American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 161 A Higher Dark Dimension? Who Is The Real Master Of Darkness!

"Before I count to zero!"

"You still have a chance to escape in the last few seconds."

Li Ye looked down at the crowd, and slowly stretched out three fingers, "Three!"


The imposing manner emanating from Li Ye's body is full of pressure.

An incomparably powerful sense of fear instantly invaded those magicians staying in the holy place in London.

They made their own decisions one after another. Some of them left in a panic and fled directly through this space, while others showed a look of death as if they were at home.

Even though they are inferior in strength, they are also unwilling to give in. Even if they die, they will be buried together in the holy place in London. Well, in reality, there are always some people who don't know good from bad.

"Stupid loyalty makes people pitiful."

Li Ye said lightly, and then all his fingers were bent.



The surging energy fluctuations raged out in an instant, overturning the entire "747" London holy place, including those magic items that guarded the holy place, under the bombardment of this man's incomparably terrifying power, all of them were destroyed.


"Why, why is this bastard so strong, it can't be the power of a magician!"

"Save, pickle!"

Those magicians guarding the holy place in London screamed in despair.

As strong as the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One in the past, it can't be like Li Ye, who can operate Magic Power with ease, destroying high-rise buildings with just a few fingers, and destroying New York holy place together.

You must know that the space inside this holy place is completely different from the outside world. It is blessed by the magicians of all ages, and it is extremely stable. Let alone destroying it, even if it invades the magic holy place, it is quite difficult to enter the gate of the magic holy place. things.

"Ants can't understand the eyes of the gods. In your eyes, the so-called magic is just the worst transportation technique."

Li Ye said nonchalantly, and he walked slowly towards the depths of the holy place in London.

The purpose of this trip is not for them.

But to find the book of darkness that was hidden in the deepest part of the holy place and was sealed.

"Dark magic, I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"I don't know how different this so-called dark power is from holy hand magic?"

Vaguely, Li Ye's heart was also touched. His intuition made him feel the existence of dark magic, which might have an unexpected and amazing effect on him.

"leave here!"

An extremely strong magician rushed over, with a tragic expression on his face, wanting to die with Li Ye.

At that moment, he had opened a space leading to another dimension with the magic wand in his hand, as long as he could touch Li Ye, he could be taken away from the holy place in New York.

The next moment, those trembling hands finally grabbed the man in black with a stern face.

A look of astonishment and surprise appeared on the magician's face!

Actually, it succeeded!?

London holy place will be saved!

I can take this demon away from here in an instant.

Almost in an instant, the magician quickly activated the magic.

However, the distorted space-time dimension quickly collapsed until it disappeared when the magician was incomparably stunned.

Everything around has returned to its familiar look.

It is still the holy place in London.

The devil-like man with a sneer on his face was still standing here calmly, his eyes slowly cast over, revealing a look of pity.

"Sad little fool, don't you know that the Space gem is with me?"

In the palm of Li Ye, a piece of Infinite Gems blooming with brilliance, shining brightly, in front of Li Ye who controls the Space gem, let alone these magicians who practice in the holy place

Even in the face of the previous Ancient One magician, he would never want to defeat himself from the mirror world.

The magician is the person who created the mirror image space, but he has become the master of all the spaces. With a slight twist of his hand, he crushed the astonished magician in front of him.

The splashed blood fell into the ruins of the holy place.

At this moment, the London holy place, one of the three most holy places in the world, completely fell under the footsteps of this man.

He didn't stop, but walked slowly behind him.

The power of the Book of Darkness is becoming clearer!

The powerful seal arranged in the holy place is meaningless to Li Ye, and it will be completely destroyed with just a flick of a finger.

"Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me. I didn't expect to find such a surprise here."

A black divine tome exuding a terrifying aura slowly emerges from the seal of the holy place. It is a book of darkness that records all the dark magic in this world, and even has the ability to communicate with other dimensions and dark dimensions.

But for Li Ye, this book of darkness also has an unexpected role for him...

Almost at the moment of his touch, all the knowledge changes in the Book of Darkness flowed into his mind with the torrent.

Now he has become the Holy Master of World No. 2, and he also has extremely profound magical attainments. At the same time, the blood of the dragon is completely awakened, and his monster-like physique is enough to withstand the impact of this wave of knowledge.

A terrifying black aura emerged from behind Li Ye, and Wujian Sandman and Ether Lizard, who followed behind, stayed there in a daze.

"I feel the master's aura is becoming more and more terrifying. If he was like a Mephista walking in the world before, now he is an existence beyond the gods.

The lizardman said in disbelief, his eyes filled with shock.

After obtaining a trace of the power of the ether gem, he already understood how powerful he is now to an astonishing degree.

In the past, those superheroes who could cause big troubles to themselves became the targets of wanton beatings.

Only by standing in front of Li Ye and feeling the incomparably terrifying aura and coercion of the master, can the lizard man regain his humble attitude.

Sandman didn't say a word, but there was more excitement in the underarm hair.

The stronger Li Ye is, the greater his hope of resurrecting his daughter.

Although the time I followed Li Ye was not long, but during this time, I experienced a lot of chaos and wars. Traveled to the universe several times, and saw other powerful races and terrifying existences.

The more extensive one sees and hears, the stronger one's loyalty to the master will be.

Who doesn't want their 5.2 backer to be strong enough.

Lizardman and Sandman witnessed Li Ye's metamorphosis at this moment.

Terrifying dark forces quietly descended from other dimensions, condensing on the body of the holy lord Li Ye.

That kind of power didn't even flow in spontaneously, it was more like being attracted by the dark divine book and forcibly plundered by Li Ye of the controller Infinite Gems.

Suddenly, Li Ye, whose eyes were red and exuding a bloody light, let out a roar.

His body turned into a dragon again, and then his claws tore apart the space.

"I said it long ago."

"Dormammu, I will come to you."

Li Ye exuded an extremely terrifying aura, and he instantly aimed at that special dark dimension.

The Black Flame Dragon standing upright rushed into the space crack with an unstoppable posture, and his true body rushed towards the dark dimension that terrified countless worlds. .

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