American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 387 The man in white is the sun god Ra?

Chapter 387 The man in white is the sun god Ra?

"Where are you going?"

He said with cold eyes.


Lisa and others' movements froze.

"Nothing..." Lisa smiled quickly and flatteringly.

"It's nothing, then you just die!" Pharaoh's eyes were cold, and as he spoke, he was ready to chant evil spells to kill those who offended him.

Listening to the inexplicable spell, Lisa and others became even more frightened.

"Wait a minute, don't kill us, we are still useful!"

In the crowd, the old Najido guy who was afraid of death hurriedly said respectfully, "Powerful Pharaoh, time must have passed a long time for you. You must not understand the modern situation. We can introduce the modern situation to you."

"For example, things about modern humans, those blue energy beam attacks just now, and things about the god in white..."

The more Najido talked, the more panicked he became, because the Pharaoh in front of him did not stop chanting the curse.

Just when they thought it was over and were about to fight, suddenly the Pharaoh's voice paused while chanting a curse.

He said, "Wait a minute, you said you know about those blue energy beams and the god in white?"

Najido was stunned for a moment, then said hurriedly, "Yes, yes, yes, I know!"

"We know it too!" Giovanni on the side quickly agreed.

Pharaoh's eyes flashed with surprise, and the killing intent in his heart suddenly subsided.

As that person was involved, he naturally had to be curious.

Although at this moment, he was a little disappointed to find that that person might not be the great Sun God Ra, but he still wanted to know about this person.

Upon seeing this, Naguido quickly said, "The white-clothed god, we humans call him the White-clothed Man. He appeared suddenly and showed powerful abilities as soon as he appeared."

"He can emit a red energy..."

The Pharaoh looked thoughtful.

He had seen this before, and there was nothing unusual about it.

And many beings can emit energy, there's nothing special about it.

But then, what the old man in front of him said shocked him.

"This god in white, in addition to emitting red energy, can also do incredible distortions and changes in reality."

What? !

"For example, we have seen this white-clothed god turn dead things into living things, such as butterflies, and..."

Hearing what he said, Pharaoh was shocked.

Distorting and modifying reality, what kind of power is this?

He couldn't believe that there were gods with such power.

The names of gods passed through the Pharaoh's mind, but none of them could possess this kind of power.

This power is no longer a simple power, but a great power that can create all things?

"I'm afraid only the legendary Sun God La can do such a thing, right?"

Pharaoh thought with some uncertainty.

Suddenly, an idea came into his mind.

"Could it be that he is indeed the Sun God Ra? The one he used in front of him was just a disguise to show me, right?"

The more he thought about it, the more determined the Pharaoh became.

Besides the great sun god Ra, who else can possess this power that can change and create all things in a strict sense?

The more he thought about it, the hotter his eyes became, and also filled with annoyance.

"I was actually deceived by La Shen just now!"

Thinking of the great god Ra deliberately using red energy but not showing the incomparably blazing power of the sun that he sensed, he felt dumbfounded.

La Shen actually tricked him on purpose?

At this moment, the Pharaoh was not only not angry, but also a little flattered.

Of course, these were just speculations in his head. What the old man Najido said later made him more sure of his guesses.


This guy said that he had seen that person cast sunlight that covered an entire city for a hundred or two hundred kilometers.

He just opened his mouth and recited the word "light" to create this scene, possessing powerful ability to control light.

The Pharaoh's eyes lit up, confirming his suspicion.

This is definitely the sun god La!

Who else but Ra can do this to control a large area of ​​sunlight?

Although from the description, the range covered by the sun's rays is a bit small, which is a bit unlike the power of the sun god Ra, but it is true that only the god Ra can do this kind of thing!

"I was almost deceived..." Pharaoh thought with excitement and annoyance.

At this moment, he had already determined in his heart that the other party was the Sun God La!

However, Najido then said that this person was suspected to be the Asgard God of Light, which made him suspicious.

Of course, he didn't think much about it. After all, this was just the unilateral wording of Thor, the god of thunder. He didn't admit it at all, and there was no definite evidence to prove it.

"If you pay more attention to La Shen's affairs in the future, you should be more certain."

Pharaoh thought so.

After listening to that person's story, he glanced at the worried Najido and others, and said with a smile, "Very good, tell me about the God of Ra. The great God of Ra will forgive you for your sins against me."

"But your sins are forgiven, but you still have to serve me for a while before I can let you go..."

After saying this, Lisa and others subconsciously let out a sigh of relief, and then became distressed.

In addition, they were also amazed at the words coming out of Pharaoh’s mouth.

One of the guards asked hesitantly, "Ra? Isn't he the god of light?"

"Pharaoh, didn't this person just tell you the general situation?"

As soon as these words came out, Giovanni and others were also confused.

A series of doubtful eyes were focused on the bronze-skinned Pharaoh.

When the Pharaoh heard this, he snorted coldly and said coldly, "What do you ordinary people know? This is just the disguise of the God of Ra. If it can be discovered by ordinary people like you, will the God of Ra still be the God of Ra?"

"Who else but Ra can have such great power and control such a large area of ​​sunlight?"

After saying this, Lisa and the others looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

The man in actually the sun god La?

The creator god in Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra in disguise? !

They couldn't believe it and wanted to disbelieve it, but what the Pharaoh said did make some sense. After all, this was the Pharaoh and he must know more. He couldn't possibly lie to them, right?

Lisa and others thought so.

Suddenly, the ideas in their hearts changed.

Maybe the man in white is really the sun god Ra? !

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel amazed and confused.

"What is the purpose of this Egyptian main god, the sun god Ra, hiding his identity on earth?"

"What does he want to do?"

Everyone started thinking wildly.

At this time, a guard in the crowd changed his expression and murmured secretly, "The man in white is actually the sun god La?"

"No, this matter must be reported to the bureau quickly!"

While they were thinking about this, Su Yao, who was far away from the pyramid, took out a black stone artifact.

"I don't know, what is the death scene like this time?"

Su Yao was a little curious.

After reaching the fifth level of godhead and greatly increasing his strength, how will the situation change when facing Alithem, the judge of the God Group?

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