American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 74 Where's Your Cat? There Is Only One Attitude, Kill! 【Subscribe】

"You, why are you here?"

Nick turned his head and glanced at the passage behind him, then at Li Ye who was not far in front of him, and said in disbelief.

He clearly remembered that it was right that Li Ye was blocked inside.

Hearing this, Li Ye, who was leaning on the guardrail, turned to look at Nick, with a smile on his face.

"Is it strange that I appear here? But you, when the guests arrive, you want to run away before you have a good chat. This is not what the host should do."

"Hehe, you are also considered a guest? You are just a villain! If it weren't for your lack of Ability, I would kill you right now."

Being blocked, Nick's escape plan was completely aborted, and he knew he couldn't escape, so he cursed angrily.

Hearing this, Li Ye shrugged indifferently, ignored his words, and instead looked at him carefully. After watching for a long time, Nick couldn't stand it, Li Ye finally said, "Where is your cat?" ?”

"What cat?" Nick frowned.

Seeing this, Li Ye became more puzzled, "Are you really Nick. Fury?"

"you guess!"

Nick stared at Li Ye with a sneer on his face, not afraid of the imminent death at all.

From the performance point of view, this appearance that is not afraid of death has a bit of Nick's bearing.

But Li Ye still can't figure it out, where is his cat?

Moreover, looking at this guy, it seems that he doesn't even know what he said in 507, Li Ye couldn't help but feel suspicious, this guy is still a fake, right?

But it’s not right, the incident of raiding S.H.I.E.L.D by myself can be said to be very sudden, and Nick has no reason to replace the substitute in advance.

Or there is another possibility that even if Nick is in S.H.I.E.L.D, he is using promotion to do things instead of himself.

It is impossible to think about it, the huge S.H.I.E.L.D, a highly confidential organization, does not know how many secrets it has to touch every day.

Can a substitute do these things?

If you can't figure it out, Li Ye doesn't understand it very much, but if you can't figure it out, then don't think about it.

Shaking out the tangled thoughts in his mind, Li Ye waved his hand and said, "Kill him!"

After the words fell, behind Nick, a black shadow appeared quietly, and Blade flashed across the air!

Hearing the movement, Nick didn't wait to die. He quickly leaned down, drew his gun, and killed the ghost behind him with one shot.

Looking at his agile movements and professional posture for drawing a gun, it is obvious that he has also undergone professional training.

In the end, the phantom who attacked was actually killed by Nick!

Watching this scene, Li Ye couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face. (Ebdc)

Can Nick fight back against Sombra? This is too... seems to be acceptable.

In the movie, although Nick seldom does anything, it is not that he has never done it. As SHIELD Director, Nick naturally cannot be a guy who is powerless.

Although Sombra is stronger than ordinary people, if a Sombra can kill Nick, that would be too contemptuous of him.

Therefore, in order to show his respect, soon after, ghosts appeared around Li Ye, staring at Nick with scarlet eyes, and then killed him.

Seeing many black shadows rushing towards him, the expression on Nick's face suddenly changed. At that moment, he retreated into the passage and shot the black shadows.

I have to say that his marksmanship is very good. Although Sombra's speed is very fast, due to the narrow passage, there is less space for maneuvering, which limits the ghost's dodge, resulting in many ghosts being shot in the head by Nick.

And just as Nick was fighting and retreating, a large number of armed men rushed up from both sides of the corridor outside the passage.

Looking at Li Ye who was blocking the entrance of the passage, everyone shot without saying a word.

Da da da!

Terrifying gunshots rang out, and countless bullets roared towards Li Ye. Although he heard the gunshots from both sides, Li Ye didn't even bother to look at them. The next moment, two trolls appeared on his left and right sides. , Like two big mountains, they blocked all the bullets rushing towards Li Ye.

Afterwards, the two trolls began to walk towards both ends of the corridor, facing the armed personnel who came from reinforcements.

When the battle started, the troll relied on its huge body to charge and kill among many armed personnel. Gunshots and screams rang out intertwined, but none of them could do anything to the troll.

Just as the troll was charging through the crowd, a trace of impatience appeared on Li Ye's face at the end of the passage.

These guys, you have to compare yourself with others, okay, let's see who has more people.

While thinking, under Li Ye's feet, the shadow spread, and gradually the whole S.H.I.E.L.D was enveloped and gone.

When the shadow completely covered S.H.I.E.L.D, a ghost, a troll, and a night bat stepped out of the shadow one after another, setting off a heinous killing.

Whether it's S.H.I.E.L.D's armed personnel, scientific researchers, or agents, Sombra has only one attitude, kill!

Suddenly, S.H.I.E.L.D, which was still actively preparing to resist, fell into chaos.


Just when Li Ye released a large number of black shadows and completely plunged the entire S.H.I.E.L.D into a killing chaos, suddenly, a loud shout suddenly came from downstairs.

Li Ye turned his head to look, and suddenly saw a shield roaring towards his face.

When he found the shield, the shield was only an arm's length away from him.

With this distance, there is not enough time to summon the shadow to resist.

Helpless, Li Ye could only raise his hand and grab it lightly.


With a crisp sound, the shield landed firmly in Li Ye's hands.

Downstairs, Steve who threw out the shield saw this scene, and the anger on his face could not help but freeze for an instant.

Li Ye was able to block his own shield?

This feeling was the same as when Li Ye saw Nick kill Sombra just now, it was unbelievable.

After all, Li Ye is best known for his immortal ability and the terror of controlling the Shadow Corps.

When it comes to his personal strength, I am afraid that no one thinks that Li Ye will have a strong strength.

Therefore, when Li Ye caught Steve's shield and showed extraordinary strength, Steve was completely stunned.

However, he was stunned, but Li Ye was not.

Looking at Steve who was stunned in place, Li Ye threw the shield back without thinking about it.


A sound burst resounded in the air, and the shield rushed towards Steve at a speed more than twice as fast as before. When Steve realized it, he wanted to imitate Li Ye and raised his hand to grab the shield, but, bang!

Steve's figure was directly knocked into the air by the shield and smashed into a pile of debris.

"How is this possible!"

If Steve was shocked just now, he is shocked now.

Li Ye can catch the shield thrown by him with one hand, but he can't catch the shield thrown by Li Ye.

In other words, Li Ye is better than him!

Thinking of this result, Steve just felt, outrageous fucking open the door for outrageous, outrageous home!.

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