As the news spread further and further, all the forces, large and small, knew about it.

At the same time, Teran Star Earth also attracted their attention again.

Especially the two characters on this planet frightened them even more.

White Man, Messiah? !

Leaving aside the Messiah, the man in white casually destroyed hundreds of Sovereign warships and even killed a god in the news?

What kind of strength is this?

They really couldn't figure it out and even doubted whether the news was true or false.

Some people who were not afraid of death tested several Sovereigns, but the result was beyond their expectations. Is it true?

They even got video footage...

This time, they had to believe it.

Looking at the image of the man in white floating in the air, raising his hand and filling the sky with red light, destroying a group of warships in the blink of an eye, many people felt chilled and shocked.

"This Telan Star can actually give birth to such a powerful person?"

"No, this guy seems to be a god, the god of Asgard?"

"Are the gods of Asgard so powerful?"

Of course, what shocked the forces of all sizes the most was a rumor that spread.

It is rumored that the great changes that occurred in the universe some time ago are related to this earth!

In fact, the culprit causing the great changes in the universe is the rumored man in white!

Everyone who saw the news was shocked, and then had doubts in their hearts. β™‘

"This news is outrageous!"

"Yes, I don't believe it anyway. Whoever wants to believe it will believe it. Only a fool will believe it!"

The vast majority of people do not believe this at all and think it is nonsense.

After all, the universe is so huge and vast, how can it be touched by human beings?

Changing the universe, is this not a dream?

They didn't believe it at all.

When most people were questioning, Thanos was sitting in a dark environment in a dark environment. He was tall and purple-skinned. He was sitting on a large chair with a look of surprise on his face.

"White Man..." Thanos murmured the title of White Man, his voice full of fear.

What others thought was impossible, he thought was slightly possible.

Does the White Man's ability to distort reality seem to be able to do this?

After a moment of surprise, Thanos finally shook his head.

To change the universe, the energy consumed during this process must be huge. Does the man in white really have this energy?

Thanos didn't believe it.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but start thinking about how he could seize the four infinity stones from the hands of the man in white.

A series of conspiracies emerged from his mind.


Earth. new igh.π‘π‘œπ‘š

While all the forces were shocked, Su Yao at this time had returned to his original position.

Then, he continued to absorb the power of faith and practiced sunshine.

[Godhead experience +1]

[Experience of sunshine +1]

As he improved his experience, time continued to pass, and soon it was evening.

Stephen Strange, who had just undergone a difficult operation, was driving a sports car on a mountain road.

At this time, while driving, he answered a call on his mobile phone.

"Billy, what do you need from me?" Stephen Strange asked.

The voice of a man in his thirties came from the mobile phone.

"I have a thirty-five-year-old Air Force colonel here. His lower cervical spine was crushed by some kind of experimental armor, and he suffered a burst fracture in the middle of his thoracic spine."

Listening to Billy's oral explanation of the cause of the disease, Stephen Strange, as the industry's top neurosurgeon, was not at all stumped.

He said casually, "Well, I can do this, and anyone you can ask can do it."

"Find me something exciting, don't waste my time!"

Listening to Stephen Strange's conceited words, Billy on the other end of the phone was not surprised at all and immediately asked a difficult question.

"I also have a sixty-eight-year-old woman here with advanced brainstem glioma."

Listening to the symptoms of death, Stephen Strange said without thinking, "Do you want to ruin my reputation? I don't want it."

Billy continued, "There was also a twenty-two-year-old woman who had an electrical stimulator implanted in her brain to control schizophrenia and was struck by lightning."

While driving the sports car, Stephen Strange said with interest, "This sounds very interesting, can you send it to me?"

A black car appeared on the road ahead, and Stephen Strange drove a sports car and prepared to cross it.

At this time, Billy sent a brain map, and Stephen Strange looked at it and said, "Copy that."

However, at this moment, because he was too distracted to pay attention, he directly collided with the car body of the car in front of him.

There was a bang and a violent braking sound.

Stephen Strange's sports car spun around and was thrown off the roadway by the violent impact.

Debris flew.

The sports car rolled, and all the window glass was shattered, pieces flying, and some even got stuck in his hands.

But at this time, Stephen Strange had no time to think too much. Under the violent impact, he fainted directly.


In the end, the vehicle rolled over and landed on the river bank not far away.

The sports car flashed red lights, and Stephen Strange was lying on the seat bleeding and unknown.

Some time passed, and Stephen Strange, covered in blood, was pushed into the operating room.

When Stephen Strange woke up from the operation, what came into view were his hands wrapped in gauze and fixators.

"What did they do to me?"

Seeing this scene, Stephen Strange, a top surgeon, immediately realized something and his breathing became rapid.

Kristen on the side said quickly, "They sent you here by helicopter, but it took a long time to find you."

"But you've missed the prime time to treat nerve damage."

Stephen Strange heard this and murmured repeatedly, "What did they do to me..."

Christine had to say, "Eleven stainless steel nails were inserted into the bones, multiple ligaments were torn, and the nerves in both hands were severely damaged. The operation lasted eleven hours..."

"Look at these fixtures!" Stephen Strange's tone was full of despair and anger.

"No one could do it better," Christine comforted.

Stephen Strange said unwillingly, "I can do better!"

In desperation, after the wound had recovered somewhat, at Stephen Strange's request, the gauze on his hands was removed.

"You have to be patient and wait for your body to recover."

said the male doctor who performed the operation.

Looking at his trembling hands that could no longer perform surgical operations, Stephen Strange said angrily, "You have completely destroyed me!"


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