American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 60 What My Husband Gave Me Is Under One Person And Above Ten Thousand People! 【Subscribe】

The Empire State Building, Jin Bing slowly put down the phone.


That wide palm directly crushed the phone into pieces.

However, Jin was not angry, but excited, and there was a big smile on his face that was hard to see in the usual ~.

In Niuyue's place, there are few things that he can't know.

Not to mention Walf's previous earth-shattering movement, Jin Bin's power alone is enough to know Li Ye's attack well.

Even Jin Bing learned the information in advance and sent someone to remind Li Ye.

Definitely, no one dared to call Li Ye who was sleeping, so none of the people he sent could see Li Ye at all.

For Li Ye's attack, Jin Bing was looking forward to it.

Expecting Li Ye to win, and also expecting Li Ye to die in the attack, it's all looking forward to him!

Once Li Ye is dead, he will become the underground king again, no longer subject to Li Ye!

And if Li Ye wins, that's great, he will have a thigh that makes the whole beautiful body terrified!

With Li Ye, he can do things that he couldn't do before!

Therefore, Jin Bing has been silently paying attention to this battle.

Jin Bing has had a head-on collision with Li Ye, and he knows how powerful Li Ye is, but he also knows that Meilijian has sent out many masters, even some superpowers, so he feels that even if Li Ye wins, it will not be too easy.

But when Jin Bing received a call from Li Ye, he knew that Li Ye had won, and it was easy!

Because in Li Ye's tone, it can't be heard that he has experienced a hard battle!

Therefore, Jin Bing immediately threw away the fragments of his mobile phone, and personally took people to meet Li Ye, to meet his grand plan and hegemony!

Not long after, Li Ye's motorcade appeared in sight, and Jin immediately went up and walked over!

Jin Bin looked at the cars slowly parked in front of him, raised his legs to the rear door of the Maybach, and opened the door for Li Ye himself.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the surrounding people all showed expressions.

Jin Bing, the king of Niuyue's underground world, a real overlord, now drives the door for others, who has such a big face?

For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on the back seat of the Maybach, with curiosity shining in their eyes.

Inside the car, Li Ye was taken aback when he saw Jin Bing open the door for himself, and then subconsciously became vigilant.

As the old ancestors said, if you don't have anything to do, you are either rape or robbery.

Jin Bing suddenly showed such enthusiasm that he couldn't help a little suspicion in his heart, whether this guy was trying to trick himself.

With such thoughts flashing in his mind, on the face, Li Ye stepped out of the car generously, patted Jin Bing on the shoulder with a smile.

"Xiao Jin, it's rare that you are so sensible today?"

Even though it was not the first time he heard this title, Jin Bin couldn't help but twitch his mouth at this moment.

Resisting the urge to twist Li Ye's head off, Jin Bing said in a low voice, "Sir, let's go up and talk. y

"Okay." Li Ye nodded and walked towards the Empire State Building first.

Jin followed closely behind, and then a large group of people followed quickly, surrounding the two of them.

As for Conil and the others, at this moment, they naturally wouldn't join in without knowing what to do.

Jin Bin's office on the top floor of the Empire State Building.

Li Ye sat on the seat belonging to Jin Bing, put his feet on the desk, looked at Jin Bing who was standing opposite, and said with a smile; "Tell me, what's the matter with such a big formation to welcome me?"

"Don't go around in circles with me, talk about things if you have something to say, for the sake of being so sensible today, I will seriously consider what you said."

Li Ye said with a serious tone, Jin Bing, who originally planned to test Li Ye's tone, thought about it, and went straight to the point.

"I want to expand my territory and business."

"Then why are you talking to me?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Li Ye's eyes. He was not interested in trivial matters at all, nor was he interested in how Jin Bing developed his underground kingdom. Anyway, as long as it can provide convenience for yourself.

Jin Bing glanced at Li Ye, and after a while he slowly said: "This matter requires your support, sir."

"My support?"

Li Ye is really at a loss at this moment, he is alone, how can he support him?

Is it possible to support a few shadow soldiers?

But, with Jin Bing's strength, it seems that he doesn't need it.

"How do you want me to support you?"

Unable to figure it out, Li Ye decided not to waste his mind and asked directly.

Hearing this, Jin Bing sorted out his thoughts, and slowly said: "At present, my influence has spread to the entire Meilijian, and I account for almost 40% of Meilijian's underground business."

"But that's the limit of what I can do."

"The people above are not allowed to establish a unified underground kingdom. I have also tried to get through the upper-level relationship, but it didn't work."

"So, I need your support, Mr. Ji."

After finishing speaking, a look of regret and powerlessness flashed across Jin Bing's face.

