American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 365 Su Yao wants to deny his identity

As Odin finished speaking, the people of Asgard showed surprise and excitement in their eyes. ̷x̷.̷c̷o̷m̷

"This is indeed His Highness!"

"Great, we have this powerful His Highness in Asgard. Who in the universe dares to mess with us?"

They were excited here, Frigga's eyes showed confirmation and joy, and Thor also laughed.

Patting the shoulder of the brother in white next to him, he said, "Brother, I knew you were my brother. Look, I was right."

Feeling the hand patting on his shoulder and Odin staring at him sharply, Su Yao felt helpless on his face.

What can he say now, that he has nothing to do with them, that he is not Odin's son, not Thor's brother?

Even if he said it, guys like Thor wouldn't believe it. They would just think that he just couldn't accept it for a while and wouldn't take it seriously at all.

After all, it is very likely that his body does contain the blood aura of Odin and Frigga.

In traditional myths and legends, Baldr, the God of Light, is indeed the biological son of Odin and Frigga, which is not too surprising to Su Yao.

However, it is a bit difficult to explain clearly.

Su Yao looked helpless and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

While the people of Asgard were excited and Thor and others were delighted, Odin continued to sense the child in front of him.

The breath of the divine body is easy to sense. After all, it is related to him and Frigga, which is also easy to identify.

However, as soon as he sensed the body of the child in front of him, he couldn't sense anything. He only felt the aura like the sun, which was extremely bright and dazzling.

Odin only felt that it was very powerful. As for how powerful it was, he did not find out.

Of course, the most important point is that he did feel the unique divine aura of their Asgardian royal family in this faint divine aura.

Although there are some differences and it seems to be mutated, this divine power does belong to their Asgardian royal family!

There was even a faint trace of him and Frigga.

This made him more certain of his previous identity.

Although it is outrageous, the child in front of him is indeed the child of the two of them!

Thinking of this, Odin's face was filled with shock, relief, and kindness, and his expression kept changing.

Soon, he told everyone in Asgard the results of the divine power he had detected.

After saying that, the last trace of doubt in everyone's minds completely disappeared.

"Great, we have a powerful His Highness in Asgard!"

"I knew it!"


Laughter appeared, and for a while they forgot about the destruction of various buildings in Asgard.

The look of helplessness on Su Yao's face became even heavier.

What could he say?

At this time, Frigga next to her said with a gentle face, "Good boy, tell me how you have lived these years."

"Uh..." Su Yao was a little embarrassed and changed the subject, "What are we going to do with these guys?"

He pointed into the distance.

Thor and the others were stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned their heads to look, only to find that Hela's pet Fenris and the skeleton soldiers were still fixed in place.

If it weren't for His Highness's reminder, they would have almost forgotten about it.

After all, they're so motionless that it's easy to miss them.

After noticing this, looking at the red energy still shining on them, they had to sigh at how powerful His Highness was.

After all this time, they were still able to suppress these monsters. It was as if nothing had happened and not much energy was consumed. They were so powerful that it was terrifying.

Soon, Odin called the guards, put limiters on them, and then pressed them into the prison.

After doing this, everyone's attention turned to the white-clothed figure in front of them.

Frigga kept expressing concern and asking about things.

After talking for a while, Su Yao looked helpless and had no choice but to accept her kindness and follow her to measure her body circumference in preparation for making clothes.

after an hour……

Thor was chattering on the side, "Brother, hurry up, I will show you Asgard."

Su Yao said helplessly, "I told you, I'm not..."

Thor didn't take it seriously, with a smile on his face and said, "Okay, brother, I understand. Come on, come with me."

Su Yao looked helpless and was held by Thor to watch Asgard.

Although it was destroyed by the fire giant Surtur, a small part of it was still preserved.

Along the way, Su Yao saw a lot of classical and exotic buildings, which were very magnificent.

"Under the Temple of Light."

"Hello, Your Highness Badr."

"Good day, Your Highness."

"Your Highness, where are you going?"

After this period of time, the people of Asgard also figured out the identity and some information of His Highness.

So along the way, various guards and Asgardians greeted him with smiles on their faces, and Su Yao felt their enthusiasm directly.

At this moment, he had many gorgeous wreaths and dessert baskets on his body.

After casually tasting the sweet dessert, Su Yao thought of something and asked Thor who was leading the way foolishly, "Infinity Gauntlet..."

When Thor, the God of Thunder, heard this, he turned his head and said suddenly, "Oh, you mean the Infinity Gauntlet."

"When those people measured your body, they probably also measured your hands. It shouldn't take long for the dwarf king to make the gloves and send them over."

Hearing what he said, Su Yao nodded and felt a little relieved.

The Infinity Gauntlet is still somewhat important at present. With the Infinity Gauntlet, the power of the Infinity Stones can be brought out to the greatest extent, and even cooperation can occur.

Su Yao has not forgotten that Alithem, the judge of the gods, will appear soon, as well as the true form of the ancient god.

If you have the Infinity Gauntlet and four gems, you may have a greater chance of survival.

At this time, Thor couldn't help but have a look of curiosity on his face, and asked, "With the help of the Infinity Gauntlet and the six Infinity Stones, can anything really be done?"

During this time, he also learned the specific function of the Infinity Gauntlet, and the more he thought about it, the more incredible it became.

Su Yao thought for a moment and nodded.

Seeing him nod, Thor couldn't help but marvel.

After being shocked for a while, looking at the beautiful and peaceful scene in Asgard, he sighed and said worriedly, "Oh, my father seems to be dying soon. When my father dies, I don't know what will happen to Asgard." .”

"Once something happens to my father, those who are spying on Asgard will take action..."

Thor knows very well that the main reason why Asgard has been able to maintain peace, apart from the many Asgardians, is his father Odin, who makes many people afraid.

If the father died, those people would probably be tempted to take action, and Asgard's status would be shaken.

If a few more powerful guys come, maybe Ragnarok in Asgard will happen again.

On the side, listening to Thor's worried words, Su Yao couldn't help but think, "I wonder if Odin can be saved..."


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