American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 302 Su Yao’s terrifying power

"Yes, High Priest!" The Sovereign voices rang out. new

"Let me see what you, the powerful person in the legend of the Blue Star, look like." High Priest Ayesha thought amusingly as she looked at the serious-looking tribesmen who were preparing to control the warships and shoot.

The next second, one by one the warships opened fire again, but the difference from before was that this time they included Su Yao, who was floating in the air.

The Sovereigns stared with wide eyes, smug and proud, ready to see this guy being shot out one after another.

on site.

Star-Lord controlled the Milano to dodge, while not forgetting to remind, "Be careful!"

He didn't pay attention to the yellow stimulation fired by the shot. Under the gaze of countless eyes, a red light suddenly appeared in Su Yao's hand.

In an instant, thousands of yellow high-energy lasers were fired, like raindrops falling into the water curtain, without causing any splash.


The expression on the face of High Priest Ayesha, who was about to watch the show, froze.

The faces of the Sovereigns were suddenly filled with astonishment.

"What did this man do?"

"How did he block the attacks of so many of our warships?"

While they were stunned, Su Yao, who casually blocked a yellow high-energy laser, glanced at the densely packed sky, looking at the one or two hundred warships, and gently raised his right hand.

In the shocked eyes of countless people, all warships within a kilometer radius were wrapped in red light.

Then, with a bang, the warships collapsed one after another, like beautiful fireworks, blooming and exploding in the sky.

In an instant, just a moment, the warships that were originally spread across the sky were crushed to pieces, and even vaporized and disappeared under the energy erosion of chaos magic...

In the blink of an eye, the sky cleared.

It was as if those warships and spaceships in front were just illusions, and there were no so-called warships in the sky before.

Subconsciously, the Milano, which was still dodging, stopped unconsciously.

Whether it was Star-Lord sitting in the driver's seat or Rocket Raccoon in the passenger seat, at this moment, everyone stared at the man in white floating in the air with his white clothes fluttering in the wind.

Just by raising his hand slightly, all the warships in such a large area were blown up and vaporized?

"What kind of strength is this?"

"Is this the so-called god?"

Star-Lord was stunned.

This scene was also clearly reflected in the eyes of many New York citizens, making them feel chilled in shock.

The power of the man in white seems to be getting more and more terrifying!

Is the strength already so terrifying?

Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark from Stark Tower and others, as well as the military, were thinking about all sorts of things. At this moment, none of the Sovereigns could react in time. new

The display screen on the video game seat all turned red in an instant, and a series of failure prompts sounded.

The Sovereigns all showed shock in their eyes.

At the top, High Priest Ayesha's expression changed instantly, and she said fiercely, "Who is it?"

Because the speed was too fast, she didn't even see what was going on.

"Start death replay." The fleet commander said quickly.

The next second, a huge projection appeared, playing what happened to the warships in the last half minute.

From the high priest Ayesha to the ordinary Sovereigns, everyone stared closely at the screen.

After slowing down ten times, they finally saw what was going on.

As the man in white raised his right hand, red light enveloped all their fleet's spaceships, and the next moment, their fleet's spaceships were all destroyed!

In the process, they even saw scenes of some warships being crushed.

High Priest Ayesha's face showed unprecedented shock, and she asked in disbelief, "What kind of powerful power is this?"

"This man destroyed all our warships in the blink of an eye?"

What a terrifying force this is? !

The other Sovereigns were in the same mood, feeling incomprehensible.

Why does one person possess such terrifying power? !

At this time, High Priest Ayesha recalled something and murmured incredulously, "The rumor that there is a strong person in Teran Star is actually true?"

Rumors say that one of them can destroy a city in an instant, and the other can easily wipe out a large number of people's lives...

This man in white is so powerful. The rumor that the Messiah can wipe out a city in an instant is probably true...

"How can such a weak civilization have such a strong person?"

High Priest Ayesha said in disbelief.

The fleet commander next to him asked anxiously, "Master Priest, what should we do now?"

Although she was a little frightened, High Priest Ayesha still managed to remain calm and said, "First send out some detectors to check the situation!"


Soon, a series of small golden detectors flew out, passing through the jumping point and rushing towards the Terran planet Earth.

Meanwhile, the scene.

On the Milano, Star-Lord, who had recovered, was shocked, "Brother, are you so strong?"

"Compared to when you were in the barren land, the strength you show now is much stronger."

"At that time, I still doubted whether the powerful man from the special blue star spread among the stars was Yin. Now I have no doubts at all. My God, not only is this not an exaggeration, I also feel that it is too weak!"

Rocket Raccoon on the side nodded subconsciously in agreement.

Unlike Star-Lord, who awes and admires them, Gamora is more rational, and some even want to stay away from such dangerous people.

Of course, although I don’t want to get too close to such a dangerous guy, I still have to thank you.

"I feel you very much, thank you for helping us." Gamora said.

Su Yao glanced at them, nodded, and then prepared to leave without saying anything more.

But at this time, he seemed to notice something. He looked up towards the sky and seemed to have discovered something.

Seeing his actions, both Star-Lord and the others, as well as Ultron and the others who were secretly watching, were all surprised, wondering what the man in white was looking at.

The next second, they knew the answer.

I saw a pure white egg-shaped spaceship flying down from the clouds, and on the hull of the spacecraft, stood a middle-aged man with brown and white hair.

At this moment, he looked at the man in white and sighed, "The perception is good."

Suddenly, Egg's eyes were fixed on the red light on his hand, and his brows were furrowed.

He didn't feel much from a distance, but as he felt the unknown energy in the opponent's hand at close range, he felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

The next second, he immediately thought of something and couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at Su Yao.

God Yi Ge said doubtfully, "Some time ago, I discovered a force that changed the universe. The source seems to be on the earth..."

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