Li Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes. The people at the top of the beautiful top are not fools. A unified underground kingdom wants to establish a second authority? How could it be possible to agree? It would be good if you didn't kill you directly.

Thinking of this, Li Ye couldn't help spreading his hands: "Does this matter have something to do with me? It doesn't matter that I'm on the upper level of your beautiful tip. Even if there is, they might just sit back and watch a unified underground world be born."

Hearing this, a flash of excitement flashed across Jin Bin's eyes, but he quickly suppressed it.

He exhaled lightly, and then said: "Hehe, maybe you still don't know your influence in this country, sir."


Li Ye suddenly became interested, looked at Jin Bin meaningfully, and asked: "Oh, what influence do I have, please tell me carefully. y

Jin Bing opened his mouth, first stopped the words in his heart, and then spoke slowly.

"Sir, you slaughtered tens of thousands of troops in the previous battle, but you left all the power holders in Meilijian stunned. The army they once relied on to rule the roost now has no deterrent power at all in front of you, sir. Do you think you are now How influential it is."

"And today..."

Speaking of this, Jin Bing looked at Li Ye with indescribable fear.

"Believe that after today's events, they will no longer treat you as a person."

"It's a country!"

"A superpower that can rival or surpass Beauty Point!"

"Next, there is no need for Mr. to act, as long as you allow me to act in your name, then even if I break their bottom line, they will not dare to say a word of nonsense.

"At that time, Mr. will rule over the beautiful top, and it will be a complete day!"

As Jin Bin spoke, his tone gradually became high, and a flame called ambition shone in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Li Ye immediately changed his sitting position, and interrupted: "You have said so much, but basically I am giving. So, what are my benefits? What can I get?"


"As long as you are willing, from now on, including my life, everything you get is yours, sir.

Jin Bing looked at Li Ye firmly.

Seeing his appearance, Li Ye wanted to say, everything you have now is also mine, including your life.

But think about it, it seems that this is indeed all that Jin Bin can give, and he has nothing if he asks for more.

"What about you? You spend so much effort, you don't want anything.

"What I want, the doctor has given me."

"Oh, what?"

"Under one person, above ten thousand people!"

Jin Bing said this sentence in Chinese, and the tone is very standard. It can be seen that Jin Bing also has some research on the culture of flower growers.

If you think about it, as a strategist, if you want to learn about rights, it is impossible to get around the five thousand year old country of flower growers.

Compared with Meijian's short history, florists' research on rights has reached a peak in a long time.

"Okay, you convinced me, it seems interesting to control the beautiful tip."

After speaking, Li Ye laughed too.

Although he doesn't know how long he can live, he can imagine that his life will become extremely long.

In such a long period of time, it is really time to find something for yourself to do, for example, first set a small goal and plan a country.

Maybe looking back in the future, Li Ye will find it boring, but at least for now, he is very interested.

Definitely, let’s talk about it, he doesn’t have the patience to really ask him to do things, so Jin Bing is the one who really does things. As for him, he can just help out when needed, and the rest is naturally to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

"Need me to support you with some ghosts?" Li Ye asked.

Hearing this, Jin Bin's eyes lit up, and he bowed slightly, "If it's possible, then thank you sir.

"It's a small matter, come here, kneel down!"

Li Ye said in a relaxed tone, and as his words fell, Jin didn't hesitate at all, and came directly to Li Ye's side, and knelt down in front of Ji Ye.

Looking at Jin Bing who was still a head taller than himself after kneeling down, Li Ye couldn't help coughing lightly, then put his feet up and stood up from the seat, and raised his hand to land on Jin Bing's shiny bald head. superior.

Immediately, Jin Bin felt as if his head had exploded, and an indescribable pain flooded into his mind.


With a muffled groan, Jin Bing's huge body couldn't help trembling crazily.

He doesn't know what Li Ye is doing, but he knows that this is an opportunity for him, an opportunity to reach the top of the world, this opportunity may only be once, once he misses it, he may never have it again in his life Opportunity.

Therefore, even though he felt that his head was about to explode, he still clenched his teeth and persisted, his body frozen in place as if rooted.

One minute, two minutes, just when Jin Bin felt as if he had passed through a century, and his consciousness had gradually begun to blur, Li Ye suddenly withdrew the hand that was on top of his head, and the voice rang in his ears.

"All right."

Hearing this, Jin Bing recovered from his confusion.

At this moment, Li Ye looked at his masterpiece and nodded in satisfaction.

On Jin Bing's originally shiny bald head, there was now a huge amounts of devil tattoo!

That's right, that demon tattoo that can summon the Shadow Corps!

