American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 99 Just Now, The Shakeout Machine Has Also Fallen! 【Subscribe】

Just when Tony and others fell into the tense atmosphere, on the top floor of the Empire State Building, Li Ye looked at the little Spider-Man who appeared in front of him, with a strange look on his face.

"How did you come back?"

"Master, something happened a little bit."

"Speak carefully.

Li Ye put down the book in his hand, and said in a calm tone. At that moment, little Spider-Man told about the encounter with Nick and others.

After hearing what happened, he immediately laughed.

"Interesting, is this the world's self-help?"

"People connected to other worlds, to save this world?"

At this moment, he couldn't help but have a doubt in his mind that he had a long time ago. Is the world he is in really the Marvel world?

Nick doesn't have a cat, and he can't summon Wonder Girls.

Niuyo has no Asgardians, let yourself wreak havoc in Niuyo.

And the Victor I met before, he turned out to be just an incarnation, so where did his true self go?

These doubts have been circling in Li Ye's mind before, but no answer can be found.

But now, after hearing the report from little Spider-Man, he finally had a definite guess.

The world I live in seems to be the Marvel world, but it is probably just a projection of the main Marvel world.

That is, what people often call 67 multi-universe.

As we all know, there are so many multi-universes in the Marvel world, and the timeline is even torn apart by those big shots.

In this case, it seems that it is not a strange thing to travel through a certain Marvel world.

Even, is there a possibility that in the Marvel world, I am not the only time traveler, but in other worlds, there are probably other time travelers who are stirring up trouble?

With this bold guess in his mind, the smile on Li Ye's face suddenly became brighter, interesting, so interesting.

"Go, I'll go with you to meet those guys."

Li Ye said slowly, upon hearing this, little Spider-Man nodded without refuting.

At that moment, the figures of the two turned into a shadow at the same time and disappeared in place.

Taking advantage of how fast the Shadow Kingdom can shuttle, Li Ye has never done this test before, but in just a few minutes, he has already appeared on the front line of Luoshanji's battlefield.

"Master, where should we find those guys?"

Little Spider-Man looked at the huge Luo Shanji, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

Hearing this, Li Ye waved his hands without looking back, "We don't need us to find them, they will naturally come to us."

"Let me teach you a truth, never underestimate the meddling minds of those guys. When you don't know where to find them, then make a big noise, and then they will come to you by themselves."

After speaking, Li Ye's thoughts moved, and in an instant, endless black shadows began to spread out from behind him crazily.

Ghosts, trolls, and night bats, the three major armies appeared behind Li Ye one after another.

Looking at the dense black shadows that couldn't be seen at a glance, the little Spider-Man standing beside Ji Ye couldn't help but gasped.

Where is the gap between the general and the master summoning shadows? There is an obvious gap. The number of shadows he summons is limited.

Although the black shadow can be resurrected after death, he can only summon so many in total.

As for Li Ye, the shadows he summons are unlimited, as long as he wants, he can make the shadow army directly fill the entire planet.

It's just that under normal circumstances, Li Ye won't do that. After all, summoning too many shadow corps is too time-consuming.

For example, it takes an instant for him to summon one hundred thousand shadows, one second for one million shadows, ten seconds for ten million shadows, and one hundred seconds for one hundred million shadows.

This involves a problem of information transmission. Li Ye's order cannot really be spread to the ears of billions of shadows in an instant.

Therefore, when the number of shadows increases, the time it takes for Li Ye to deliver orders will also increase accordingly.

As the shadows of the three major corps appeared behind Li Ye one after another, looking at the frontline camp that was close at hand, Li Ye waved directly, "Crush (cbbc) them!"

As soon as the words fell, the black shadows gushed out like a black tide, flooding the entire frontline camp in an instant.

There is no need to execute beheadings, and there is no need to estimate the army's counterattack. With the absolute numbers and absolute strength, within ten seconds after the appearance of the three major corps, the frontline camp built by the military

directly torn to shreds.

I don't know how many times more efficient than little Spider-Man.

"Let's go."

Looking at the torn front line defense, Li Ye smiled and said to little Spider-Man.

Hearing this, little Spider-Man quietly recovered from the shock, followed Li Ye respectfully and walked towards the other half of the city.

The pace of the two was neither fast nor slow, and as they continued to advance, a black figure also appeared from all around constantly, and began to sweep away the resistance forces in the entire city.

These resistance forces include not only those from the military, but also resistance from the Public Security Bureau, local gangs, and so on.

In addition, the Shadow Corps is still implementing the rules Li Ye made in New York.

Those who create chaos without permission, rob other people's property, and participate in demonstrations and riots, disrupting social order, will be killed without mercy!

No one likes their own place to be messy, maybe some perverts like it, but Li Ye doesn't like it.

In this way, Li Ye walked along the city road all the way. Wherever he passed, the shadow corps continued to emerge, frantically killing all those who violated the rules set by Ji Ye.

At the same time, in Tony's villa, when the atmosphere in the villa became more and more tense, and the two sides might turn against each other at any time, the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S suddenly sounded in the villa.

"Gentlemen, now is obviously not the time to quarrel. I want to tell you some unfortunate news. Just now, the shakeout machine has fallen."


"How come, hasn't the Shadow Corps already retreated?"

Tony's expression changed and he couldn't believe it.

Hearing this, J.A.R.V.I.S replied: "In the beginning it was indeed retreating, but, sir, there is one more bad news that has not been said, just now, Li Ye has come to this city

"I've analyzed the data, and it's 85% likely that he came for the gentlemen around you."

"Fack! Damn it!"

Tony punched his fist hard, and Nick and the others looked puzzled. They hadn't adapted to the existence of the Shadow Corps, so they couldn't react.

Seeing their dazed looks, Tony scratched his hair irritably, "J.A.R.V.I.S, broadcast the situation outside."

"Good sir."

J.A.R.V.I.S responded, and then a projector appeared on the ceiling. In the next second, a picture was projected onto the wall in front of everyone, allowing everyone to see the scene outside clearly. .

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