American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 62 Toasting And Not Eating Fine Wine, You Are Really Bastards! 【1 Ask For Subscription】

Stark Industrial Building.

An hour later, Conil walked into the office carrying Obadiah, who was sent by Jin Bing.

Jin sent people here, but did not go to see Li Ye, and chose to leave directly.

"Boss, people are here!"

Li Ye, who was flipping through the books, stopped moving when he heard this, and turned his head to look over.

Looking at the comatose Obadiah and the others, Ji Ye said casually: "You want me to talk to them like this? Wake them up.

"Okay, boss.

After speaking, Conil quickly bent down to pick up a bottle of mineral water from the reception table, and poured it on the faces of several people.

"Cough cough, cough cough!"

Under the stimulation of the cold, Obadiah and the others woke up one after another, looking around in confusion.

Looking at the slightly familiar surroundings, they were taken aback for a moment, and then after seeing Li Ye and Conil, everyone's expressions changed again. They all remembered that they had met Qu before they passed out.

A group of dark guys with red eyes violently robbed them and took them away!

This is Tony's office, did Tony do it?

But when their eyes scanned the entire office, they didn't find Tony's existence!

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where's Tony?"

Obadiah asked, a tinge of anger on his face, and at the moment he thought Tony had sent them here too.

After all, this is Tony's office, and according to Tony's personality, it is really possible to give them such a big surprise.

"It doesn't matter who we are, as for Tony, unfortunately, I'm looking for him too."

"It's just a pity that the guy who looked proud has now become a shrinking turtle and dare not come out.

Li Ye spoke slowly, and glanced at the three guys indifferently.

Although he didn't speak much, Obadiah still captured a lot of key information from his words at the first time.

One, it wasn't Tony looking for someone to catch them.

Second, Li Ye and the others have a grudge against Tony, and they are also looking for Tony.

From this, it seems that a conclusion can be drawn - they were implicated by Tony!

Realizing this, Obadiah quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, frowned and said: "Sir, I don't know what grievances you have with Tony, but it should have nothing to do with us, right?"

"I don't know why you asked 21 people to bring us here?"

Li Ye looked at Obadiah's shiny bald head, and said with a smile: "Why, it's actually very simple, I just want the shares of Stark Industries in your hands, and I want you to transfer the shares to me, how about it? "

Isn't Tony not going to come out now? If so, then I should take his company as my own.

Definitely, even if he got the shares of everyone except Tony, he still couldn't compare to Tony.

However, this is not important.

As long as Tony doesn't show up, as the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries, he can naturally control Stark Industries.

Li Ye has never been the boss of such a big company, just play around!

As for how to play, I don't know.

Definitely, it would be even better if Tony could show up, and he has also accomplished his goal, no matter how you calculate it, it is not a loss.


Hearing Li Ye's request, several shareholders, including Obadiah, were a little confused and frowned instantly.

The value of shares in Stark Industries is not low.

As the top arms dealer in Meijian, Stark Industries has an annual revenue of more than 10 billion meters of gold, so he is 1%, which is a lot of money, not to mention that the people who own the least shares have 100% fifth.

The key is not this, but the convenience brought by their status as shareholders of Stark Industries.

It can be said that having this status will help them much more than pure money.

If you have to use one word to understand, that is social status.

For example, if you have 100 million in cash and a shareholder of a Fortune 500 company, your net worth is only tens of millions.

In your opinion, who has the higher status?

No doubt, it was the latter.

After all, money is just a resource for people.

And converting resources into influence is social status, which is their biggest pursuit for the rich.

Therefore, Li Ye wants their shares as soon as he comes up.

To be honest, few people are unwilling, if it were any other time, they would scold each other for wishful thinking without any hesitation.

However, they were not fools. Li Ye spent so much effort to bring them here, and made it clear that there was no room for negotiation on this matter. If they refused directly now, the end would be even more miserable.

Therefore, even though everyone was full of reluctance, no one refused directly.

People like Obadiah are thinking about how to avoid today's disaster and still keep their own shares.

As for the smaller shareholders, they are weighing their own lives and the shares of Stark Industries, which is more important.

Undoubtedly, at present, life is more important. As long as Li Ye pays enough, it is not impossible to give him the shares.

At that moment, a minority shareholder bravely said, "Sir, what do you plan to exchange for our shares?"

As soon as this remark came out, other people also pricked up their ears, planning to evaluate the next negotiation based on Li Ye's offer.

