"Go back, it's dangerous here!"

"Go back quickly, they are targeting you!"


Seeing Rorschach come out on his own initiative, several CIA agents couldn't help but turn their heads and yell at Rorschach.

Of course, some agents were already scared to death by the Red Devil and the Torrent, and they just bit their lips tightly and trembled all over to be on guard, so how could they care about Rorschach?

"Excuse me, can I borrow your gun?"

Rorschach ignored the agents at all, but stretched out his hand and snatched the assault rifle from a special agent next to him.

He took two steps forward and came to the statue that had been cut in half by the ravaged one, jumped up lightly, and stood directly on it.

He held the assault rifle tightly in his hand and began to watch and listen.


A red light flashed in the crowd, and at the same time, the figure of the Red Devil suddenly appeared.

The other agents naturally couldn't react, but Rorschach reacted immediately.


Rorschach turned around suddenly, aimed at the Red Devil and shot directly.


The Red Devil, who had just appeared, disappeared again.

There was no way, Rorschach's reaction was too fast, and the Red Devil had almost no time to do anything, and a bullet flew over.

He had to dodge.





In this way, the Red Devil and Rorschach started a game of "hide and seek".

As long as the Red Devil appeared, a bullet would be sure to follow immediately, forcing the Red Devil to use his ability to divert.

Provoked by Rorschach to such an extent, the Red Devil's attention was really attracted.

He no longer continued to attack the other CIA agents, but used his own ability to appear around Rorschach.

Constantly approaching Rorschach.


The rapids on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but hug their arms and watch the excitement.

He didn't mean to step forward to help.

They are all mutant veterans who have fought with Black Emperor and experienced countless storms. How could they besiege a junior?

Moreover, Jiliu knows the ability of Red Devil very well.

Although Red Devil is temporarily suppressed by the young man, it is just that. The young man does not pose any threat to Red Devil.

I believe that it will not take long for Red Devil to find the right opportunity and take the initiative.

"Ah~ I can't believe that there is such a potential mutant hidden here."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

A man wearing a helmet and looking quite majestic walked over with brisk steps.

It was Black Emperor Xiao, who had already solved the garrison forces in other places in the CIA and came here in a swagger.

Clang clang clang!

Seeing Xiao appear, the surviving special agents at the scene immediately raised their rifles and aimed at Xiao.

Xiao did not do much, and did not even look at the special agents.

Those people were all low-level ants in his eyes, nothing more.

Jiliu on the side stopped watching the fun at this time. He shook his hands and a tornado was hit out, sweeping towards the special agents.

A scream and a groan suddenly sounded.

Everyone was blown away by the tornado.

When the tornado completely dissipated, there was no CIA agent left standing at the scene.

The only comforting thing was that compared to the deadly swords of the Red Devil, most of them who were blown to the ground by the tornado were lucky enough to save their lives.

It just looked more embarrassed.

Rorschach, who was high on the side, just glanced at Xiao lightly and did not do much to Xiao, because he knew that any attack on Xiao was to transfer energy to Xiao.

All was in vain.

"Xiao, actually... I'm about to get it done!"

The figure of the Red Devil suddenly appeared in a place, and he immediately explained to the Black Emperor.

Black Emperor sent him and Riptide to clear the way for the meeting between Black Emperor and other mutants.

As a result, Black Emperor came, but Red Devil was still dragging his feet and hadn't finished his work. Strictly speaking, he was actually derelict in his duty.

"Don't worry." Black Emperor said with a smile, looking like he was just watching the fun. "I also want to know more about my compatriots here."

But even if Black Emperor said so, how could Red Devil dare to delay?

He activated his ability, and began to "flash" quickly around Rorschach, disappearing and appearing more and more frequently.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of the gun in Rorschach's hand became more and more frequent, but gradually, as Red Devil's flashing speed increased, Rorschach obviously couldn't keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

He was a little flustered.

To make matters worse, Rorschach had run out of bullets, and he couldn't help but start checking his gun.


Red Devil seized this critical moment and appeared directly behind Rorschach!

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Rorschach.

Once Rorschach was caught, he would be completely defeated, because the Red Devil could instantly take him to a height of thousands of feet!

The "human rain" in the base before was caused by the Red Devil.

"Be careful!"

A burst of exclamations suddenly sounded.

Mystique Raven, Beast Hank, Siren and others all couldn't help but exclaimed.


But at this moment, Rorschach suddenly stretched his hand back, as if he had eyes on his back, and suddenly grabbed the Red Devil's neck.

Before the Red Devil's hand grabbed him, he first controlled the opponent!


Then Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, and suddenly he broke the Red Devil's neck with his right hand.

The Red Devil's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him anyway.

This young man is so powerful?

How did he do it?

What the Red Devil naturally couldn't have thought of was that Rorschach could hear his heartbeat very clearly!

When facing the Red Devil's shape-shifting, this is a faster and more accurate way than visual lock.

Every time the Red Devil changes his position, Rorschach can lock onto the Red Devil's position about 0.5 seconds faster than the average person.

That's why Rorschach can attack the Red Devil instantly and kill him with one strike the first moment the Red Devil appears close to him.

This is also why Rorschach actively invites the Red Devil to attack him, because he can only be sure of success if he gets close to him.

If he were to attack from a distance, after locking onto the Red Devil, he would have to twist his body, use his arms, aim, and pull the trigger, which would be much slower.

He would miss the chance to kill the Red Devil.

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