qiangwei immediately transferred to the gap in the defense barrier of the Mangdangshan through the wormhole, summoning the Dark Silver Short Sword to attack Shishi.

The target of the Devouring Beast was the Mangdang Mountain, and he was unwilling to get entangled with Du Qiangwei at this time.

He just waved his hand casually, and more than a dozen Taotie mechas on the left and right sides flew out directly to block him.

First, they knocked away the short swords that were shot at them, and then they rushed towards Du Qiangwei together and fought with her.

At the same time, Ge Xiaolun, Angel Leng and others also reacted and began to gather here quickly.

But more than a dozen Taotie mechas were also separated. They went straight to an angel in a group of two.

Their mission was not to kill these angels and Ge Xiaolun, but to hold them back so that they could not hinder the Devouring Beast King's attack on the Mangdang Mountain!

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