American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 67 Reed Richards! If You Don't Come, Please Tie Him Up! 【Subscribe】

S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick is plotting how to save the Hulk.

On the other side, at the Empire State Building, Li Ye fell into deep thought as he looked at the information provided by Jin Bin on many top scientists in Niuyo City.

Don't get me wrong, he is not thinking about which of these scientists is suitable to help him, but that he basically doesn't know these scientists.

Although the information given by Jin Bin all marked their scientific research results.

But for Li Ye, those scientific research results are like reading a book from heaven, which is completely incomprehensible.

Just when he was about to appoint a random guy to work for him, suddenly, a familiar name appeared on the list.

Reed Richards!

Seeing this name, Li Ye was stunned for a moment, and then related memories quickly appeared in his mind.

MR.Fantastic in the Fantastic Four is also a genius proficient in all fields of science.

But in terms of scientific research strength, Tony is a little worse than him.

Suddenly, Li Ye, who had some hesitation, made a decision in his heart.

21 "Just him."

Li Ye circled Reid's name with a pen, and then threw it to Jin Bing who was facing him.

Jin Bing took the list and glanced at it, a hint of hesitation appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, Li Ye raised his eyebrows, "What? It's hard to please?"

"It's really difficult."

Jin Bin nodded, not trying to be brave at all.

"Relying on the many patents he has developed, he has already realized the freedom of wealth and does not lack investment."

"Moreover, he has long stopped accepting the employment of other people. Currently, he only develops projects developed by himself."

"In addition, I have inquired. This person is currently studying human genes and is planning to go to outer space to obtain some information. I am afraid that he will not accept employment at present."

Jin Bing said helplessly, and scolded the subordinate who sorted out the materials in his heart. Why should such a scientist who has no time be put on the list? Isn't it just to add to his troubles?

"Hehe, Xiao Jin, you are the underground king of Niuyue, when did you become a bad guy?"

"Since I can't invite anyone, just tie him up. Anyway, I want to see this guy appear in front of me today."

"Uh, sir, wouldn't this be too good?"

Jin Bing blinked his eyes, and said in a hesitant tone. Although he is domineering, he usually treats people with courtesy when he invites people to do research. After all, you will need other people's knowledge next.

If you offend people, even if you invite someone, he can add something to your research at will, and he can directly cheat people.

"What's wrong? Worried he's tampering with the research?"

A smile appeared on Li Ye's face and said slowly.

Hearing this, Jin Bing finally realized that this man is not afraid of death, trying to kill him is probably harder than destroying the world.

After realizing this, Jin Bing no longer had any worries in his heart.

"Okay, sir, I'll send someone to ask for it."

"Well, go, I heard that he has a team, it's best to invite them all for me."


Jin Bin nodded, turned and left the office, and gave orders.

In the office, Li Ye turned around through the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at all the living beings below, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, whether he should think of a way to completely subdue Reed.

It is foreseeable that he will definitely conduct similar research in the future, after all, there are many good things in this world.

Li Ye was originally interested in these things.

But you can't find someone everywhere for every research, so the best way is to find a master to serve yourself at any time.

There is no doubt that Reed fits his criteria well,

The point is that Reed is not the MR.Fantastic in the future, so it is not difficult to handle.

If it's MR.Fantastic in the future, Li Ye will have to spend a little more time trying to handle him.

With many thoughts in his mind, Li Ye was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

On the other hand, Nick, who knew that Li Ye was not in Stark Industries, acted immediately.

He originally wanted Tony to lead a team to participate in this operation, after all, it was his company, but thinking about Tony's state, Nick directly gave up this unrealistic idea.

As far as Tony's current state is concerned, once he is released, he will definitely cause trouble. Even if he meets Li Ye, whether Tony may come back or not is a matter of debate.

So, after a bit of thought, Nick finally decided to let Steve lead the team.

With people in mind, Nick immediately got up and left the office, walking towards the training room.

Before approaching the training room, a dull bang sound came from the training room continuously.

Hearing the dense boxing sounds inside, Nick shook his head helplessly. Obviously, the failure to encircle Li Ye before had a great impact on Steve, otherwise he wouldn't be in the training room every day.


In the training room, Steve crazily hit the sandbags, pulling out phantoms with his hands in mid-air, and he heard the sound of the door opening behind him. But he didn't make any sense

Nick, who originally wanted to wait for Steve to finish his round before speaking, saw that Steve had no response to his arrival, so he had no choice but to speak: "Captain, I have a task and I need your help."

"Not interested, find someone else." Steve refused without nodding.

At this moment, he only wants to focus on improving his own strength, and then blow Li Ye's head off when they meet next time. He is not interested in other things.

Hearing this, Nick immediately said calmly, "This mission is related to Li Ye."

After the words fell, the 77 sand bags hit by Steve flew out in an instant.

Afterwards, Steve turned his head to look at Nick and asked, "Are you going to attack Li Ye again?"

"Ahem, not really."

"Then what else has to do with Li Ye?"

"The task this time was to save someone, and this person was captured by Li Ye."

Nick explained the reason, and then handed over a file.

Seeing this, Steve didn't have the slightest hesitation, and directly ended up flipping through the information.

For him now, as long as he can add trouble to Li Ye, he is happy to do it.

However, after reading Hulk's information, he couldn't help but frown.

"Are you sure the guy I need to rescue is so strong? Can he fight against tens of thousands of black-clothed demons alone?"

"I am sure."

"Okay, then I will ask a question, since he is so strong, how did he get caught?"

"Um, this should be careless, after all, that guy has only been Awakening for a short time."

"Okay, if this is the case, then I'll make a trip and call me after you arrange someone."

"OK, no problem."

Nick nodded, then turned and left the training room without delay.

He didn't heave a sigh of relief until he walked out of the gate of the training room, because the information he gave Steve just now was incomplete...

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