As the master of the Shadow Corps, Li Ye can naturally make such devil tattoos, which can be said to belong to his brand.

...asking for flowers......

As long as someone gets a tattoo, he can get a part of the right to summon ghosts.

But also, from now on, the person who gets the devil tattoo will become Li Ye's servant completely, and Li Ye can make him live or die with one thought.

This feeling is similar to the inheritance of Blood Clan, where the high ranks always suppress the low ranks.

It's just that the suppression of the Shadow Kingdom is even more perverted, and there is no day to turn around.

Even if you die, your soul will perish in the kingdom of shadows, fighting for the ruler of the shadows!

This makes Li Ye

I couldn't help but suspect that the nine armies in the Kingdom of Shadows didn't come from the same way.

He served for the master of the shadows during his lifetime, and after his death he turned into an immortal black shadow corps to fight for the master!

This feeling, that is really great, Li Ye likes it!

While Li Ye was admiring his masterpiece, Jin Bing also felt the change in himself at this moment.

He didn't see the demon tattoo on his head, but he felt a portal full of darkness.

In his perception, this portal is connected to a terrifying place, and he can summon life from darkness from it to help him fight.

Realizing this, Jin Bin immediately tried it out, and with a thought in his mind, a cloud of black mist began to gather around him in an instant, and soon, a ghost figure walked out of the darkness

Staring at Jin Bin with scarlet eyes.

When Jin Bin opened his eyes and saw the surrounding situation, his heart couldn't help but jump slightly.

"Sir, they..."

"Didn't you see my summoned creature, you can also summon it in the future, don't be happy.

Li Ye said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Jin Bing nodded subconsciously, but then he hesitated and said: "That's good, but why do I feel that they look at me as if they are looking at me?



"Ahem, well, because you belong to our own people now, the way they look at their own people is naturally the same as looking at their own kind."

Li Ye flickered with a guilty conscience, but at the same time couldn't help but fantasize that if Jin Bing died in the future, would he be transformed into the shadow of that corps?

Troll? The body is suitable, but the strength is not enough.

Ghost? Then his figure is estimated to be able to cut up and make a few more.

Li Ye was distracted in his mind, his eyes were still staring at Jin Bing, and Jin Bing was horrified, he felt that Li Ye seemed to be thinking of something terrible at the moment, but

And it is related to him, but he has no evidence.

Fortunately, Li Ye quickly came back to his senses, and the inexplicable look in his eyes disappeared.

"Okay, your story is over, now it's time to talk about mine."

"You order, sir."

Jin bowed respectfully and lowered his head.

At this moment, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his actions, which made Li Ye who was watching this scene feel a little startled.

This devil tattoo is really weird, it can even change a person's inner attitude silently.

But he knew that Jin didn't want to turn his head off all the time.

Even if his attitude changed because he agreed to support him, it wouldn't be so thorough in one go.

Surprised by the weirdness of the devil tattoo, Li Ye decided to give his opponent a chance to experience it, and then he got down to business.

"Look up the location of S.H.I.E.L.D for me."


There was a trace of doubt in Jin Bin's eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Li Ye patted his head, forgetting that "S.H.I.E.L.D's secrecy in this world is very high.

In the current timeline, S.H.I.E.L.D is not that famous either.

"Well, their external name seems to be the Homeland Strategic Defense Agency."

"Check it carefully for me, it's best to find their residence."

"Once the location is determined, inform me of the information as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, a cold light flashed in Li Ye's eyes, it's not his style to just take a beating and not fight back.

If it wasn't for not knowing where S.H.I.E.L.D is located, Li Ye would have called the door a long time ago.

Definitely, speaking of it, Meilijian is the real mastermind behind the scenes, and Li Ye can also directly slaughter their top management.

However, Li Ye didn't do it after thinking about it, because there is still an Ancient One on the earth.

For this, Li Ye is a little afraid.

Not for anything else, just because this guy can do magic.

In the original book, the curse of monsters and ghosts leaving quickly almost runs through the appearance of the Shadow Corps.

And what Dad said - only magic can beat magic!

Although I don't know if Ancient One's magic can work on the Shadow Corps like Dad.

At least for now, Li Ye doesn't want to try this possibility.

As for the massacre of a country's high-level officials, Li is sure that it will definitely attract Yi's attention.

Li Ye doesn't know what will happen in the future, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to tease Ancient One now, to make himself unhappy.

"Understood, I will let people investigate. However, this organization is not well-known, and I am afraid it is deeply hidden. It may take a while to find their residence."

"It's okay, I'm short of everything, but I don't lack time." Li Ye waved his hand, not caring about the length of time.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. He is not a gentleman, but as long as he has hatred against him, he can remember it for a lifetime. .

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