American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 102 White Queen's shock: This mutant is so perverted


Without saying anything, Rorschach began to shoot out two extremely blazing heat rays.

He cut the 20-centimeter-thick steel plate, and an irregular square closed loop was quickly cut out by Rorschach.


Then he punched a big hole with a random punch.

On the other side of the big hole, a woman with golden hair and a bit of cuteness was sitting elegantly on the bed, leaning on the pillow to read a book, looking very comfortable.

It was the White Queen.

It was not until Rorschach walked into the big hole with a big horse and a golden knife that the White Queen put down the book leisurely and jumped off the bed slowly.

She stared at Rorschach for a while, but saw that this was a face she had never seen before, so she asked tentatively: "Did Xiao send you to save me?"

The first time Rorschach and Xiao fought was at the CIA's mutant base.

At that time, the White Queen was in the Soviet Union, and then she was captured by Eric and his men and imprisoned in this place, so the White Queen didn't know Rorschach at all.

"Things are a bit complicated, but Xiao is dead, Emma." Rorschach shrugged and said to the White Queen.

The White Queen's expression changed slightly, and then she sneered: "How could Xiao die? Who are you?"

With Xiao's perverted ability, the White Queen couldn't think of anyone who could kill him.

"As you can see, I am your compatriot. I know you may have many questions in your heart, but are you sure this is a good place to chat now?"

Rorschach spread his hands.

"Compatriot? What's wrong with her?" The White Queen looked at Raven on the side with a vigilant look.

It was this woman who brought her here with two other mutants.

"It seems that you have misunderstood something, Raven."

Rorschach greeted Raven beside him.

Raven understood, and with a thought, a blue wave flashed on her body.

Qimora's appearance disappeared, and her true face appeared in front of the White Queen.

The White Queen's vigilance was eliminated.

Although she had fought with Charles across the cruise ship, the two cruise ships were really far away, not to mention that Raven appeared as her cousin at that time, so the White Queen did not know Raven.

After seeing that Raven was not the female agent who arrested her, but a mutant, the vigilance in her heart was immediately eliminated.

However, even so, the White Queen still set her sights on Rorschach and activated her ability on Rorschach.

Try to read Rorschach's memory.

But she soon changed her face.


She couldn't read this person's memory!

This person is also a telepath, and a telepath whose ability is far superior to hers!

Even more, his ability is superior to that of Charles, Xiao's biggest worry.

After all, when she fought with Charles in the air, the White Queen did not have this situation of being unable to enter the other party's spiritual world at all.

"Okay~ Can we go?" Rorschach looked at the White Queen with a faint smile and a hint of sarcasm.

He knew that the White Queen had just tried to read his thoughts, but under the protection of the system, even Charles couldn't do this, let alone the White Queen.

The White Queen's face was a little embarrassed, even a little hot, but she didn't dare to underestimate Rorschach at this time.

And no matter what, these two people dared to break into the CIA headquarters to save her, so they were not enemies anyway.

The White Queen didn't hesitate any more, and took a step directly, following Rorschach out of this special cell.

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

The piercing alarm sounded throughout the CIA building, and it made people feel very depressed.

The White Queen's pace could not help but speed up a bit.

Although she usually behaved high and mighty like Xiao, and didn't take ordinary people seriously at all, she had a sense of superiority belonging to mutants.

But she also understood that with just a few of them, it was still very, very dangerous in a place like the CIA headquarters.

But what can I do?

Rorschach's steps were still so slow, and he still looked unhurried.

Even after walking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

The White Queen couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, we have another compatriot imprisoned here."

Rorschach said to the White Queen calmly.

Then he ignored the White Queen and turned around, shooting heat rays at the thick security door in front of him again.


The blazing heat rays cut the thick steel plate like a broken bamboo, as if cutting fragile paper, so smoothly.

"This is..."

The White Queen was secretly shocked.

Even if she was just watching from the side, she could feel the terrible energy coming from the two heat rays.

She couldn't imagine that this psychic had such a terrible attack method!


The White Queen couldn't help but think of these two words, and she became even more fearful of Rorschach.

This mutant was really too scary.

Looking at the entire Hellfire Club, it is rare to find such a terrifying mutant.

"Over there!"

"Quick! Hurry over!"

"The prisoner has escaped!"

A chaotic sound of footsteps, accompanied by this faint shouting, is a large number of CIA agents rushing towards the few people along the passage.

"Emma, ​​can you help me stop them first?"

Rorschach calmly stopped his heat ray temporarily and turned his head to the White Queen.

The White Queen didn't say anything nonsense and entered the diamond state in an instant.

But she still said to Rorschach: "Leave them to me first, but please hurry up!"

Admittedly, the White Queen's diamond state is indeed invulnerable and can easily block some ordinary agents, but this does not mean that the White Queen can fight the CIA headquarters alone.

In fact, when the attack on the White Queen reaches a certain threshold, her "diamond body" can't bear it.

Just like in the Soviet Union, the White Queen's diamond body was almost destroyed by Eric.

Now there are so many special agents in this headquarters base, enough to pose a threat to the White Queen.

After saying that, the White Queen began to rush towards the group of special agents.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

The sharp gunshots immediately resounded throughout the entire floor.

Rorschach seemed not to hear it and continued to cut slowly.

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