American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 25 Yellow Pig, I Can't Help But Want To Kill Someone When I Hear This Name! 【Favorites】

Li Ye raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and looked at the waiter in front of him.

Hearing this, the waiter's body trembled slightly, but he quickly returned to normal, and said with a puzzled face, "Sir, I don't understand what you mean."

"Don't understand? Forget it."

Li Ye shook his head with a smile, then got up and came to the dining table to enjoy his breakfast.

Beside Li Ye, the Caucasian waiter looked at Li Ye's chopsticks, stroking the food with special ingredients again and again, and his heart beat faster.

"Fake, Fake, this yellow-skinned pig, why doesn't he eat that dish!"

The waiter roared in his heart, but he didn't dare to show any strange expression. For a while, he was in extreme torment.

Soon, all the dishes on the table were eaten by Li Ye, except for the dish that the waiter added, which was not touched at all.

Seeing this, the white waiter finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Sir, are you dissatisfied with this dish? Otherwise, you can taste it and tell us how you feel. I will tell the chef later so that I can provide you with better dishes."

"You want me to eat this dish so much?"

Li Ye looked up at him and said calmly.

"Why, Mr. Li misunderstood, I just want to provide you with better service, I just need your feedback."

"Hehe, is that right? If this is the case, then you can try it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Li Ye put the chopsticks in front of the waiter. Seeing this scene, the expression on the waiter's face suddenly became a little stiff, and then he smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Li, I don't know how to use your tableware."

During this period, florists had not yet officially emerged, and naturally there were not many people in the West who knew how to use chopsticks.

Even, the hotel originally does not have chopsticks, and the food is mostly Western food.

But Li Ye is not used to Western food, and it’s okay to try it once in a while, but he can’t stand it if he eats it every day.

Therefore, when he checked in, he asked the hotel to hire a cook from a florist and buy tableware.

At first the hotel naturally disagreed, but after Li Ye showed his money ability, all the rules began to make way for him.

In a flower grower, you have to change the rules, and maybe you have to talk about human relations and relationships.

But in a capitalist society, money is everything.

"It's okay, you won't, I will help you."

Seeing the waiter's stiff expression, Li Ye smiled and said.

After the words fell, behind the waiter, two ghosts quietly appeared, one on the left and one on the right, directly grabbed the waiter.

The sudden change made the waiter stunned for a moment, but soon he reacted.

"Fake, what are you doing, let me go!"

"I'm a beautiful and sharp person, you yellow-skinned pig, inferior person, what do you want to do?"

The waiter yelled and struggled, Li Ye was too lazy to listen to his obscenities, and ordered in a cold tone: "Put that food into his stomach."

After saying that, another black figure appeared behind Li Ye, stepped forward to pick up the only remaining food on the table, and was about to stuff it into the waiter's mouth.

The waiter, who knew what was inside, shut his mouth tightly in fright.

There is a medicine that damages the nervous system, as long as it is taken, it can destroy a person's brain nerves in a minute, making him completely vegetative.

Therefore, he dared not eat at all.

However, he didn't want to eat, but he couldn't help it. After the ghost came to him, he pinched his chin, trying to open his mouth.

Under the will to survive, he tightly closed his mouth, even though his jaw was pinched and cracked, he still persisted.

Seeing this, Ghost suddenly pulled out Katana, slashed his lower jaw with a knife, and directly tore his mouth open.


There was a miserable cry, but it stopped soon. The black shadow grabbed the food on the plate and stuffed it directly into his mouth. His body trembled wildly, but he couldn't break free from the ghost's shackles.

A minute later, the waiter, who was completely unconscious, fell to the ground.

Li Ye glanced at him coldly, and then turned to the other waiter who was completely frightened.

Seeing Li Ye looking at him, the frightened waiter shuddered for a moment, came back to his senses, and then stammered, "Mr. Li, I, I don't know anything."

After finishing speaking, the waiter knelt down in front of Li Ye.

"Don't worry, I know you're fine, go and call your manager for me, here's a tip for you."


The waiter looked at the thousand-meter gold thrown in front of him, and didn't dare to pick it up.

Seeing this, Li Ye asked very friendly, "Do you need my help too?"

Hearing this, the waiter froze, glanced at the immobile companion on the ground, then waved his hands again and again, and quickly picked up the money on the ground.

"Mr. Li, wait a moment, I'll call the manager right away."

The waiter left quickly, while Li Ye sat where he was, recalling the feeling just now.

Human body strengthening agent, strengthening not only physical fitness, but also Li Ye's senses.

At this moment, his senses of hearing, sight, and smell have basically reached an extraordinary level.

When the white waiter approached him before, he heard his fast beating heart.

During the subsequent meal, every time Li Ye's chopsticks brushed over the seasoned dish, his heart would beat rapidly.

It was based on this that Li Ye concluded that there was something wrong with this person, and then what happened later.

Not long after the waiter left, a middle-aged white man in a suit walked in quickly.

Looking at the motionless corpse on the ground, the manager's heart skipped a beat, and a fear rose from the bottom of his heart instantly, but he didn't dare to say anything more. Compared with ordinary people, he loved Li Ye more than others Somewhat understand.

This one is wanted by the military. Before the military surrounded and suppressed Li Ye in the hotel, he had cooperated with the evacuation of the guests.

I thought Li Ye would be captured by the military, but I never thought that the military personnel failed to arrest him, but this one is still living in the hotel aboveboard.

From then on, he knew that this was a master he couldn't afford to offend, and he always told the people below to serve Li Ye well and not to offend this master.

But now, obviously, something went wrong.

Thinking of this, he almost couldn't help crying, it was too difficult.

"Mr. Li, allow me to explain, what this man did has nothing to do with me or the hotel, we are innocent."

Standing in front of Li Ye, before Li Ye could speak, the manager couldn't help begging for mercy.

Hearing this, Li Ye gave him a strange look, "When did I say I'm going to hold you accountable?"

"Um, then Mr. Li, did you come to me?"

"Check how many racists there are in your hotel, and fire them all, and I will make up for the loss. Is there a problem?"

"Yellow-skinned pig, hearing this name, I can't help but want to kill someone!"

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