"It's you!"

Soon, Dr. Poison understood everything.

She stared at Rorschach with her eyes and snorted.

No doubt.

The one who destroyed the fighters she brought in an instant must be Homelander.

This person is indeed too extraordinary. No wonder Cyborg and Silver Swan died easily in his hands.

So many fighters were destroyed in an instant. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, would you dare to believe it?

"Homelander, I was really afraid of you before!"

"But now..."

Dr. Poison was so high-spirited, "It should be you who is afraid of me!"


Rorschach raised his eyebrows.


Immediately afterwards, there was no nonsense, and two extremely blazing heat rays shot towards Dr. Poison.


But at this time, a figure flashed.

It was Medusa who saw that Dr. Poison was in danger, so she temporarily gave up Diana and rushed towards Rorschach as fast as lightning.

The long sword in his hand stabbed at Rorschach fiercely.

The force was so fierce that it made a sharp sound in the air.

Rorschach didn't even look at Medusa.

While shooting at Dr. Poison with heat rays, he punched Medusa casually.


With a loud bang, Medusa flew out like a cannonball.


A big hole was smashed on the ground.


Dr. Poison's head was also blown into a ball of paste by Rorschach.

It was a miserable death.


A voice with a hint of surprise sounded.

Diana regained consciousness temporarily, her eyes staring at Rorschach, a flash of anger passed by.

"You are indeed a member of the Crime Company!"

Diana said angrily.

Diana had suspected this when she just arrived in Gotham, but it didn't take long for this doubt to be dispelled by her.

But now, I saw that this person was actually from the criminal company.

"Princess, she killed Dr. Poison!"

However, at this time, a seriously injured Amazon warrior next to her started to explain to Diana.

Diana was stunned for a moment, and then she noticed Dr. Poison who fell beside Rorschach.

The girl was a little confused.

So, is the Homelander here to help Amazon?

This guy who repeatedly beat me and ruthlessly took away my things actually came to help Amazon at this critical moment?

This is a bit too sudden, right?

"You killed her!"

"You killed her!"

The angry and murderous roar exploded, attracting Diana's attention.

Medusa, who was knocked to the ground by Rorschach's hammer, jumped up.

She glanced at Dr. Poison who died tragically on the ground, and her whole body trembled.

Her eyes seemed to be about to spit out flames.

"I want you to die!"

With another roar, Medusa rushed towards Rorschach with the sword in her hand.

A deep fear flashed across Diana's face.

"Homelander, don't look into her eyes, or you'll turn into stone!"

Diana didn't have time to think so much at this moment, and she shouted in a deep voice to remind Rorschach.

In fact, Diana didn't need to remind him at all, because the stone men around him had already alerted Rorschach.

He closed his eyes immediately.

Medusa couldn't help but sneer at the corner of her mouth.

How can she fight herself with her eyes closed?

Die, bastard!


But the next moment.

Rorschach shook his body, and disappeared in an instant, appearing in front of Medusa like a ghost.

He punched Medusa hard.

He easily avoided Medusa's sword attack and hit Medusa directly.

Medusa flew out again like a cannonball.


Boom boom boom.

Bang bang bang.

Such voices suddenly became endless.

Rorschach just started to beat Medusa, from here to there, and from there to here.

He beat Medusa into a three-grandson.

"How is it possible!"

"How could this happen!"

Medusa was beaten to doubt her life.

Is this person so powerful with his eyes closed?

What would he look like with his eyes open?

Good guy, after so many years of death, such a pervert actually appeared in the world?

"Is this the true strength of the Homelander?"

Diana was completely dumbfounded on the side, and the surviving Amazon warriors were also dumbfounded.

What kind of pervert is this guy called "Homelander"?

So fierce with his eyes closed?


Another explosion sounded.

Rorschach, who beat Medusa like a dead dog, instantly rushed in front of Medusa.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Medusa's neck directly.

"Homelander, danger!"

Diana's heart tightened, and she immediately reminded on the side.

As expected.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

The poisonous tongues on Medusa's head immediately opened their mouths and bit towards Rorschach's arm.

But Rorschach used his telekinesis fiercely.

Bang, bang, bang!

All the snake heads exploded immediately.

"What, what's going on!"

Medusa was dumbfounded and a little flustered.

Who is this guy and why is he so perverted?

"Look into my eyes!"

In anger, Medusa began to use mental control on Rorschach.

Trying to control the other party to open his eyes and look at her.

But soon.

Medusa was shocked to find that her mental control had no effect on Rorschach!


Rorschach flipped his hand and threw Medusa to the ground like a dead dog.

With his face facing down.

Then he stepped on Medusa's back, making Medusa unable to move.


The blazing heat ray swept over, and Medusa's head was cut off in an instant.

Gululu rolled to the side.


Diana couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Medusa was finally dead!

The crisis of Amazon was finally resolved.

"Homelander, although I don't know why you are here, you saved the Amazon, you saved all of us!"

Diana was silent for a moment, and then she said to Rorschach with a serious face.

"I hope you can still think so after you know what I did."

Rorschach shrugged at Diana, shook his body, flew into the air and disappeared.

? ? ?

Leaving Diana confused and messy in the wind.


The next moment.

Rorschach's figure appeared in Gotham again, in front of Catwoman.

And this time Rorschach came to Gotham again, with only one purpose, to say goodbye to Catwoman.

Since the matter of Paradise Island is over, Rorschach's stay in Gotham is no longer meaningful.

He plans to start his next journey.


That's right, Rorschach's next target is Superman.

Or Clark Kent.

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