American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 69 Upgrade, the third generation of super soldiers

The Cosmic Cube and the Mind Gem were used as reserves to power the Big Clock.

The ether particles were still on the Sword of Heavenly Blade, so they could only be studied and analyzed.

In the next two years, Li Qingyun spent almost all his time in this continuous analysis and research.

Three Infinity Gems, setting up the dark matter plane space, Li Qingyun's work was very busy.

The five scientists who followed him also gradually integrated into Li Qingyun's busyness.

Banner's talent in the gamma field.

Selvig's research on astrophysics.

Zhao Hailun's nanotechnology has also matured.

Dr. Wang Haiming and Dr. Chen Li, sent by Councillor Yan, have also made amazing progress in their respective fields of nuclear physics and chemistry.

Especially Chen Li, she has been studying the super gene potion that Li Qingyun had studied with Banner in the past. She has even found from the materials of those potions that one-third of them are used to cover up.

If she is given enough time, perhaps within one or two hundred years, she can figure out the basic formula of the super gene potion by herself.

If she is given some guidance, she can do this in her lifetime.

If she is given some key information, perhaps she can figure it out in less than ten years.

These are the judgments made by the big clock after analysis.

However, there are two prerequisites.

The first is that Chen Li has a long enough life span and has been focusing on the research of super gene potions, so that she can completely rely on herself to simulate the basic formula.

But it is obvious that humans on Earth now normally do not live more than a hundred years old.

Even if they can really live to one or two hundred years old, almost no one can concentrate on research in one direction for hundreds of years.

The second condition is that someone gives guidance or teaching.

And this is also the key that is most likely to help her achieve a breakthrough in research.

However, Li Qingyun has no such plan for the time being.

In the past two years, Li Qingyun has been immersed in his own study and research.

Learning a lot of knowledge recorded in the database of the big clock.

Study the unique path you have taken in this world.

Combine super-god technology with various black technologies, super powers and bug-level energy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"The latest data shows that your physical condition has reached a state where it can adapt to the third-generation super gene. Do you want to upgrade it immediately?"

The voice of the big clock appeared in Li Qingyun's mind.

"Has it reached the stage where it can be adapted?"

Li Qingyun was a little excited.

The upgrade from the second generation to the third generation is a leap forward.

At the same time, it also indicates that Li Qingyun has made a lot of progress in his mastery of the big clock and his understanding of super-god technology.


The big clock gave a positive answer.

Super genes have certain adaptation conditions for the human body, especially after entering the third generation.

The first and second generations can be mass-produced through the latest developments in technology.

But the third generation still has many limitations.

This is why Li Qingyun was promoted from the first generation to the second generation in just one year, and it was only because of the fusion of Thor's thunder factor.

It took more than two years to be promoted to the third generation.

This promotion was only possible with the full cooperation of the big clock and the dark matter plane space that had been constructed for a long time.

"Upgrade, let me feel what the third generation is like!"

Li Qingyun was already impatient.


The big clock agreed, and at the same time, a large amount of dark energy began to be mobilized.

In this manor, the other five scientists walked out of the room and looked at the location of Li Qingyun's laboratory.

They all felt the fluctuation of the surrounding energy.

They had not seen the scene where the light and temperature in the space changed due to the mobilization of huge energy for a long time.

All of them understood that Li Qingyun must be doing something at this time.

But without Li Qingyun's permission, they could only watch like this.

"Super gene system, bind the dark matter plane space!"

"Data connection terminal confirmed!"

"Dark matter plane structure energy, start to import into the super gene engine!"

This is a process of completely fusing and binding the dark matter plane with the super gene.

In the past, Li Qingyun used pure his own power when he fought.

When the terminal connection is completed, his energy will be directly bound to the entire dark matter plane space.

As long as the connection between the dark matter plane space and the super gene is not cut off, Li Qingyun can obtain a continuous and unlimited energy.

This is also the true meaning of achieving eternity based on energy.

If the energy is not used up, you will never die.

Even if you suffer a serious injury, even if the body is pierced and the heart is broken, it can be healed quickly with the supply of energy.

Of course, the third-generation super soldiers are not invincible.

For example, a fractured wound is difficult to connect back.

If the fracture is still a vital part of the body, it can be directly fatal.

For example, if someone cuts off the head with a sword, because the head is separated from the body, part of it cannot obtain the replenishment of energy from the dark matter plane space, and that part will naturally die.

If the vital part of the body dies, the overall function of the super soldier will not be able to operate, so he will die.

As for injuries such as piercing the heart and God Killer No. 1 piercing the head.

Because the whole body is still connected, it can be replenished by drawing energy from the dark plane space through other super gene engines, so it can recover quickly.

Fanxing, who was shot in the forehead by God Killer No. 1 but was still alive and well, but died completely after being chopped off by Thorton, is the best example.

(It seems that I don’t respect this angel Fanxing, but she is indeed a good example.)

Of course, if it is upgraded to the fourth generation of divine body, it will be different.

The fourth generation of divine body has reached the atomic level.

The energy of the dark matter plane space can be directly supplied to every atomic cell in the body.

Therefore, even if the body is cut into many parts, he will not die.

Moreover, according to the original setting of the data, the body is a complete whole in the dark matter plane space.

Therefore, even if the cut part of the body is transferred to a far place, it will still fly back by itself, overlap with the main body, and restore to its original appearance.

The technology of the fourth generation of divine body is also in the database of the big clock.

However, Li Qingyun cannot upgrade to that level now.

At this stage, having the third generation is already very good for Li Qingyun!

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