American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 215 Megatron is completely frightened by Rorschach

"All, all the Decepticons have been wiped out?"

"Rorschach, are you... too exaggerated?"

"That's more than a hundred Decepticons!"

After the scene was quiet for a while, a few murmured exclamations rang out.

Even these mutants who already understood the power of Rorschach were deeply shocked by Rorschach.

All this is done in two or three minutes, right?

More than one hundred and thirty Decepticons were killed!

This is really an exaggeration.


Earth Walker, Eagle and Zhanbo couldn't help but swallowed hard.

The eyes looking at Luo Xia were full of awe, and even his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

When they first saw that everyone recognized Rorschach as the strongest mutant, they were still dissatisfied and felt that everyone was exaggerating.

But now, he realizes how wrong he was!

Titles like "The Strongest Mutant" are far from enough to describe Rorschach's power. He is simply as powerful as a god.

They each felt lucky in their hearts. Fortunately, when they were blind at first, they had business matters to attend to and did not offend Rorschach.


It's true that even gods can't save them.

"Rorschach, so this is your true strength? Man, this is so perverted."

The siren's voice sounded, and he murmured, looking at Rorschach, and was shocked.

Having known Rorschach for so long, Siren originally thought that he knew Rorschach's power well enough, but now, he realized that he was terribly wrong.

He has never seen Rorschach's true strength!

The powerful strength Rorschach usually displays is just the tip of the iceberg, nothing more!

And they never know where Rorschach's upper limit is.

"Well, the crisis has been resolved just like that. This is something I didn't expect."

Charles' somewhat unexpected voice also sounded, and his voice was full of excitement.

Eric's reaction was similar to that of Charles. While he was surprised, he could not hide his joy.

Although Rorschach's philosophy is different from both of them, there is one thing they agree on:

The stronger Rorschach is, the better it will be for mutants!

Especially in the battle just now, Rorschach killed more than 130 Decepticons in just a few minutes by himself. It is no exaggeration to say that one person can defeat an army with this level of strength.

Of course, the "army" here refers to the human army.

If Rorschach really plans to attack humans like the Decepticons, humans may not have any power to stop him!

And this battle will definitely be known to the top brass soon.

A direct consequence is that Rorschach will have a huge deterrent effect on ordinary people!

It makes the senior officials fearful of mutants!

This is naturally very beneficial to the situation of mutants.

So Charles was in a really good mood at the moment.

Of course, what Charles didn't know was that he had already had similar intimidation. The blood shed in the Hexagon Building was not in vain.

"Emma, ​​tell us where to go next."

Charles was in a great mood and immediately contacted the White Queen.

Naturally, the White Queen had nothing to say nonsense, and immediately told Charles the specific location of the next Decepticon ravage.

The group boarded Hank's Blackbird fighter in high spirits and quickly left the scene.

Only the shocking corpses of the Decepticons, the nearly petrified military troops, and the similarly petrified onlookers were left.

The top of Brokenneck Mountain.


Starscream, who was waiting high-spiritedly for the good news with Megatron, suddenly had a look of shock on his face.

Even his voice stuttered a bit.

It can be seen how shocking it is.

"What's wrong, Starscream?"

Megatron immediately felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart. He immediately stared at Starscream and asked in a deep voice.

"The Blade Man just sent me a piece of information. Clutch and the others... have also been completely wiped out."

Starscream murmured to Megatron in an incredulous tone.


Megatron's voice suddenly rose an octave higher. He couldn't believe his ears at all, "Starscream, could it be that there was a mistake! How could they be completely wiped out by Clutch! What a joke!"

Clutch How long have they just been teleported to the battlefield?

And the clutch and the people who used the exhaust pipe before, there are a full 135 Decepticons!

At such a scale, can't they kill those mutants?

What a joke!

"Master, I have confirmed it!"

Starscream said tremblingly.

"Go, I want you to confirm it yourself!"

Megatron, on the other hand, shouted at Starscream angrily and irritably.

"Yes, Master! I'm going now!"


After saying this, Starscream immediately transformed into a fighter jet and flew away without any delay.

In just a moment, Starscream was gone and back again.

He transformed into a Decepticon again, but his face could no longer remain calm.

"All dead, Master, I saw it with my own eyes, Clutch and the others are all dead, without exception!"

"They are really... annihilated!"

Starscream said to Megatron again in a shocking voice.


Megatron felt that his brain exploded.

That was a full 135 Decepticons!

Such a huge and powerful force was actually wiped out in a few minutes?

How could such a thing be possible!

"Master, according to the intelligence, it was Rorschach who did it!"

In the quiet scene, Starscream added weakly, and it was like a heavy hammer, hitting Megatron hard.

"How is it possible!"

"How could such a terrible existence be born on this planet!"

"This doesn't make sense!"

Megatron was stunned for a long time before he angrily cursed in a shocking voice.

Starscream was trembling on the side, and didn't dare to talk at all.

After Megatron had vented for a long time, Red Spider cautiously asked: "Master, what should we do next?"

"Pass the order, all Decepticons, enter a dormant state!"

Megatron struggled for a long time before making this helpless decision.

A while ago, he declared war on the entire earth with the supreme grace of a king, how domineering he could be, and now, after such a short time, he has to shrink back in disgrace?

This is simply unacceptable to Megatron.

But thinking about the horror of Rorschach, Megatron also knew that he had no other way!

If he didn't do this, the Decepticons might really be exterminated on Earth!

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