It can be said that up to now, their responses have been normal, and no brainless idiots have appeared.

However, what Li Ye said next completely ignited the anger in everyone's hearts.

"Exchange? That's a good question. How about I plan to exchange your lives for the shares in your hands?"

Li Ye smiled and opened his mouth, and as his words fell, suddenly, several people present, counting one by one, widened their eyes.

Exchange their lives?

They have never heard of such an outrageous deal!

In an instant, the minority shareholder who spoke just now screamed, his voice was hoarse, and his expression was ferocious.

"Impossible, Falk, you are plundering, you are acting like a robber, it is impossible for us to make such a deal with you!"

Li Ye tapped his fingers on the table, playing with taste: "Really? So, do you think your lives are not worth the price?"

"Our lives belong to us, don't you think it's too outrageous for you to exchange our things?"

The minority shareholder said angrily, and Li Ye also felt that what he said was very reasonable.

However, there is no way, the shares of Stark Industries are too expensive, he can't afford to exchange them, and it may not be enough to sell the gold together.

Therefore, he didn't even think about making a serious deal, so he had to be unreasonable.

Li Ye lay down on the chair and said, "Bingo, you are right, I am a robber, a robber!"

"You may have misunderstood, I am not discussing with you, I am notifying you."

"You have a minute to think about it, and if you agree, come and sign this share transfer agreement.

"Sign the agreement, and then you can go home safe and sound."

"Otherwise, I can only say sorry to you."

"Except for you, your family members, including your lover's illegitimate child, will count as one, and all of them will die!"

Li Ye spoke the most ruthless threat in a calm tone.

Unfortunately, perhaps because he was very polite, none of the people present were persuaded.

Several people looked at Li Ye coldly, stopped talking, and did not step forward to sign.

Obviously, they are using this silent silence to confront Li Ye, and they are also waiting for others to respond.

Moreover, they didn't believe that Li Ye really dared to kill them. If they were in the wilderness, they might still be worried, but this is Stark Industry. They are all celebrities, if Li Ye really kills them here, the officials will naturally not sit idly by.

Therefore, they are sure that Li Ye is just scaring them.

I have to say that they still have a bit of brains to get to where they are today.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with their judgment. Ordinary robbers really wouldn't do this.

However, the only thing they miscalculated was Li Ye's identity.

As a wanted criminal who makes the military helpless, will Li Ye, a madman, care about the authorities?

The answer is naturally no, so when a minute passed, the few people finally paid the price for their stubbornness.

"One minute is up."

"It seems that you don't really want to sign this contract, it doesn't matter, Conil, leave the guy who spoke just now.

Li Ye waved his hand, and his tone changed from flat to regretful.

Hearing what he said, the faces of Obadiah and the others changed one after another. Before they could say anything, Conil stepped forward and grabbed the minority shareholder who had spoken just now. .

He lifted the pair up from the ground like a chicken, and walked straight to the window.

Seeing Conil's actions, the minority shareholders were shocked.

"Fack, you can't treat me like this, I'm a shareholder of Stark Industries, if you kill me, you won't end well.

The minority shareholders struggled and roared, but they still couldn't break free from Conil's shackles.

Although Conil is just an ordinary person, it is no problem for him to deal with a guy whose body has been hollowed out by alcohol and sex after years of training.

Soon, under the horrified eyes of others, Conil carried the minority shareholder to the window, and leaned half of his body out.

Looking at the space tens of meters above the ground below, the minority shareholder suddenly felt dizzy.

The whirring cold wind seemed to be waving at him like the gates of hell!

At this time, he finally realized that Li Ye was not joking with him, but was really planning to throw him down.

In an instant, the minority shareholders were discouraged. At this moment, money and shares are not as important as their own lives.

"Stop, stop, I am willing to sign the contract!"

The minority shareholder screamed. Behind him, Conil paused slightly, turned to look at Li Ye, and waited for him to talk nonsense.

Li Ye, who was flipping through the book, heard that the expression on his face did not change at all.

"I'm not a vegetable seller in the vegetable market, and I still bargain with you. Throw it away, I don't want to hear this guy's voice again.

After saying that, Conil didn't dare to waste any more time, and directly threw the minority shareholder out of the window.


A miserable howl sounded outside the window, and the body of the small shareholder accelerated crazily at the speed of free fall, falling towards the ground.

