This is not a gradual expansion. This is to expand the precise detection that originally existed only within a hundred miles around Li Qingyun to all areas within a light-year in an instant.

To achieve such a degree in an instant, it is naturally necessary to prepare in advance.

"The last five seconds..."


"Master all information within a light-year range, open!"

In an instant, a majestic energy instantly spread to the entire space within a light-year range.

With Li Qingyun as the center and the void as the center, everything is under the control of the big clock and Li Qingyun.

At the moment when the energy of the big clock spread, a figure hidden in the shadow in an asteroid belt outside the void suddenly exclaimed!

"Not good!"

She is exactly what Li Qingyun is looking for, the one who is secretly pushing many things and trying to stick to Li Qingyun.

Among her abilities, there is the characteristic of being able to sense the surrounding energy fluctuations.

Although she does not understand the situation of the big clock monitoring all information data within a certain range through dark energy, she also knows that this range is not for her to approach.

Therefore, she had been hiding outside the detection range of the big clock for a long time.

But today, she miscalculated.

She didn't expect that the big clock would expand its detection range so much in an instant.

"Found it!"

Li Qingyun frowned, and chopped down with the Tiansha sword in his hand.

A wormhole appeared in front of him, and he entered it directly with lightning speed.

One step out, it was the asteroid belt.

His eyes locked on the man wearing a silver cloak who was running away quickly.

Li Qingyun's speed was faster than the other party!

The Tiansha sword was swung, and a strong light immediately flew out from the tip of the sword and chopped towards the back of the super giant.

The super giant sensed a strong light flying behind him, looked back, and found that it was an arc of sword energy.

Both hands were clenched into fists at the same time, and a burst of silver-white light burst out instantly.

Her silver cloak is not an ordinary cloth, but is made of super high technology.

It has the function of making the super giant invisible.

It is also an extremely strong defensive weapon that can withstand the attack of extremely powerful lasers.

But this time its defense failed.

The sword light that Li Qingyun casually slashed out was actually a blow at the level of Void Warrior.

Although Li Qingyun wanted to spare her life and wanted to capture her alive to learn more information, he controlled the power to a very small extent when he attacked.

But this sword still broke through the defense of her cloak and chopped directly on her back.

If she hadn't had a set of silver armor on her body, this sword would have been enough to tear her skin apart.

Even with the silver armor, she was still knocked out by the impact of the sword light, and fell heavily on a huge rock hundreds of meters away.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

She has always been responsible for inquiring and collecting intelligence in the shadows, and this is the first time she has been injured so badly!

"Still want to escape?"

Li Qingyun jumped directly in front of the superstar.

Looking at the blue-skinned girl lying on the ground with blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, Li Qingyun confirmed his previous guess.

This person is the superstar.

Among the five obsidian generals, the one who did not appear in the movie.

"How did you detect my existence?"

The superstar raised his head and looked at the handsome earth man in front of him.

She has studied Li Qingyun for a long time.

Although at most it was only through remote mental invasion, some people who appeared around Li Qingyun observed and studied Li Qingyun.

Although she could not get too much information about Li Qingyun.

But she also knew Li Qingyun's ability a long time ago, so she was on guard early.

But she never thought that Li Qingyun would find her so easily today.

"You control others to monitor me through mental invasion and mental control, which can indeed prevent you from being directly detected by me."

"But the appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy this time, and the movement of the entire void, are too weird!"

"These unreasonable things naturally make me think that someone is stealing information related to me and then secretly controlling everything."

Li Qingyun said.

"However, what I am most curious about now is how did you know that the Power Stone was in my hand?"

"You have no way of knowing my journey to Morag."

"After I left Earth, even if you had the ability of mind control, you could not keep up with me in a short time, let alone invade Heimdall and Thor on the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard."

"They were too close to me at the time. If their minds were disturbed, even if it was just a momentary change, I would definitely be able to detect it."

"And both of them are gods, and they are extremely powerful gods. Your mind control and mind invasion can invade the brains of ordinary people without being noticed, but it is absolutely impossible to invade their brains without causing any abnormalities!"

"So, from the time I left Earth to the time before I came to the Land of Nothingness, you should have known nothing about my situation!"

Li Qingyun and the big clock are unable to detect the invasion of mental control on people in the land of nothingness.

But Li Qingyun and Big Clock had already taken precautions. In order to prevent the super-god technology from being leaked, they even set up a barrier around them that even Heimdall and Odin could not detect.

Therefore, in the manor where Li Qingyun lives, as well as those who have more daily contact with Li Qingyun, they are absolutely safe.

Just through some people on the periphery, it is impossible for Superstar to obtain such accurate information.

"You have the power gem, and the guide told me about your visit to Vormir!"

The super star answered, and at this time, she looked at the starry sky not far away.

There, a honeycomb-like cosmic network appeared, and then a huge spaceship flew out of it.

Inside the spaceship, countless small spacecraft rushed out immediately.


The ship that Li Qingyun recognized was the Dark Star of Ronan the Accuser.

"mind control!"

The superstar shouted lowly, and a powerful mental force immediately invaded Li Qingyun's brain.

Li Qingyun frowned, dark energy exploded instantly, and his brain's computing speed also increased rapidly at this moment.

Mental control is unlikely to succeed for Li Qingyun, whose thinking ability has become stronger as his brain development increases.

However, this moment of invasion gave the superstar an opportunity.

She was not stupid enough to launch a surprise attack on Li Qingyun. Instead, after launching this attack, she immediately entered the invisible state and fled as fast as possible.

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