American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 1: Beginning to Integrate with the Homelanders


A secret CIA base.

"Look, it's those freaks!"

"Turns out freaks eat the same food as us!"

"Then how did they become freaks?"

"I don't know, maybe you can ask them yourself?"

Inside the restaurant.

People walking around and eating in various corners couldn't help but look at the table of young people sitting in the northeast corner, pointing and talking.

It's like watching a circus clown.

"I've had enough of these idiots!"

A boy with yellow curly hair couldn't help but slap the table, glanced around viciously and cursed in a low voice.

"Sean, you should be used to it by now."

Sitting opposite the curly-haired boy, a girl with long black hair and a cicada wing-shaped tattoo on her arm was much calmer.

"I don't think I can get used to it."

Sean shrugged and said to another blond girl, "Riven, maybe you can talk to Charles and ask him to modify the memories of these idiots, so that we don't have to be watched by them like animals in a zoo every day. ”

Raven smiled at an Asian boy sitting next to her: "I still think it's reliable to let Rorschach throw them all out one by one, right, Rorschach?"

Even though Luo Xia was pretty and pretty, and even had a bookish attitude like Hank, at first glance, I felt that the other person should be the top student in the school.

However, everyone here knows what kind of power is contained in Rorschach's humble body!

He can actually lift a car easily with one hand!

Throwing out those big men weighing more than 100 kilograms is not much more difficult than throwing out a piece of garbage.


However, Rorschach didn't give any response and seemed to be distracted, so Raven poked the other person's arm with her hand.


Hearing this name, the Asian boy couldn't help but be stunned.

I almost forgot, this is my name in this world!

That's right.

The Asian boy is not actually from this world, but a time traveler from the Blue Star.

In the previous life, Rorschach actually had a pretty good life. After graduating from college, he worked in a local mid-to-upper-tier enterprise.

Because of his hard work and a little bit of luck, he was promoted to the middle level within three years and his annual income could reach 200,000 yuan.

Not really rich, but already living better than most people.

The only regret I have is that I was so busy with work that I neglected my personal issues, so that I was still single at the age of twenty-eight.

But who would have thought that on the way to a blind date, it suddenly rained heavily and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and Luo Xia would be so lucky to win the prize!

When he opened his eyes again, Rorschach discovered that he had actually appeared in another world and had become another person.

To be honest, Rorschach was actually a little panicked at the beginning.

Because he discovered that there are mutants, Captain America, and Howard Stark in this world!

Of course, Captain America is no longer alive, but this does not prevent Captain America from becoming a national idol.

simply speaking.

This is a world where there are gods, dimensional demons, and all kinds of crazy aliens, and crises can easily break out to destroy a city or even the entire earth!

Ordinary people live in such a world, and they might become cannon fodder and die without knowing how.

Especially ordinary people living in New York.

Fortunately, just like countless time travellers, Rorschach was also bound to a golden finger when he traveled through time.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 53 meters/second]

[Power: 7.2 tons]

[Physique: 124 (average adult healthy male is 10)]

[Mental strength: 82 (average adult healthy male: 10)]

[Current template: Motherland (unlock progress 1%)]

[Ability: clairvoyance (elementary), super hearing (elementary), flying (unlocked), heat ray (unlocked)]

[Origin point: 0 point]

With a thought in his mind, this attribute panel that only he could see appeared in front of Luo Xia's eyes.

Frankly speaking, Rorschach didn't know what kind of system this was because the system didn't have a name.

But the function of the system is still obvious, which is to allow Rorschach to acquire the abilities of a native of the motherland, and when Rorschach just crossed over, he gave Rorschach a novice gift package.

One percent progress pack.

Don't underestimate this one percent, but it directly gave Rorschach strength, speed, physique and mental power far beyond ordinary people!

Although it is a bit unsatisfactory in the later era when the demons are dancing, don't forget that the first battle of the X-Men has not yet started.

The mutants haven't even really surfaced yet and are not known to the world!

Many people don't know that there is a group of mutants in the world, and even if they hear similar rumors, they will only treat it as a joke.

Even Magneto and many other mutants think they are the only mutants in the world.

This is why ordinary people in the CIA regard these mutants in the restaurant as clowns, rather than fear, disgust or rejection.

As Sean said, he treats everyone more like monkeys.

As for why Rorschach is in the CIA?

This is because the future Professor X, Charles, has reached a cooperation with the CIA. In order to fight against the Black Emperor Shaw, Charles decided to form a mutant team.

Rorschach and the future Siren, Angel, Darwin and Ravager were brought to this secret base one after another and became mutant agent candidates.

"Rorschach? What are you thinking about?"

Raven's voice sounded again, interrupting Rorschach's thoughts.

Rorschach threw away the messy thoughts in his mind and replied casually: "Nothing, just a group of guys who sit in a well and look at the sky, don't pay attention to it."

"Sitting in a well and looking at the sky?" Raven blinked her eyes, "Rorschach, what does this mean? Who would sit in a well and look at the sky?"

Other people around also looked at Rorschach with incomprehension.

A group of illiterates!

Can't appreciate the profoundness of my Chinese culture.

Rorschach complained in his heart and began to explain to everyone: "This sentence means that the toad living at the bottom of the well thinks that there is only that well in the world. How can he know how vast the world outside the well is?"

"I see, you are calling those people toads!" The tattooed girl said with sudden enlightenment.

Rorschach was completely speechless. Do you understand this innuendo?

How vulgar it is to curse people.

"A very vivid metaphor!"

A voice sounded.

The people who were eating subconsciously stopped what they were doing and looked at Eric who suddenly appeared.

Although Eric is not an official contact person of the CIA like Charles, Eric's strength is very strong.

The specific affairs of the mutants are actually handled by Eric and Charles together.

Although Eric only came a month or two earlier than them, everyone regards Eric as a senior.

Of course, Eric is indeed much older.

Lao Pujie has published a new book again. I want to take advantage of the popularity of my ancestors. I beg my friends to give it a collection and recommendation vote.

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