American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 422: Homelander takes action, blasting Dachao


Accompanied by this sonic boom.

Clark Kent's figure appeared in a no-man's land far away from the party scene.

Also appearing together was the black boy captured by Clark Kent.

"Clark, you..."

The black boy stared at Clark Kent blankly, his eyes widening with unspeakable surprise.

During the days when he was bullied, Clark Kent was the only one who treated him sincerely.

Not only did she not bully him, she also helped him in every way.

He didn't expect that when he accidentally awakened his superpower to seek revenge, the person who stopped him was the only person he was grateful for.

"Davis, where have you been in the past six months? I can't contact you at all."

Clark Kent did not mention what happened just now, but became concerned about the other party's situation.

that's all.

First play an emotional card to get closer to the other person, and then slowly get into the other person's heart like a frog boiled in warm water.

Finally, give the other person some advice.

It only takes ten minutes.

Davis was humiliated by the Clark Kent Raiders.

"Clark, thank you, I would have made a big mistake if it weren't for you!"

Davis repented and thanked Clark Kent sincerely.

Clark Kent also had a very pleased smile on his face.

The two sides said a friendly farewell.

But what Davis didn't expect was that when he was about to reach the end of the path, a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

The other party just stood there, blocking his way.

There is no doubt that it is Rorschach.

"who are you?"

Davis became wary and asked, staring straight at the uninvited guest.

Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense. He swayed and appeared in front of Davis in the blink of an eye.

Feel it carefully.

Cosmic energy!


Davis also has cosmic energy in him!

It seems that there is no doubt about the matter.

The meteorite monsters that were irradiated by kryptonite all have cosmic energy that Rorschach can absorb.

"Are you a meteorite weirdo too? What are you going to do?"

Davis was suddenly startled, and his face became wary.

But Rorschach didn't say anything to Davis at all, and stretched out his hand directly to him.

Davis was naturally the first to dodge.

But there is no doubt that facing a demon king of Rorschach's level, how could he possibly hide away?


Rorschach's hand directly grabbed Davis' body.

"let me go!"

Davis immediately struggled desperately, but was unable to break free from Rorschach's "claws".

At the same time, Davis immediately felt some inexplicable changes in his body.

He suddenly panicked.

"You forced me to do this!"

Davis let out an angry roar and activated his ability on Rorschach.

An energy shock wave hit Rorschach instantly.


The imagined incident of Rorschach being blown up by him didn't happen at all.

The Asian boy in front of him endured his own powerful attack, but was unscathed.

Not affected at all!

It was as if the energy shock wave, which was enough to kill a cow, was just a breeze blowing across his face.

"How can it be!"

Davis almost popped his eyes out, his face was full of shock.

Is this person's body made of steel?

"let me go!"

"Let me go quickly!"

Davis became more and more panicked and kept yelling.


A sonic boom sounded.

Clark Kent appears.

His eyes looked over Luo Xia's body, and his expression suddenly changed slightly.

It's him!

This man had just arrived in Smallville on his first day, and he attacked people one after another. It seemed that he had an ulterior motive.


Rorschach's eyebrows raised.

I’m not too surprised by Clark Kent’s appearance.

"Lost? Still feel it's too boring at night and come out to relax." Luo Xia asked knowingly.

"Let him go!"

Clark Kent strode toward Rorschach.

"Clark, do I know you well? We just met."

There was a hint of sarcasm on Rorschach's face.

"Then I can only apologize!"


After Clark Kent said these words, he launched his super speed and rushed towards Rorschach.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Luo Xia, reaching out to grab Luo Xia.


But Rorschach flipped his hand and punched Clark Kent.

Accompanied by a dull crash.

Clark Kent was shaken violently and flew backwards like a cannonball.

A big hole was made in the ground.

what's the situation!

Clark Kent got up again and looked at Rorschach, his eyes filled with incomparable surprise.

Is this person's power so terrifying?

This is really the first time for Clark Kent to encounter such a situation.

Although Clark Kent has secretly solved many cases of meteorite monsters causing chaos and encountered meteorite monsters with various superpowers.

But no matter what kind of meteorite monster it is, no one has ever been as powerful as himself.

In terms of strength and speed, Clark Kent has always been at the crushing level.

However, now, he is crushed by others in the area where he is best.

"You are indeed not an ordinary person."

Clark Kent's face immediately became solemn, "No matter what your purpose is, let Davis go first."

"Again, do I know you well?"

Rorschach continued to raise his eyebrows.

In fact, he had no intention of doing anything to Davis. He would naturally let Davis go after absorbing the cosmic energy.

But Rorschach was too lazy to explain this to Clark Kent.

He acted for his countrymen, so why should he explain to anyone else?

Even Superman!

Of course, the words came back.

Even if Rorschach was willing to explain to Clark Kent, the other party would definitely not believe it.


Clark Kent swayed and rushed towards Rorschach again.

His speed was more than three times faster than before.

This time, Clark Kent was serious.

But what Clark Kent didn't know was that in Rorschach's eyes, he was still as slow as a snail.

There was no way.

The current high school Superman was really not strong.



The familiar scene appeared again.

Clark Kent had just appeared in front of Rorschach when he was knocked back by Rorschach's punch.


A huge rock was smashed to pieces by Clark Kent.

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