American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 11 Ghost Corps! Endless! Shred Everything! 【Favorites】

Midtown Manhattan, Ninth Avenue, seeing Li Ye who shot himself, Spider-man suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

The setting sun, which was already gradually slanting, seemed to disappear instantly at this moment, and a black mist shrouded Ninth Avenue.

As time passed, the black mist became thicker and thicker, and even ordinary people could feel something was wrong at this moment.

"Xie Te, why did it suddenly become like this?"

A magistrate, suppressing his fear, vented.

They had been tormented by Li Ye to collapse, and they recovered a little because of the arrival of Spider-man. Now, this strange thing happened again, and their mentality that had just recovered suddenly collapsed again like an avalanche.

"Hey guys, calm down, I'm still here, I'm fine."

Seeing that everyone's emotions became more and more irritable, Spider-man had no choice but to comfort him, let alone, his words really had an effect, and as his words fell, everyone stabilized their emotions again.

Seeing this, Spider-man couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, the more afraid he was at this moment, the more he was afraid of losing his footing.

If they really want to collapse again, then half of this battle will be lost before it is fought.

At this time, a sound of footsteps echoed in the black mist, and the dead Li Ye returned again.

Hearing the movement, Spider-man cast sharp eyes on Li Ye immediately, looked at Li Ye who was calm and with a smile on his face, and asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't think you can scare me by making some weird things, do you really think I'm scared?"

"Really? I hope you can still be so stubborn later."

Li Ye glanced at Spider-man playfully, without making any excuses, and just summoned it silently in his heart.

As his thoughts moved, the surrounding black mist suddenly rolled up, and one after another pitch-black figures appeared in the black mist, the scene looked very strange.

Soon, when the black mist was completely filled with jet-black figures, suddenly, suddenly, pairs of scarlet eyes lit up in the black mist.

These eyes are like bright lights in the dark, they are so dazzling, densely packed pupils are directly covered in all directions.

Seeing the starry scarlet pupils, not only were the sheriffs shocked, but Spider-man's scalp was numb and he took a deep breath.

He couldn't figure out why there were so many weird guys all of a sudden.

Before he could figure out the problem, Li Ye couldn't help but excitedly ordered, "Give it to me! Tear them apart!"

After the words fell, there was only a burst of tearing air sounds, and many ghost figures rushed out of the black mist and rushed towards everyone except Li Ye.

"Fack, shoot!"

A sheriff looked at the ghost that was rushing towards him and yelled.

As soon as he finished speaking, a knife light flashed in front of him, and the next second, a head flew straight up.

After dealing with this person, the ghost did not stop, and quickly joined the massacre army.

The 20 or so security officers who were still alive on the field were slaughtered by the Ghost Shadow Corps within a few breaths, leaving only corpses all over the floor.

Not far away, Spider-man watched this scene with his own eyes, his eyes were red with anger, he wanted to rescue, but he couldn't.

Because, a large number of ghosts rushed towards him and attacked him crazily, completely draining his energy and making him unable to save people.

"Damn! You bastards! I'm going to kill you!"

Spider-man's mentality was finally out of balance, and then the whole person seemed to explode, killing wildly among the ghosts.

His powerful strength gave him an absolute advantage when facing ghosts, often killing a ghost with a single punch.

In just a short moment, at least dozens of ghosts were scattered by him abruptly.

If it were an ordinary team, with his performance, the others would have been frightened to the point of not moving.

But as a War Machine, ghosts don't know what to fear, and death is a common occurrence for them.

Therefore, no matter how Spider-man kills, the ghosts around him don't hesitate at all, and they are still constantly rushing towards him.

Not far away, Li Ye folded his hands, watching the fight between Ghost and Spider-man calmly, his eyes filled with interest.

He wanted to see how long Spider-man could last under the siege of ghosts.

While thinking about it, Li Ye's thoughts moved, and a large number of ghosts came out of the black mist again, joined the battlefield, and besieged and killed Spider-man.

And as time passed, the angry Spider-man finally realized something was wrong at this moment. He had been killing for so long, but the number of ghosts besieging him still did not mean to decrease in the slightest.

At this moment, he was like an ordinary person in the vast ocean. He wanted to drink up the seawater completely, but he was almost exhausted after drinking it, and the amount of seawater still did not decrease in the slightest.

"how so!"

Spider-man was confused, as a top student, it was really hard for him to understand creatures like the Shadow Corps.

No fear of death, unlimited resurrection, and no need to pay any price. These things, if you pick them up at random, are inconceivable, but now they are all put together. This is no longer inconceivable, it is completely outrageous.


Suddenly, Blade sliced ​​through his arm, ripping his battle suit and leaving a trail of blood on him.

The pain pulled Spider-man's thoughts back to reality, and at the same time, a deep sense of fatigue also emerged from his body.

Although he has undergone a mutation, his body stats and five senses have surpassed ordinary people, but he still has physical limits, and it is impossible to keep fighting.

In addition, the burst just now consumed a lot of his physical strength. At this moment, he clearly perceived that his speed was gradually slowing down, and his fists were getting weaker and weaker.

Obviously, his stamina is almost at its limit.

Realizing this, Spider-man was startled, and a hint of retreat appeared in his mind.

Li Ye, who has been paying attention to Spider-man, clearly saw the state of Spider-man.

Immediately, without further ado, Li Ye directly summoned more ghostly army, joined the battle group, and wanted to rely on crowd tactics to completely keep Spider-man behind.

Unfortunately, his idea failed in the end. The Spider-man, who was surrounded by groups, took a few stabs from the ghost, launched the cobweb, broke away from the siege in an instant, and fled the place quickly.

Seeing this, Li Ye was not annoyed, this time he didn't succeed, and there will be a next time, anyway, he is immortal, and he has plenty of time to play with him.

Raising his hand to stop the ghost army from chasing after him, Li Ye thought, and the black mist slowly dissipated.

This is the ability he drew this time, ghost fog, which can block all light, making it easier for him to summon the shadow army.

As the black fog dissipated, Li Ye was just about to leave, but at this moment, from the direction he came from, a siren sounded slowly from far to near.

The pursuers who followed behind him hurriedly rushed, and finally arrived at the scene after he had dealt with everyone. Immediately, Li Ye smiled.

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