Soon, a huge amount of rumbling sounded, and the screams outside the window stopped suddenly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the office became extremely oppressive, and the bodies of Obadiah and the others trembled crazily.

Through the experience of the minority shareholders, they vaguely saw their own fate.

For a moment, including Obadiah, the remaining three were trembling crazily in every part of their bodies.

On the other side, in S.H.I.E.L.D, Tony, who witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, was trembling with anger.

"Bastard, the damned bastard, how could he

How dare, how dare you do this!"

Tony growled angrily, he wasn't angry about the death of the minority shareholder, he even forgot the name of the minority shareholder.

Rather, if Li Ye really got it, everyone else's shares except him.

Then as long as his big boss doesn't show up, Stark Industries will really change his surname in the future, which makes him totally unacceptable.

At that moment, Tony got up and was about to leave. Seeing this scene, Nick at the side quickly stopped him.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, why do you think he did this, he just wanted to force you to go out, if you really go out, not only you will die, but Miaosta

Ke Industry is really about to change hands. "

"Don't forget, as long as you don't show up, he can only become the second largest shareholder at most. As long as we can defeat him later, Stark Industries will still be yours.

"But if you send it to your door now, not only will you die, Stark Industry will also completely become his in the future. This is the case from a legal perspective, so don't be impulsive.

This is just his conspiracy to force you to appear, no, a conspiracy!"

Nick constantly persuaded, and his words did have some effect, Tony stopped in his tracks.

However, he was still not reconciled, "Damn it, is it true that this guy is really allowed to run amok? It's really terrible!"

Tony roared angrily, with his pride, it was really unbearable for him to be passively beaten.

No matter what the 360 ​​is, at least he should fight back. This way, at least he will feel better.

Looking at his appearance, Nick also knew that if he didn't do something, then Tony might really be mad with anger.

Think of any way to target Li Ye.

Soon, information about Li Ye and Jin Bing came to his mind.

According to intelligence records, Jin Bing seems to be helping Li Ye now, because he has provided Li Ye with convenience more than once.

This information was useless before, and his main focus was on dealing with Li Ye.

But now, this information is somewhat useful.

At that moment, Nick quickly said: "He does it to us, and we do it too."

"Jin Bing, you've heard it, that guy should have taken refuge in Li Ye now, I'll call the higher-ups right now and ask them to send someone to sweep up Jin Bing's influence and give you some relief.

After speaking, Nick didn't have hesitation, quickly took out the phone, dialed the upper-level number, and explained his request.

In the case of dealing with Li Ye, the support of the current beauty and elite can be described as huge.

So, after Nick finished speaking, the upper-level people agreed to his request without any hesitation at all.

Soon, the phone was hung up, Nick looked at Tony and said: "Okay, just wait, soon Li Ye will pay the price for this matter, calm down, don't be impulsive.


It has to be said that Nick's actions really dissipated a lot of the anger in Tony's heart, and he regained his calm now.

"Okay, you keep watching, I won't watch, I'm going to study my combat use."

After finishing speaking, Tony turned around and left. Anyway, looking at it, he can't do anything except make himself angry, so it's better to hurry up and develop a new armor, and then

Get revenge early.

Just like that, Tony left, and this time, Nick didn't stop him.

Instead, after watching Tony leave, he turned around and sat on the sofa, continuing to watch the projection on the wall.

To be honest, Nick's understanding of Li Ye basically comes from the information collected by the people below, and he has no serious contact with Li Ye.

Right now, although it is just a projection, being able to experience Li Ye's daily life style at close range, on the contrary, allows him to have a more accurate judgment on Li Ye's character.

While Nick was seriously analyzing Li Ye, at this moment, in the screen, Li Ye looked at Obadiah and the others who were scrambling to sign the contract, and couldn't help laughing.

"You really don't want to drink a toast. If you drink fine wine and tell you well, you won't listen, and you have to see the power before you panic. You are really cheap.

Li Ye mocked wantonly, and those who scolded were very angry.

But they didn't dare to show the slightest bit on their faces, instead they all smiled apologetically.

In front of Xiaoming, being scolded is nothing, as long as Li Ye doesn't kill their Xiaoming, just scold them.

Seeing no response from the few people, Li Ye shook his head boredly, continued to look down at his book, and waved his hands as if chasing flies.

"Take them down to sign the contract, after signing the contract, let them go."

"Understood, boss."

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