"What else is there?"

Nick frowned at Ziluka.

"Our Kirita's fleet is still in space, I need to let my fleet descend to the planet through the space gate."

As soon as these words came out, Nick and the others frowned immediately, and let the Kirita fleet descend to the planet. To be honest, they were a little reluctant.

They have seen with their own eyes how much damage Kirita's army has caused to the planet Earth before, so how can they let Kirita's fleet enter the planet Earth at this moment.

Looking at the hesitation on everyone's faces, this time, Ziluka said with a tough face: "We must let Kirita's fleet enter the planet, otherwise, we will continue to fight!"

At present, Kirita's fleet is still in the vast space. If they didn't use the Tesseract to open the space door, they don't know how many light years it will take to reach the planet.

Now that Tesseract has been traded away, if Ziluka doesn't let Kirita's fleet descend now, how can he guarantee his own interests.

For the Kirita people living in the dark forest, any promises are all bullshit, they only believe in the interests guaranteed by their own strength~.

Therefore, Kirita's army must enter the planet Earth, otherwise, even if he cannot gain the confidence of other universes, he will continue to fight.

Seeing Ziluka's resolute face this time, Nick couldn't help being caught in a dilemma, whether to let Kirita's fleet enter the ground.

Let it be said that if Kirita's fleet directly attacks the earth star, then he will be a sinner through the ages.

If you don't let it go, then you will go to war with Kirita now. To be honest, after knowing the news of another universe, Nick has no time to go to war with Kirita now.

When a new continent is discovered, everyone will be crazy about the resources of the new continent, not to mention the discovery of a new universe at this time, the value represented in it is absolutely unparalleled.

"I need to discuss this matter with the higher-ups, and please ask Mr. Ziluka and so on."

"No problem, I have plenty of time."

Ziluka was not in a hurry, and then Nick got up and left the meeting room, and made a call with Meijian.

After the call was over, Nick walked into the conference room again, "We have agreed to your request, but there is one thing, as the price for your stationing on Earth Star, you have to pay for the construction drawings and materials of the space battleship."

"This is also one of my conditions. If you can't agree, then the Kirita fleet should stop in the sky. y

"Okay, no problem, I agree."

"Okay, it's not too late to act.

Nick said loudly to everyone, no longer wasting time, he is now looking forward to the new universe more and more.

Soon, the group left the meeting room and returned to Manhattan. Looking at the space gate still hanging above Manhattan, Ziluka gave an order, and at the other end of the space gate, Kirita's fleet slowly entered the space gate. Heading towards the earth star.

Half an hour later, five space battleships hovered over Niuyue, blocking the sunlight in Niuyue city.

Among them, the main ship is the largest, surrounded by four auxiliary ships.

Definitely, Earth Star is not completely unprepared. As Kirita's fleet enters Earth Star, all kinds of new missiles have been completely aimed at Kirita's fleet, including nuclear weapons!

As long as the Kirita fleet dares to make any changes, it will usher in the most powerful attack on Earth and Star at that moment.

As the Kirita fleet entered the planet, the Space gem was also taken down, and then handed over to Tony.

Getting ready, Nick and the others immediately looked at Banner.

"Mr. Banner, you can now open the gate of time and space."

After saying this, everyone couldn't help but become short of breath.

At this moment of witnessing history, no one can calm down. At the same time, everyone is full of anxiety at this moment, not knowing what will be brought to them after connecting with other universes.

Under the gaze of everyone, Banner did not delay, took out the key to open the door of multi-dimensionality, and then crushed the key, and suddenly, a blue portal rose directly in front of everyone, and a terrifying time-space fluctuation made everyone Everyone felt a burst of hairs bursting.

The feeling that the flow of time has become slow became clear again with the appearance of the multi-dimensional gate. Everyone looked at the blue multi-dimensional gate with tension written all over their faces.

"Is this the gate of time and space?"

"However, go in quickly, the gate of time and space won't last long.

Banner urged, hearing this, Tony nodded, then put on his battle armor, took the Tesseract with him, and walked into the multi-dimensional door step by step.

...asking for flowers...

When Tony walked into the door of multi-dimensionality, the door of multi-dimensionality disappeared immediately, and everything seemed to calm down, leaving everyone still waiting in place, motionless.

On the other side, World No. 1, in the underground laboratory.

Tony sent Banner away with a painful expression on his face. Before he could recover, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations in the multi-dimensional gate, and then a figure slowly walked through it.

Seeing this scene, Tony immediately became alert, and the armor on his body directly raised the rocket launcher, ready to launch at any time.

Because, he could tell, the person who came was not in the shape of Banner.

The universe is magical, especially between the universe and the universe. Although Banner has experienced a series of things over there, for World No. 1, only a few seconds have passed.


This is the difference in the flow of time caused by the difference in the world.

Finally, Tony from World No. 2 walked out of the multi-dimensional gate, and saw Tony from World No. 1 with a vigilant face at a glance.

Looking at the pale-faced Tony of World No. 1, Tony of World No. 2 had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Even though he believed what Banner said was true, Tony in the second world couldn't help being surprised when his other self appeared in front of him.

Similarly, when Tony in World No. 1 saw the guy who came out of the Gate of Diversity wearing steel armor, he also had a guess in his heart, and a hint of shock appeared in his eyes.

"Tony. Stark?"

Tony from World One spoke up.

Hearing this, Tony in World No. 2 opened his mask, revealing a radiant face.

"Unbelievable, how did you do it!"

Tony from World No. 2 asked impatiently.

After the words fell, Tony from World No. 1 didn't answer, but frowned and said, "Where's Banner?"

"He, he's still in my world, I'm here to deliver Tesseract."

"You haven't answered my question, how did you develop the gate of time and space."

"Why do I have no idea about this?"

Tony in the second world couldn't help being surprised, and couldn't wait to ask.

[Tony in World No. 2, collectively referred to as Stark from now on.

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