American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 215 The dark elf looking for Su Yao

Robot 11



The scene suddenly became silent.

After a while.

"what happened?"

"Am I dazzled?"

"Where's the Sentinel robot?"

Everyone's eyes widened, staring blankly at the sudden disappearance of the sentry robot and nearly a hundred laser beams, not knowing what happened.

So good, why did the sentry robot suddenly disappear?

Is it an illusion?

At this time.

A black beetle-like mechanical bug flew out, and the middle-aged man's panicked voice came from it.

"Mutant in white, what did you just do?"

"Where's my Sentinel robot?!"

"They're gone, oh my God, what have you done!"

Just now, not long after the weird man in white opened his mouth, he suddenly noticed that the scene in front of him went dark, and the cameras on the Sentinel robot seemed to have disappeared.

He didn't notice it at first. It wasn't until he wanted to continue controlling the sentry robot that he realized something was wrong.

They seem to be missing?


As soon as Alessandro finished speaking, everyone who felt that everything that happened in front of them was an illusion was stunned for an instant.

It's not fake?

Did the Sentinel robot really disappear?

"What did he do?"

While Tony Stark and others were shocked, someone suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute, did he say something before that Sentinel robots shouldn't exist?"

Agent Coulson said blankly.

As soon as the words fell, Iron Man Tony Stark and other people around him reacted instantly, and an idea flashed in their minds, connecting some things.

Yes, if there was anything strange before the sentry robot disappeared, then it was only the strange man in white who said a word.

Sentinel robots shouldn’t exist?

He wiped out the Sentinel robots?

"Shet, don't tell me that those dark robots disappeared just because of a word?"

"Because of a short sentence?"

Iron Man Tony Stark couldn't believe this kind of thing that seriously challenged his three concepts.

Not only him, but also Captain America Steve Rogers, Black Widow Natasha, and Agent Coulson all had similar ideas.

Shouldn't these be the words of despair that the other party made before he died?

Because of loss and despair, you murmured such a sentence?

How could something so outrageous happen!

But the question is, did it just happen?

Because of one sentence, hundreds of sentry robots disappeared out of thin air!

The American team members opened their mouths wide, with only confusion and shock in their hearts.

this will.

Every one of the millions of viewers and netizens who were originally laughing were dumbfounded.

The scene of the other party dying in wailing despair did not appear before their eyes. In fact, the sentry robot was still gone and was destroyed?

"Sentinel robots really disappeared?"

"Isn't that person crazy in despair? Isn't what he said crazy, and it actually came true?"

Debali and other alien groups.

Margaret and other aliens looked so incredulous that the expressions on their disguised faces were stunned.

Before coming to Earth, their goal was the incredible Phoenix power, but that power was destroyed by an Earth native?

Lost to the power carried by an indigenous person?

At that moment, they were in disbelief. They felt that this place was really magical. It could actually give birth to an existence that could fight against the Phoenix Force?

Now, they were shocked to discover that another incredible force seemed to have appeared!

Margaret and others immediately showed passion and greed in their eyes.

X College.

"What power is this?"

Professor X Charles was shocked.

Brotherhood of Mutants.

Magneto Eric murmured in shock, "Is this a mutant power?"

Isn't this man in white a level four mutant?

What happened in that scene just now?



Or is it true?

Just when they were shocked, Base Commander Alessandro and Dr. Bolivar quickly checked the status of the remaining sentry robots outside the city.

What shocked them was that they could no longer contact the sentinel robots. Even the positioning devices installed on them had disappeared, as if they had evaporated.

This startled them.

Suddenly, Dr. Bolivar thought of something, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he hurriedly ordered, "Quickly check the sentry robot in the warehouse!"

Base Commander Alessandro quickly operated, and the computer screen was immediately connected to the warehouse camera where the Sentinel robot was stored.

However, the picture that greeted their eyes made them extremely horrified.

In the bright white warehouse, everything was empty as far as the eye could see, hundreds of sentry robots were missing!

No one is left!

"This is impossible!"

"This is definitely an illusion!"

"The hundreds of sentry robots in the warehouse have also disappeared?"

exclaimed Captain Alessandro Base and Dr. Bolivar.

Not only did the sentry robots in Messi City disappear, but the sentry robots in their warehouse also disappeared?

How can this be!

If we talk about the sentry robots in Messi City, they can also guess that the signal may be blocked or the like, resulting in the inability to contact them, but these in the warehouse?

"This place is dozens of miles away from Messiah City!"

"It's absolutely impossible at such a long distance..."

"What did he do?!"

Alessandro said in shock.

The two of them were horrified here. They were originally speculating on the reason, and trying to comfort themselves, thinking that it might be blocked by the illusion. Everyone present was stunned at this moment.

Because Alessandro acted in a hurry and forgot to turn off the microphone in his anxiety, their exclamations at this moment were transmitted through the microphone to millions of viewers and netizens, as well as Tony Stark and others. in the ears.

The words fell.

Everyone, including Iron Man Tony Stark, was stunned again.

Before, they had thought about it in a serious direction, and they were even surprised and felt that there was a possibility that the sentry robot might disappear because of a word.

However, the Sentinel robots that disappeared in their eyes were only the one hundred Sentinel robots from before, excluding the Sentinel robots that still existed elsewhere!

As a result, the middle-aged man's voice in the microphone now told them that hundreds of sentry robots stored in an unknown distance away from them had all disappeared together?



At this moment, they thought of the previous sentence again, which they found funny.

Sentinel robots shouldn’t exist?

"Because of this sentence, all the sentry robots disappeared?"

"Hahaha, hey, I might not have woken up today."

"An unscientific thing that only happens in dreams, did it happen?"

The onlookers’ heads were about to explode and they felt like they were going crazy.

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