“I wonder what is the relationship between Mr. Ye and Miss Wanda Maksimov?” Professor X asked Ye Bai with a kind smile.

Ye Bai stood in place in a daze for a long time before finally passing the sequelae of rewriting reality, rubbing his groggy head and saying, “She is my daughter-in-law…”


The X-Men were momentarily confused by his answer.

Isn’t Wanda’s boyfriend the robot vision? How did this change?

In the mystery cabin, Natasha, who was sitting in the living room watching live TV, rolled her eyes.

Wanda, who was sitting on the shared chair on the second floor, had several black lines on her forehead, but when she thought of the zombified vision, she became desperate and sad, too lazy to care about Ye Bai’s nonsense outside.

She didn’t continue to do this chair, Ye Bai used her ability to rewrite reality, and it also put a lot of pressure on her soul, and she needed to slow down, otherwise her spirit would have to completely collapse.

Wanda went downstairs, went to the living room sofa and sat down, and looked at the giant 150-inch LCD TV with Natasha to understand the real-time dynamics outside.

Outside, Ye Bai noticed that Wanda in the magical cabin left the chair, and he naturally lost the ability to chaos magic and modify probabilities, after all, that ability is not his, it is easy to come and disappear easily.

At this time, outside the walls of the campus, more than 3,000 zombies surrounded here, if the reality of this area is not rewritten, this disaster affecting the mutant school will continue for a long time, and in the end, I don’t know if I can hold it.

In the New York City area, many people with amazing combat power turned into zombies, and they began to leave the city limits and run like the whole world in order to get more food.

The fastest zombie Quicksilver has already run to the Asian side.

Some of them also ran to the mutant school, and these zombies who ran from the city to this side are much more powerful.

Ordinary zombies can’t run this side in such a short time, and everyone who can run here has superpowers.

Suddenly, from above the sky, a large number of metal steel bars rained down around the school, penetrating the zombies in the vicinity.

Magneto fell from the sky.

“It seems that you bunch of waste are not useless…” As soon as he, the culprit, came here, he began to mock.

“Magneto, you bastard came here to shout just to taunt us!!” Wolverine, who had been bullied by Magneto’s tricks, saw Magneto, the villain boss, and did not give him a good face.

“Of course not, I came to save your lives and hope that we can join forces to save more people.”

In Ye Bai’s magical cabin, Natasha saw the culprit in the live broadcast screen and immediately became angry: “This culprit who caused all this, did he have the courage to do it but did not have the courage to admit it, Ye, expose him to me in public.” ”

At this time, Natasha looked a little hysterical, but yes, the harmonious world of good manners suddenly became the end of the world, her teammates and various friends all turned into zombies, and it was normal for Natasha to lose control of her emotions.

Wanda next to her, hearing that it was her father who had made the end of the disaster, made her even more sad and desperate.

Ye Bai said to the two in his heart: “It’s all this time, it’s better not to engage in a civil war, although Magneto’s crime is unforgivable, I can see that he still wants to atone for his sins.” ”

At this time, Magneto looked at Ye Bai with dangerous eyes.

“Boy, who are you, how do you have my daughter’s ability?”

He could ask this, which meant that when Ye Bai fought here before, he was seen by Magneto from a distance.

“My name is Ye Bai, mutant, and Wanda is my girlfriend.” Ye Bai is talking nonsense.

He is now in a normal AT position, but he is not afraid of Magneto, nor is he afraid of being read by Professor X and realizing that he is not a mutant.

Magneto was stunned.

Once, his daughter fell in love with a robot, and he was very worried.

Although this is not very satisfactory now, it is undoubtedly much better than that robot, not to mention the other party’s similar and powerful ability to her daughter, at least it can be passed on.

Therefore, Lao Wan acquiesced to the fact that Ye Bai was his son-in-law.

An hour later, the X-Men received a notification from S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury.

This notice is not only addressed to the X-Men, but to all the living superheroes in the world, and he informs all survivors to assemble in the Sky Fortress of the Shield Bureau.

The space fortress of the Skyshield Bureau can be described as a condensed black technology into one, the volume is not small at all, adding up each layer of space, the area is comparable to New York City, and it can also fly to outer space.

That thing can be used as a migrant shipman, and it must have been very laborious and costly when it was built.

However, compared to the Sky Fortress, the mutant school that has been modified to the reality is undoubtedly safer, but in order to save more people, the X-Men still plan to send representatives to the Sky Fortress of the Sky Shield Bureau.

Magneto, who was ready to atone for his sins, naturally wanted to go, and Ye Bai said that he would also go.

On the X-Men side, Wolverine, Storm, and Phantom Cats, who had worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., went there.

Of course, as a member of the Illuminati, Professor X has just received the Iron Man’s Church, and the location is also in the Sky Fortress, so Professor X is also following.

On the school side, only laser eyes, beasts, phantom cats, icemen, etc. are left to guard this place.

Everyone boarded the Blackbird fighter, the signature car of the X-Men, and the Stormwoman Aurolo Monroe served as the pilot, and piloted it to the Sky Fortress at the headquarters of the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Two hours later, the Sky Fortress Conference Hall.

At this time, there are a dense collection of superheroes.

Ye Bai and the others walked in, and when they looked around, they were all people in strange costumes, and most of them he couldn’t name.

Only the group in the front row was familiar to him, Iron Man Tony Stark, Doctor Strange Stephen Strange, Fantastic Four Reed Richards, Susan Stone, Johnny Stone, Ben Graeme, Thor Odinson, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Barbara Morse of the Sound Bird, Agent 13 Sharon Carter and so on.

Counting Professor X, Magneto, Stormgirl, Wolverine, and Phantom Cat who came with Ye Bai, this lineup is really not ordinarily large.

In the past, some people said that Marvel’s New York was very high-energy, and a large group of heroes would lift the plane when a plane fell, and Ye Bai didn’t believe it at that time, but he believed it when he saw the lineup in front of him.

You know, the lineup here is not complete, and there are more superheroes who have turned into zombies outside.

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