Maybe they were too frightened, or maybe they were worried that the Black Emperor would come here again. Although everyone was exhausted, they still didn't sleep well at night.

Not only was it difficult to fall asleep, but even after finally falling asleep, they would suddenly wake up several times. The slightest movement was enough to make people tense.

They were nervous.

This night was destined to be an uneasy night for everyone.

The scenes of the Black Emperor leading people to massacre the CIA base really brought too much psychological shadow to everyone.

Rorschach also didn't sleep, not because Rorschach was overly frightened like everyone else, on the contrary, he was excited.

Because Rorschach couldn't wait to try what his heat rays felt like!

"It's this time, everyone must have fallen asleep, right?"

Rorschach thought to himself, and couldn't suppress the impulse in his heart, so he simply lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

He planned to find a place in the yard to try it out.

Anyway, the yard of Charles's house is big enough for Rorschach to perform, as long as he is careful not to hurt the flowers and plants.


For fear of disturbing others, Rorschach opened the door quietly, even tiptoeing.

As a result, just after he went out, a surprised voice rang out: "Rorschach?"

Rorschach turned his head and was also surprised: "Raven?"

But he saw that Mystique was wearing a nightgown, which was loose but still showed off her curvy figure.

It is worth mentioning that Mystique at this time did not look like a normal human, but her original appearance with blue skin and special patterns on it.

Obviously, Mystique took off her disguise when she was sleeping.

And Mystique, like everyone else, couldn't sleep at all, so she planned to get up and get something to drink, but she didn't expect to meet Rorschach.

"Can't sleep?"

After a moment's pause, Raven naturally greeted Rorschach and walked straight towards him.

Rorschach secretly regretted it and said that when he sneaked out in the future, he must use his super hearing to listen to the surrounding situation in advance.

This way, he could avoid this embarrassing situation.

"Aren't you the same?"

Thinking so in his heart, Rorschach smiled at Raven calmly on the surface.

"Everyone is scared of what happened today." Raven walked closer and closer until she was face to face with Rorschach.

Rorschach could clearly feel Raven's breath and smell the perfume on Raven's body.

"But... Rorschach, you didn't." Raven raised her head and looked at Rorschach with a slightly teasing look.

"Since no one can sleep, maybe we can go to your room and tell me why you are so brave."

This woman, is she greedy for my body?

Rorschach was speechless for a while.

He knew that Western women were open-minded, but this was his first time to experience it. If it was an ordinary woman, he wouldn't mind what happened.

But Mystique's current appearance, although not ugly, was beyond Rorschach's aesthetic.

"Raven, I'm not sleeping because I have something to do." Rorschach looked at Mystique seriously.

"Is it because of my appearance?" Mystique thought Rorschach had rejected her and was a little frustrated.

Then she had a thought, and a wave of waves surged on her body, and the appearance of her cousin appeared again.

"Will this be much better?"

It's exactly the same, right!

Rorschach complained in his heart.

This is the same as a blind date. If you have seen the real appearance of the blind date, what's the use of the other party's photoshopping to make it look good?

"Raven, look into my eyes."

Rorschach suddenly said to Raven coldly.

Raven thought Rorschach had something affectionate to say to her, otherwise why would he look into the other person's eyes?

But the next second, she saw that Rorschach's eyes began to turn red.


Raven was startled, and the little thoughts she had before disappeared, and her face was full of surprise.

"See, I seem to have awakened a power, so I plan to try it out." Rorschach explained to Raven seriously.

Raven then realized that Rorschach's saying that he had something to do was not an excuse to perfunctorily deal with her, but that he really had something to do.

"Raven, I want to try out this ability of mine, so can you take me to a suitable place?"

Rorschach made a request to Raven.

Anyway, his heat rays were not a shameful secret, so he was naturally not afraid to show them in front of Mystique.

"Of course, no problem."

"It's best to find an open, larger place."

"Rorschach, Charles's family lacks everything except space."

Raven finally brought Rorschach to the playground in Charles' yard. Yes, can you believe that there is actually a playground in Charles's yard?

This space is definitely enough.

Rorschach took a deep breath, and the energy in his body began to gather in his eyes, condensing into two blazing beams of light.


Two heat rays burst out from Rorschach's eyes.

"Oh, damn!"

Raven couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed. Even though she was a mutant, the scene of shooting lasers from the eyes was very shocking to her.

Even if she didn't try the intensity of the ray herself, just by feeling it from the side, Raven could feel the powerful energy contained in it.

Chi Chi!

Two rays illuminated the night sky, like two dazzling pillars, so dazzling and gorgeous.

In Rorschach's eyes at this moment, it was the most beautiful beam in the world.

It's just a pity that the heat ray can only last for five seconds, and it won't work if it's longer, Rorschach's eyes can't stand it.

But considering that his progress has only unlocked 5% so far, Rorschach was relieved again. Five seconds is just the beginning, that's all!

Next, Rorschach found some stones for testing.

The hard stone is like paper in front of the heat ray, so fragile that Rorschach can easily smash it into slag.

"Yes, the heat ray will be an important trump card of mine!"

Rorschach was very satisfied with this.

"Rorschach, you have become stronger again, you are already the strongest among all of us." Raven said with great emotion.

In the past, everyone was actually quite optimistic about Alex's potential, after all, the opponent's energy ring was really strong.

Even Rorschach didn't dare to fight him easily.

But now, Rorschach also has a comparable attack method.

In addition, Charles' ability is completely ineffective against Rorschach, so there is no doubt that Rorschach is the strongest.

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