American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 343 A member of the Asgardian Protoss?

A dark universe. ♡

blue earth.

An extremely vast and huge fiery red giant is looking down at the earth.

Satellites were aimed at this giant one after another. Countless humans on the earth had horror on their faces.

"Arethem, the judge of the gods, again?"

Seeing this scene, Su Yao felt a little relieved for some reason.

Compared with facing unknown existences, or the true nature of the ancient gods, Alitham, the group of gods in front of him, at least knows the basics and understands them clearly.

If it were the true form of the ancient god, who knows what his strength is...

Thinking of this, Su Yao couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart when he looked at Arisem, the judge of the God Group in front of him.

Why did the judge in front of me come to Earth specifically just to eliminate him?

After thinking for a long time, Su Yao murmured, "Is it because Timut, the sleeping god in the core of the earth, is afraid that I will threaten his birth?"

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and some memories of the Celestial God Group emerged in his mind.

According to rumors, every billion years, a new member of the Celestial God Group must be born in the universe to maintain the energy balance of the universe.

Alithem, the judge of the Celestial Group, scattered the seeds of the Celestial Group on various creation planets in the vast universe, that is, on the life planets.

As for why it is a living planet, it has to do with the birth of the Celestial Group, which must absorb the energy of a large amount of intelligent life.

In order to ensure the reproduction of intelligent life, Alithem, the judge of this group of gods, also created the Eternals, a humanoid race with superpowers to protect the continued reproduction of humans on earth.

When the total number of intelligent life reaches a certain level, the seeds of the Celestial Clan hidden in the earth's core, namely the sleeping god Timut, will absorb the energy of all life on the planet, including the Eternals, and breed them. .

This method of gestation is called divine manifestation...

When the sleeping god Timut appears, the entire earth will explode into dust, which is equivalent to the hatching of a chick from an egg. If the chick comes out, the chicken shell cannot remain intact.

To put it simply, the birth of the sleeping god Timut was at the expense of all life on earth.

And after that, the newly born group of gods will create new planets and life...

Unfortunately, the billions of humans on earth have already met the requirements of the sleeping god Timut to appear.

Su Yao knew very well that soon the crisis of the earth exploding would arise.

He was not sure whether he would be safe if the whole earth exploded.

In a sense, Thanos erasing half of all life on earth can be regarded as delaying the birth of the sleeping god Timut...

Su Yao suspected that Alisem, the judge of the God Group in front of him, was either trying to prevent him from interfering with the birth of Timut, or that because of Timut's relationship, he discovered him when he came to inspect the earth and was preparing to eliminate him for some reason.

Other than that, he really couldn't figure out where he had offended Alithem, the judge of the gods.

After thinking for a long time, his attention returned to the judge of the God Group, Arisem, in front of him.

Soon, he saw himself flying into space outside the earth, wearing white clothes and looking at Alitham.

Su Yao noticed that this time was a little different from the previous times. This time, he was obviously holding something in his hand.

"Space gem..." Su Yao was thoughtful.

Then, he couldn't help but look expectantly.

I wonder if with the blessing of space gems, I can resist Alithem, the judge of the gods?

Similar to the previous times, Judge Alitham showed a sense of disregard after seeing him appear, and chose to take action without saying a word.

A familiar red energy beam emitted from his fist.

Dazzling red light fills outer space.

Before the attack could come, Su Yao saw himself in white using the Divine Word, and at the same time he also used the Sunlight.


In an instant, endless sunlight gathered in space outside the earth.

The sunlight of the divine words and the radiant light of the sun converged, and together they headed towards the red energy beam to resist.

The two collided together, and the white-gold light and red flashed violently in the space.

In an instant, the white-gold light suppressed the red energy beams and directly wiped them out.

Alithem, the judge of the gods, was surprised when the white-golden light shone on him.

How could the life on this earth be so powerful that it could directly clear away the energy beam he released?

Arisem, the judge of the gods, was surprised.

Even though it was just released casually by him, it shouldn't be something that the life of a planet can clear away!

At the same time, I don't know if it was his illusion, but the red energy beam just released did not seem to be simply offset and annihilated, but transformed into other forms.

That part of the energy seems to have completely disappeared?

Alitham, the judge of the gods, was a little confused.

He was confused here. Su Yao looked at this scene without much surprise.

The last time he fought against Arisem, the judge of the gods, several of his abilities had not reached level five. Now that his strength has greatly increased, he can easily erase the red energy beam even without using the space gem blessing. .

However, whether this Alitham can be defeated depends on what happens next.

Sure enough, as soon as the light hit Alitham, it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Last time, the sunlight dissipated not long after it hit this invisible barrier. This time...

Su Yao's eyes showed anticipation.

In his eyes, the sunlight and divine sunlight that contained almost all the light energy and divine power in his body quickly decomposed the invisible barrier on Alitham's body.

However, when it was halfway through decomposition, Su Yao frowned and found that the invisible barrier stopped dissipating, or it dissipated so little that there was almost no difference.

How can it be?

What is the strength of Alithem, the judge of the Celestial Group? !

He has several level five abilities, but he can't break down this barrier?

At this time, the brilliance of the sun and the divine words were gradually dissipating, and it was obvious that the light energy and divine power in his body was about to be exhausted.

At this time, the rich voice of Alitham, the judge of the gods group, appeared.

"A member of the Asgardian Protoss?"

Judge Alitham's surprise could be heard in his voice.

Clearly, he recognized something.

Before he could say anything at the sight of death, Alitham, the judge of the Celestial Group, continued to say indifferently, "Member of the Asgardian Protoss, your presence hinders me."

As he spoke, three golden rings suddenly appeared on his body in the scene of death, directly imprisoning him and restricting his movement.

"Your strength is not enough."

The tone of Arisem, the judge of the Celestial Group, contained an emotion of disregard.

It seemed that even members of the Asgardian Protoss made no difference to him.

The gradually disappearing light in front of him also proved this. Alitham also saw that this member of the Asgardian Protoss who could release terrifying light was about to run out of power.

Obviously, although this guy's strength is a bit unexpected, his background is limited after all.

The next second, Arisem, the judge of the God Group, released a terrifying energy beam that spread for several kilometers, heading directly towards the imprisoned him.

Finally, after glancing at him, Alitham, the judge of the Celestial Group, showed signs of fluctuation in his huge body, and he was ready to use means to leave here.

In Alithem's view, this member of the Asgardian Protoss must die.

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