American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 278: Second time traveling through time, starting with a violent beating of the Eternals


There was a trance in front of me, but it was still the familiar feeling of time travel.

After I calmed down, I looked around and found that the surrounding scenery had changed dramatically.

This was no longer the temporary office of the Avengers, but a brand new time and space.

June 22, 2016.

July 22, 2016, one month before all mutants disappeared mysteriously.

In order to ensure that he could find out the truth of the matter, Rorschach left himself enough margin in the time travel setting.

A whole month.

This time is actually very, very generous.

With Rorschach's current ability, he felt that in such a long time, he would be able to investigate something definite anyway.

After all, the mutants were still there during this period of time, and he could go directly to Charles. With Charles's powerful mental ability and brain wave enhancer, what could he not investigate?

If he couldn't even investigate this, then it would be useless for Rorschach to come earlier.

Even more so.

Rorschach can also go directly to find another self!

After all, according to the existing information, the other self is also an important participant in the disappearance of mutants.

No matter what the other self planned, it is obvious that something unexpected happened in the end.

But the other self is probably aware of the transmission.

And this.

It is exactly the information that Rorschach needs to know.

"It's just right, go to your own country!"

Thinking of this, Rorschach couldn't help but reveal a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

In any case, that is the country he created!

Although he had been there once in 2023, there was not even a mutant in the whole country at that time. All of them were outsiders who occupied the magpie's nest. The feeling was completely different.


But at this moment, Rorschach's heart moved slightly.

The corner of his mouth also raised a very playful smile.

He turned his head suddenly and looked at a corner behind him.


There was nothing.


But at the same time, the sound of extremely faint fluttering clothes was heard at the same time.

The sound was so faint that it was impossible for anyone to hear it.

But for Rorschach's super hearing, it was not a problem at all. He heard the sound very clearly.

Rorschach was sure that there was someone hiding in the corner!

It was just that the other party was very alert and very fast, and perfectly avoided his sight.

But, it was just a sight, nothing more.

Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, and his perspective ability was activated. He saw through the wall in an instant and found a figure hiding in the corner.

He was immediately surprised.

"It's her?"

"How could it be her?"

Rorschach frowned slightly.

There was someone hiding in the corner, Rorschach was not wrong about this, but the other party's identity was still beyond Rorschach's expectations.

The other party was actually Makari.

The mute girl among the Eternals.

His ability is speed. It is unknown whether he is faster than the Flash, but according to the performance in the movie, it is certain that he is faster than Quicksilver.

He had just appeared, but he was spotted by the Eternals. It seems that the information given by Captain Marvel is completely correct.

The disappearance of mutants is absolutely inseparable from the Eternals.

"Come out!"

"Do you really think you can hide from my ears and eyes?"

Rorschach hesitated for a moment, and then shouted in the direction of Makari.

A figure came out from the corner of the wall, and it was indeed Makari.

Makari came to Rorschach, looked at Rorschach carefully from top to bottom, and showed an extremely surprised look on his face.

She quickly made some sign language to Rorschach, and found that Rorschach could not understand it at all, so she took out paper and pen and wrote down her question: "Who are you?"

However, although the other party asked this, an important piece of information was also revealed.

Makari actually knew that he was not from his homeland!

This is very telling.

You have to know that Rorschach is the real Rorschach. If it were anyone else, they would not be able to distinguish themselves from the other self, and would only think that they were the Homelander.

But Makari actually distinguished them.

Of course, there is another possibility for this situation, that is, Makari did not know the Homelander in this time and space.

But this possibility is so low that Rorschach almost subconsciously ruled it out.

If Makari did not know the Homelander, why would he secretly stare at a stranger like himself?

And asked questions like who you are right at the beginning?

Obviously, Makari knew the Homelander, but he found a person who was the same as the Homelander in every aspect, but was not the Homelander, which led to the above scene.

"It was you who was staring at me, but you asked who I was?"

Rorschach grinned, "I should be the one asking the question, why are you staring at me?"

"First, state your identity, and I will answer you." Makari wrote quickly.

"I refuse!"

Rorschach shook his head directly, and then a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "Final warning, tell me why you are staring at me, otherwise, I will be rude to you."

If it were normal, Rorschach would have attacked Makari a long time ago, but now considering that it is not clear whether the other self and the Eternals are enemies or friends.

If it is an enemy, it is easy to say, but if it is a friend, isn't Rorschach digging a hole for the other self?

Although Rorschach has never cared much about the life and death of others, it is of course an exception for himself.

This is exactly why he is so polite to Makari.

"I can't believe you!"

Makari wrote on the paper again.

Rorschach laughed at the sight.

This girl is really interesting. If you don't believe me, do you think I will believe you?

"And then... we can't trust each other, so we refuse to tell each other the truth, and then, just let you go?"

"I'll just pretend that the things you targeted never happened?"

"Do you think it's appropriate?"

Rorschach spread his hands helplessly at Makari, "So, I have no choice but to do it to you. Remember, I have warned you."


After saying this, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense and directly shot two heat rays at Makari.


Makari's body shook, and he suddenly turned into a phantom and tried to escape.

But since Rorschach already knew that Makari's ability was speed, how could he not prepare in advance and make such a low-level mistake?


The next moment.

Makari's body directly hit a layer of energy barrier and was bounced back.

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