Now Li Qingyun has gradually been able to understand what kind of path he is taking.

That is a path led by one's own thoughts and assisted by the technology of the big clock!

Only Li Qingyun can think of it, and Big Clock can do it.

When Li Qingyun comes up with something that the big clock can't do, it will be a completely new research topic.

And by that time, I believe that Li Qingyun will finally reach the pinnacle of super god technology!

Know, own, learn, fully master!

These are four stages, a process of three improvements.

What Li Qingyun has to do now is to repeat these three processes again and again.

Know what to do.

Have the appropriate technology and ideas.

Learn to apply this technique.

Then master this ability completely.

Now, Li Qingyun has to wait for the void engine to be manufactured.

He will participate in the whole process, watching the big clock control these intelligent mechanical arms, converting void matter into substantial materials bit by bit, and finally making it into a void engine bit by bit.

"There is a communication invitation from Congressman Wang Yan!"

The big clock reminded, but its action of creating void engines did not stop.

"Member, will you postpone it?"

Li Qingyun remembered that when Nick Fury came over, he had contacted him.

Later, the Cosmic Cube decided to be handed over to Thor, God of Thunder. S.H.I.E.L.D. gave up the idea of ​​taking the Cosmic Cube, and all the soldiers deployed outside the manor by the congressmen were withdrawn.

"Originally, I planned to cooperate with him, use the power of the country to strengthen myself, and at the same time help the country develop."

"but now……"

Li Qingyun looked at the mechanical arms in front of him, and he already had a new direction.

Directly through mechanization, like the god of death, Carl, it is possible to achieve self-improvement and subsequent overall upgrade.

With the technology of big clocks and its powerful computing support, it is easy to operate these machines to make various tools.

If the scale expands in the future, new robots will be created to assist. They can also replace human labor, and they will do better than ordinary human labor.

After all, Li Qingyun didn't intend to upgrade others to super soldiers.

"Tell him to come directly and I'll take a look at the specific situation before making a decision!"

In the end, Li Qingyun did not refuse directly.

The big clock sent a message to the congressmen, and Li Qingyun also stopped the research and design of the factory, and took back the void matter and the semi-finished void engine to the dark matter plane space.

Although Li Qingyun could know if anyone wanted to take advantage of his laboratory.

But there are a lot of weird guys in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What if one or two just escape the exploration of the big clock and come to the laboratory?

Those artificial intelligence devices without artificial intelligence programs were seen to be fine.

But if the Void Engine is seen and the Void Material is stolen, it will be a huge loss.

In fact, when Li Qingyun was engaged in manufacturing the void engine, and when he was making the super gene potion, he had the big clock hide the spatial coordinates and block all possible exploration information before proceeding.

Odin, Heimdall, etc. can directly see the situation in the laboratory through the obstacles of the universe and objects.

Soon, the congressman arrived.

Along with Councilor Yan, there was also a small team of 'men in black'.

All of them were wearing standard black uniforms and looked very mysterious.

This is obviously a special group of people under the national agency.

Their detailed data information was directly read by the big clock and displayed in front of Li Qingyun.

"Finally I have a chance to meet you, Mr. Li!"

Councilor Yan is still very polite. Although his status is not low, Li Qingyun is a real superpower and can still defeat people from the divine realm like Loki.

Those who are capable should be treated with courtesy.

"No need to be so polite!"

Li Qingyun received him politely.

"sit down!"

After inviting the congressman to sit down, the 'men in black' following him were also sitting around separately one by one.

He didn’t stand, and he didn’t always stay by Councilor Nobu’s side.

Although their eyes are still fixed on Li Qingyun all the time, they are always on guard against all dangers.

But at least on the surface, it doesn't feel very guarded.

He was the one who stood directly next to Councilor Nobu from the beginning, guarding him like a door god.

This arrangement can be regarded as a gesture to show their trust in Li Qingyun.

"I didn't know that the member of parliament extended..."

"Just call me Wang Yan!"

Councilor Yan interrupted Li Qingyun's words.

"Abroad, when those guys call me in English, they like to address me by my position first and then my name."

"But we are at home, so we can be casual!"

Councilor Yan...Wang Yan said.


Li Qingyun is not entangled either.

It's just a title in the first place, so there's no need to care about it so deliberately.

"I'll get right to the point!"

Wang Yan adjusted his sitting posture slightly, and then said seriously.

"We have investigated and found out that you are a person with supernatural abilities, and you also have some extremely high-end technology in your hands!"

"So, we want to cooperate with you!"

"We can provide you with some of the things you need, and you provide us with some equivalent technology."

"It's mutually beneficial between us!"

Wang Yan's attitude is still very different from those high-ranking American congressmen.

The American country wanted to get Stark's Iron Man technology, so it directly notified him to go to court for trial.

Directly on the grounds of endangering national security, it forced Stark to unconditionally contribute the corresponding technology.

And now, Wang Yan is talking about cooperation and mutual exchange.

The first point is a very good attitude.

Isn't forcing you to consider the country, and I didn't define you as a threat directly.

Although this strategy was made, it also took into account Li Qingyun's own strength and the factor that he would not be afraid of threats.

But at least, the intuitive feeling given to people will not be too bad.

"Cooperation and win-win, mutual benefit?"

Li Qingyun understood Wang Yan's intention and the country's attitude.

But the result of the direct spread of super god technology is not necessarily good.

Everything that the Super God Academy did in the Denor civilization is a good example.

"The technology I master is far beyond the current society!"

"You must all understand the simple principle of promoting the growth of rice seedlings!"

Li Qingyun finally decided not to drag the country into the water.

At least at this stage, he will not.

"I understand!"

Wang Yan is a smart man. He can understand the meaning and concerns of Li Qingyun's words!

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